

      • Freso
        Looks to be a short meeting though/too.
      • yvanz
        CatQuest: Thanks, I fix some bugs on one hand, but I add sometimes others on the other hand. ;)
      • CatQuest
        I was just realising that oyur name means y van z not yvanz or something :) and yes, you helped me with several tickets :)
      • MBJenkins
        Project musicbrainz-server_master build #563: SUCCESS in 20 min: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/musicbrainz-serve...
      • kahu joined the channel
      • Freso
      • Hi people!
      • It seems like it'll be a short meeting, so let's get on with it. :)
      • Freso!
      • I did a bit of work on preparing for the upcoming Google Code-in. I took it off this week's agenda, but I'll be talking more about this next week.
      • I also spent a bit of time on Google Summer of Code. All mentor evaluations were submitted in time. 1 failed student, 4 passed. We'll release more details once Google has published the results. (Of course, relevant mentor and/or student might choose to spill the beans, but that's for them to decide.)
      • I've updated the Discourse installation, dealt with some reported editors (have a couple of reports on my backlog right now), and generally tried to be around and about.
      • Also been doing thinking about some of things I want to actually start taking a crack at once I've moved to BCN, such as revamping our social contracts, code of conduct, etc., etc.
      • fin.
      • Oh, the people for review:
      • Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, ruaok, LordSputnik, Leftmost, alastairp, CatQuest, rahulr, hellska, kartikgupta0909
      • (Not like I do this every week...)
      • reosarevok: Go!
      • reosarevok
      • We had this discussion about merging vocals and instruments the past few weeks
      • I was hoping to discuss it in the summit, but it seems there's no summit, so bitmap: once you're done with docker maybe we can talk a bit about UI ideas for it
      • No hurry though :)
      • bitmap
      • reosarevok
        Oh, also
      • Since I'm not sure I mentioned it here, the IA mentioned a couple weeks ago that the larger size thumbnail stuff for the CAA (1200px) should be done in "two to four weeks"
      • CatQuest
        so.. 3 months then? :P
      • reosarevok
        So expect that in a few weeks I guess :) Not sure what code changes we'll need on our side once it's done, if any
      • CatQuest is kidding
      • Anyway, fin! :)
      • bitmap
      • Freso
        I'm not sure you mentioned it in (the context of) a meeting, but I do recall you mentioning it.
      • bitmap: Hi!
      • bitmap
        I got all of the MBS docker configuration using consul-template, which makes deployment a lot easier than the m4 stuff
      • but there's still some configuration/permission issues when the containers start, should have that fixed today
      • zas
      • Freso
        (Oh, and beets is now dual-Py2/Py3 in large part thanks to jrobeson. So I added missing Py3 dependencies to Arch Linux's AUR and made a package for a python3 build if anyone wants to play around with it: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/beets-python... )
      • bitmap
        I got wal archiving betweent the master/slave pg containers working too
      • zas
        bitmap: how did you do finally ?
      • bitmap
        well, I just setup an rsyncd daemon on the slave for now, which seems fine since it already had runit setup
      • for running consul-template too
      • zas
      • mihaitish joined the channel
      • bitmap
        was also looking into haproxy to load balance multiple slave servers, but will probably put that on hold if we'll only have one slave for now
      • Freso
        bitmap: fin?
      • Soz. :)
      • bitmap
        fin, I think
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat
        Submitted GSoC eval. Daniele didn't have enough time to finish the project, unfortunately.
      • Worked on mail container for MeB. Now messages go out, but are blocked by spam filters (tried only with Gmail). Not sure how to handle that
      • Spent some time researching consul, registrator
      • zas
        Gentlecat: we can set up relaying on gmail
      • Gentlecat
        And fixed tests in CAA redirect that got broken after the schema change
      • fin
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat
        zas: there's a PR
      • zas
        I prepared the new vm on gcloud to host Discourse
      • and made all of it working with docker, including LE certs with auto renewal
      • Freso
      • zas
        i tested using backups and it should work smoothly
      • CatQuest
      • zas
      • CallerNo6
      • zas
        private repo though
      • so i'm working on openresty container and i'm trying to make it work the same way revproxy container does with LE companion
      • it would allow us to have LE certs without any hassle on all domains
      • i hope to finish soon, especially because we have wildcard domains to renew on 8th
      • i would avoid that, and go for LE
      • plus usual maintenance & supervision, no notable issue this week
      • fin.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        biz dev. lb bq. FOaaS. fin.
