Thanks, zas. I'll let them know - I've got no way of testing this myself.
Ok, np ;)
Just to explain, we have a BBC wide flag that we can change in order to shift MB web service clients from BBC MB to MB master. A dev team is testing their implementation to ensure it respects the flag. If we had to use the flag in anger, I can assure you that we wouldn't change it until we'd consulted with you!
agentsim joined the channel
samj1912 joined the channel
zas - they've completed their testing you can remove the rate limits for those IPs. Thanks very much for your help!
ok, thanks
if they used it in anger I'm sure we'd notice immediately :)
boneskull joined the channel
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alastairp: what do you need? I have tons of conductive thread if you want already in BCN-I don't use it often because it's not the best....i have several brands-including adafruit. Anywho let me know!
Matthew_Glubb has quit
have as much of our crap as you want. first rate crap!
Quesito: the other thing is that both ruaok and I want a handful of things from adafruit, but shipping is more expensive than the components, and as you are currently on the correct side of the atlantic to resolve this situation....
not sure what alastairp wants, but my few things all fit into a smallish envelope
Vale alastairp ruaok send me an email list
might be easier for you to send alastairp your snail mail and alastairp ships there directly, no?
I only want a few sensors, so very small too
Right on
Will do in a min
iliekcomputers: I did something wrong in a previous rebase and just made a new branch listen-counts-using-influx-2 . good news? All the tests pass!
I have a few more things to do on that branch before PR, so say tuned.
ruaok: when you're back please look into the latest email by M.S., I can't quickly find and answer and I won't be online on a PC for the next 24 h or so (going to Tallinn to see my team lose a cup final)
Isn't the answer to reload?
khan____ joined the channel
I have no idea, if I knew I'd answer :)
pbryan joined the channel
I'd expect bitmap knows but I don't think he's on the list?
Sophist_UK joined the channel
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ruaok: looks like you were trying to set musicbrainz username that is already associated with another user
\o oh hai. how does one go about getting posting permission to the blog now a days?
arbenina_ joined the channel
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CatQuest: do you have a wordpress username?
PM me with it, or an email address if not
b0neskull joined the channel
CatQuest: sent you an invite. I'll be afk but there should be some sort of user creation thing now
When are you hoping to post?
boneskull has quit
IIRC I was supposed to add some stuff to the post but I won't be around until tomorrow late evening
hmm.. maybe after monday's meeting. so tuesday? I'll invite peopel to look at it :O
Perfect then :)
That'd work great for me
WHy does wordpress say "CatQuest" is unavailable" but when I ask them to send an email they say "user catquest doesn't escist" ARG wtf
UmkaDK has quit
ok so how does this work i cna jsut lin kyou like
hmm. is there way ot make the editng area wider :/
github joined the channel
[messybrainz-server] paramsingh opened pull request #17: Migrate to Python 3 (master...master)
github has left the channel
hello :)
i grabbed the latest database snapshot and then tried to run the lucene index on it and got the following error: i don't appear to have a language column in the work table. is this a database snapshot error?