

      • Gentlecat
        I started implementing new trigger generator for the indexer, since we mostly figured out how it should work
      • ruaok
        how many triggers will this use?
      • if it is more than a handful, I remain skeptical.
      • Gentlecat
        set up welcome topic on the community website in the critiquebrainz section (thanks, Freso)
      • Freso
        De res. :)
      • Gentlecat
        and created a topic for a discussion about ratings
      • ruaok: 3 for each table that needs to be tracked
      • CatQuest
        ooh links?
      • ruaok
        ugh. :(
      • Gentlecat
        reviewed a bunch of code
      • and some gsoc proposals
      • reosarevok
      • Gentlecat
      • CatQuest
        many this year?
      • Gentlecat
        Quesito: ?
      • Quesito
      • I continued my MeB education
      • Gentlecat
        CatQuest: too early to say
      • ruaok
        and by that she means: beer!
      • Leftmost
      • ruaok runs away
      • Quesito
        Mid-week I welcomed a new supporter to the bronze tier!
      • CatQuest
        Leftmost: MeBducation!
      • Quesito
        then continued my MeB education with ruaok over 5 hours...
      • MeBeercation
      • my gantt chart did get the ax....but my plan for MeB world domination continues on...
      • CatQuest
        but wtf is a ganttttt chart?
      • reosarevok
        I gantt even
      • ruaok
      • Leo_Verto[m]
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        now Quesito, that was not against world domination. our flavor of world domination just works without gantt charts.
      • Leftmost
        But not without beer and chocolate.
      • Quesito
        Zas helped me with a French email which I owe him beer for and appreciate greatly.
      • CatQuest
        chocolate > beer
      • Leftmost
        (Or even better, chocolate beer.)
      • Quesito
        yes ruaok...so now my world domination plan will be carried out via JIRA ORG thank to Freso setting it up this am
      • CatQuest
        Leftmost: o_O
      • ruaok
        much much better1
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        I'm still not sure where cheese fits into the MeB scheme of solving stuff with chocolate and beer
      • Quesito
        Leftmost: Mackeson XXX stout....
      • Freso
        Leftmost: beer chocolate though, amirite?
      • ruaok
      • Freso
        Lots of reviews today!
      • (People still up: yvanzo samj1912-via-Freso ferbncode CatQuest Leo_Verto[m] – LordSputnik? Leftmost? alastairp? Mineo? – who else?)
      • Quesito
        I am now between verbiage and getting organised in ORG
      • fin!
      • Leo_Verto[m]: go!
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        Okay, I had a surprisingly productive week
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC Getting Started: https://goo.gl/JTNkn0 | MeB meeting agenda: reviews, DR: MBS-9271 (bitmap), BrainzBot brain+gh plugins (Leo, samj), DR: CB-244 (Gentlecat)
      • Freso
        That sounds surprisingly okay!
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        Worked a lot of BrainzBot (am in fact even working on it during this meeting)
      • I signed up to help with MineoBot and improving crosslinking with wikidata
      • CatQuest
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        And generally opened and closed a lot of JIRA tickets
      • reosarevok
        "signed up" - you were conscripted IIRC :p
      • (but yay)
      • Freso
        (bitmap, Leo_Verto[m], Gentlecat, I moved bitmap's topic up so it can hopefully get resolved tonight and we can the schema change sorted. Reviews are taking a long time tonight, so not sure if we'll get through all agenda items. :/)
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        anyway, more on botbot later
      • yvanzo: go!
      • yvanzo
        Thanks Leo_Verto[m].
      • I have been formally hired by some foundation as you might have guessed from https://blog.musicbrainz.org/2017/03/13/
      • Freso
      • yvanzo
        FYI, I unified my various nicknames on *Brainz, Freenode, and GitHub to match my BookBrainz account, yvanzo.
      • Freso
        Congrats/my condolences. :p
      • loujine
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: That is *self-documenting*! ;)
      • ruaok
        that foundation looks dodgy. better be careful.
      • yvanzo
        I knew it, I knew it!
      • CatQuest
        totes legit ¬¬
      • yvanzo
        For the rest, my first main and still on-going assignment has been to extend dynamic attributes, currently for Work only, to all other primary entity types, but URL, and secondary entity type Medium (MBS-8393 for next schema change).
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-8393: Extend dynamic attributes to all entities https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-8393
      • yvanzo
        In case MusicBrainz development would not make expected progress, I will immediately blame gcilou who just stepped out.
      • ruaok
        oohh, you're learning fast.
      • Quesito
      • yvanzo
        Término, ferbncode?