      • Freso
        How was Eire?
      • Not that interesting I guess then. :)
      • LordSputnik!
      • CatQuest
        I know he's done some work on the gui interfce of bb
      • Freso
      • alastairp!
      • alastairp
      • I'm back
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
        Hurray! :)
      • Wb :)
      • alastairp
        I was in New York for a conference presenting work we did on AB
      • it went down really well
      • kartikgupta0909
        thats great
      • alastairp
        we have a few good collaborations down, including a possible really interesting one related to datasets/machine learning/data intelligence
      • Freso
        Nice. Any new hackers for the project there? :p
      • alastairp
        I saw a neat paper by this guy called Kartik Gupta
      • kartikgupta0909
        i would like your fedback on our work my well
      • alastairp
      • CatQuest
      • kartikgupta0909
        i mean with tillman weyde
      • alastairp
        Freso: not sure, one maybe
      • another half on data collection, for sure
      • kartikgupta0909
        Freso: dont worry I am gonna stick here for long :p
      • alastairp
        anyway. After that I was on vacation for 2 weeks
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909: We can always use more!
      • alastairp
        just got back today
      • CatQuest
        that's the spirit!
      • Freso
      • alastairp
        this week's task is to integrate all of kartikgupta0909's stuff and get it live
      • that's me
      • kartikgupta0909
        yupp, we can easily fo that alastairp
      • alastairp
        (that's me == fin, fyi)
      • Freso
      • CatQuest thought so
      • Freso didn't catch that at all :|
      • CatQuest: Go!
      • CatQuest
        nååå har jeg endelig fått gjort noe!
      • now I have finally done some things!
      • added a bunch, aand closed my first tickets as "no fix" :​o
      • (if anyone disagrees they can be viewed at http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/secure/IssueNavi...)
      • (well *technically* I'll be adding the bunches on tuesday evening, but I digress)
      • Mostly I've been working on R1 Math this week, and will probably be doing that most of my time forward, hopefully I'll be getting in a regular rhythm that means I can work on R1 things as well as do testing for bookbrainz AND add instruments.
      • dett var dett!
      • Freso
      • alastairp
        Freso: yeah, there was a bit of silence so I thought I'd clarify. Is that a NZ thing?
      • rahulr
      • alastairp
        ruaok: I saw your bigquery commits. looks cool. can we talk about that this week? either on irc or in person
      • Freso
        alastairp: Maybe. I'm not a native en_* speaker though, so... :shrug:
      • :)
      • rahulr
        Last week, did some travelling, some college work, and some fixes to open PRs.
      • That's all.
      • FergusL joined the channel
      • Freso
        hellska isn't here.
      • kartikgupta0909!
      • kartikgupta0909
        Did nothing last week except of making plans of research
      • and also findking a record label to release my first track
      • fin :)
      • CatQuest
      • CatQuest wants a mb link t othat
      • kartikgupta0909
        yeah I produced a trance track for which i need a label
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909: Good luck with that!
      • kartikgupta0909
        thanks Freso :)
      • Freso
        ... It looks like kartikgupta0909 was last on my list.
      • CatQuest
        *need*? y not release yourself on like bandcamp etc?
      • kartikgupta0909
      • CatQuest
        but yea, neat!
      • kartikgupta0909
        its always better to release it on a popular label
      • Freso
        And with no other topics on the agenda, that's it for tonight's meeting.
      • lazka joined the channel
      • CatQuest
        kartikgupta0909: nja.. don't agree but
      • Freso
        Thank you all for your time!
      • </BANG>
      • CatQuest
        Freso: \o/ short meeting!
      • Freso
        CatQuest: As I said. :)
      • kartikgupta0909
        I havent received the rejection or pass email from the gsoc site
      • ?
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909: I don't think it's been published.
      • kartikgupta0909
        oh the timeline shows its announced