      • zas
      • CatQuest
        hey don't blame gcilou ! \/
      • ferbncode
      • zas
        bienvenue à bord yvanzo ;)
      • ferbncode
        I worked on my gsoc proposal and sent a couple of bugfixes to CB related to ISEs on event and place review pages. nothing much. working on improving the proposal. :)
      • fin!
      • Freso
        (People still up: samj1912-via-Freso CatQuest – LordSputnik? Leftmost? alastairp? Mineo? – who else?)
      • ferbncode
        CatQuest: go! :)
      • CatQuest
        ferbncode: \o/
      • last week a wonderful thing happened; loujine created for me an "batch add aliases" script https://bitbucket.org/loujine/musicbrainz-scrip...
      • it's still in an early stages, so anyone using it must be careful!
      • but I've been using it and it's fantastic, it's made adding aliases for instruments a dream!
      • so: everybody, it's completely ok to request aliases for instruments now; or any instruments where the WD/wp has a list of linked languages with names? make a ticket with lists or links <3
      • Freso
      • !m loujine
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, loujine!
      • Freso
        (And CatQuest. :))
      • CatQuest
        as such I've made a great headway in adding instruments from the hybrid ticket: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-723 (as always anyone who knows of any other hybrid instruments, existing or just ticets themselves, please link them)
      • BrainzBot
        STYLE-723: new instrument-instrument relationship: is a hybrid of
      • CatQuest
        dett hv' dett.
      • next is; tja... Leftmost?
      • !m loujine indeed
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, loujine indeed!
      • Leftmost
        I had jury duty during the meeting last week and family since, so I've just been brainstorming and not writing any code. And I'm out of town right now.
      • CatQuest
      • Leftmost
        When I get home this weekend, though... you just wait and see. I might fix some whitespace.
      • Freso
      • CatQuest
        . on your wall ¬¬
      • Leftmost
        Fin. samj1912proxy?
      • Freso
        Watch out, whitespace!
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
        samj1912 says:
      • """
      • Hi everyone, can't make it to the meeting since I have an early morning flight to catch.
      • So Freso should most probably be posting this instead.
      • Worked on lots of picard PRs and fixed tickets and did PR reviews this week. Was at home so lots of free time.
      • Also finished up my Gsoc proposals first draft, those interested can see it here - Picard v2. 0 https://community.metabrainz.org/t/gsoc-2017-pi...
      • Also setup things for a 1.4.1 release.
      • Will be afk next week since going trekking. Might be in a region with poor network connectivity so sadly no irc and definitely won't be able to code.
      • Will try to catch up with irc stuff once a day though. Will be back on 19. Fin.
      • """
      • LordSputnik, Mineo, alastairp?
      • reosarevok
        !m samj1912
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, samj1912!
      • Leftmost
        samj1912 is written in python. Take careful note.
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Writing itself :)
      • ruaok
        Freso: we need to get to the first agena item urgently. please mind the time accordingly.
      • Freso
        ruaok: Yep. Hence why I moved it up.
      • LordSputnik, Mineo, alastairp seem to not be around.
      • ruaok
      • Freso
        bitmap: DR: MBS-9271
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9271: Prevent usernames from being reused https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9271
      • bitmap
        we need to decide if we want to disallow people from taking usernames that were previously used
      • the main objector doesn't seem to be around though
      • (chirlu)
      • CatQuest thinks that "i changed my username" ones should apply, but "spam/squat/etcetra ones shouldn't
      • CatQuest
        they are suually not now, but as musicbrainz becomes more and has more users
      • it miht be more common
      • ruaok
        do we know any other internet sites that have a similar "do not re-use names" policy?
      • reosarevok
        (on that regard, I have someone on support right now who has two accounts, one of them with only PUID submissions but the desired username, and is asking if we can remove that one and change the username of the old one to it)
      • bitmap
        if we do this, it would also resolve MBS-9275 for future cases (since those names could never be re-assigned)
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9275: The OAuth userinfo endpoint doesn't return a unique ID for "sub" https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9275
      • ruaok
        FB, clearly, since they never delete anything ever.
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok's case also coems to mind, yes
      • it might make someusername+numbers more common though, which is not desirable
      • ruaok
        does anyone feel strongly about this either way?
      • reosarevok
        I don't think most spam usernames are something people will want to reuse, but some might be
      • Freso
        LiveJournal has/had old account names reserved for some years, but will/would eventually release (purge) them.
      • Gentlecat
        I think it's better to let people change it one way or another
      • ruaok
        when we discussed it outside the meeting there were lots of thoughts, but very little now.
      • bitmap doesn't feel strongly
      • Gentlecat
        but not until issues that might be caused by changes are resloved
      • CatQuest
        [21:52] <reosarevok> I don't think most spam usernames are something people will want to reuse, but some might be
      • gcilou
        yvanzo: 😱