

      • reosarevok
      • iliekcomputers
      • Freso
        Quesito: Let's put it as its own topic.
      • Quesito
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | Picard meeting (Tues, 18:00 UTC): Working document https://goo.gl/anENrc | MetaBrainz meeting agenda (now: 17 UTC!): reviews, MB User Survey (Leo_Verto/Quesito), social media banner contest (Quesito)
      • then fin for me! just keeping hot and busy! :) reosarevok go!!!
      • yvanzo
        !m Quesito
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, Quesito!
      • Quesito
        aww thanks yvanzo ;)
      • reosarevok was at a festival and swimming in lakes and generally enjoying that it's finally summer here
      • reosarevok
        Caught up on things last night, had my graduation ceremony today, and should have more time now going forward (at least until I leave for Spain in mid-July)
      • Quesito
        woot! congrats on graduating!
      • reosarevok
        I'm going to try to use this week to concentrate on looking at that DRAM database (which comes in hand with the classical thing), some actual style, and whatever comes out of Quesito's classical thing I guess :D
      • I guess while having these classical discussions we should also discuss Sophist-UK's request for work structure levels :)
      • That's about it from me, Gentlecat?
      • Gentlecat
      • I continued work on solar
      • Freso
        reosarevok: I think it would be great to get Mickäel (Deezer guy) looped in on Sophist-UK's work tag discussion. :)
      • Gentlecat
      • reosarevok
        Freso: let's talk that post-meeting, but yes please
      • Freso
        ❤️ autocorrect
      • Gentlecat
        we deployed test instance of MB with it, so
      • it's kind of working
      • reosarevok
        :) Nice!
      • Gentlecat
        I also reviewed a bunch of stuff today
      • and merged some of it
      • bitmap: ?
      • Freso
        !m Gentlecat
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, Gentlecat!
      • bitmap
        I fixed some bugs in the json dumps related to deletions / compression
      • and switched to pixz so we can compress things with multiple cores
      • samj1912 was busy with some IRL stuff this week so nothing much to report
      • Freso
        samj1912: You can report that when you're called on. ;)
      • bitmap
        downloaded the VM and came up with some steps to schema-upgrade it, though the guy I was helping never emailed back to say if it worked
      • if it does I guess I'll write a blog post since others were having issues
      • Freso
        (Still up: Freso, yvanzo, samj1912, psolanki, ListMyCDs, iliekcomputers, ferbncode; maybe up (please confirm): LordSputnik, Leo_Verto[m], alastairp; anyone else?)
      • bitmap
        also helped set up test.mb for the solr stuff
      • debugged these transient ArtistCreditEditor test failures in mbs
      • Freso read ancient there for a second...
      • got to the bottom of the recent replication packet breakage, which is an issue in dbmirror
      • zas
        !m bitmap
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, bitmap!
      • Freso
      • bitmap
        which I think we should fix since replication is kind of important
      • Freso
      • "Kind of"...
      • bitmap
        I think we should also probably write dbmirror in pl/pgsql, but we need tests for dbmirror first (there are none currently) and then evaluate performance
      • but that can theoretically be done in tens of lines in a vastly safer language, rather than hundreds of lines of C
      • anyway, fin
      • yvanzo: ?
      • yvanzo
      • For one thing, I did not wreck MB server, not yet.
      • Freso
      • !m yvanzo
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, yvanzo!
      • Quesito
        ^ :D
      • yvanzo
        Next server update is scheduled for today with bitmap.
      • Last week, I get wrongly prepared to it and it took most of time.
      • Freso
        Will this have the fix for edit notes by blocked editors?
      • yvanzo
        Besides, I pursued my work on overdue features (spammers and work attributes).
      • Freso: just scripts for now.
      • Freso
        Ooh. Work attributes! 😍
      • Eh, entity attributes, right?
      • yvanzo
      • I reworked this part after work languages feedback.
      • ListMyCDs, you go?
      • ListMyCDs
      • I'm currently writing UI components and hopefully soon able to make some simple queries to my search server.
      • go psolanki
      • psolanki
      • Freso
        (Still up: Freso, samj1912, iliekcomputers, ferbncode; maybe up (please confirm): LordSputnik, Leo_Verto[m], alastairp; anyone else?)
      • psolanki
        wrote sql scripts for the schema changes for CB rating project
      • currently working on db queries and its test scripts
      • Also, started learning parallel computing past week
      • And played a lot of football
      • fin. next samj1912 ?
      • samj1912 was busy with some IRL stuff this week so nothing much to report
      • samj1912
        iliekcomputers: go
      • Freso
      • iliekcomputers
        hello :0
      • So I spent time this week on two things.
      • One, I spent a day or two trying to fix LB-158. There's some weird behaviour in influxdb-python that made this
      • a bit hard to solve and the bug was open for like a month, but we have it working now. \o/
      • BrainzBot
        LB-158: Add test to ensure that user names with influx special characters work correctly https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-158
      • iliekcomputers
        One, I spent a day or two trying to fix LB-158. There's some weird behaviour in influxdb-python that made this
      • a bit hard to solve and the bug was open for like a month, but we have it working now. \o/
      • Fin
      • ferbncode: go
      • ferbncode
        Hi :)
      • iliekcomputers
        wait wtf I copied the same thing twice
      • ferbncode
        This week I worked on changes to CB dockerfiles and documentation for setting up dev env with direct database access to MB.
      • Also worked on using database for entity 'place'. Opened it but the work in still in progress :P. More on it tonight :)
      • iliekcomputers will go again at the end, if okay Freso ?
      • fin!
      • Freso
        iliekcomputers: Go now. :)
      • iliekcomputers
        ah cool
      • hello again :/
      • Two, I spent some time writing code which is able to run queries on Google BigQuery. No Pull Request yet,
      • but I'll have one up as soon as the schema in which we store statistics gets merged.
      • Freso is the only left in reviews - feels weird to be last :o
      • fin now
      • Freso: go :)
      • Freso
        Cheers. :)
      • 🙌
      • alastairp
        ferbncode: cool, can't wait to see a PR :)
      • Freso: (here)
      • LordSputnik is here
      • ferbncode
        alastairp: I sent a work in progress PR > https://github.com/metabrainz/critiquebrainz/pu... try finishing it soon
      • Freso
        I spent a bunch of time on IRC and forums, helped with the OpenScore blog post, prepared a blog post with the meeting minutes of the last two MetaBrainz board meeting (waiting for ruaok to look it over, but it'll probably get published this week).
      • I subbed for reosarevok in support@ over the weekend and I also did a PR for MSP-3 which got merged and Gentlecat pushed live earlier! 🙌
      • alastairp
        ferbncode: ah, it's new! I didn't see it - cool
      • Freso
        And I did a Discourse upgrade.
      • Fin!
      • alastairp!
      • alastairp
        I'm not sure exactly what I've been up to the last few weeks
      • Freso
        (Still up: LordSputnik; maybe up (please confirm): Leo_Verto[m]; anyone else?)
      • alastairp
        mostly code review for ferbncode and iliekcomputers (and slacking on reviews for ruaok)
      • every time I get my head above water, LB has more PRs :)
      • iliekcomputers
      • Freso
        !m iliekcomputers :D
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, iliekcomputers :D!
      • alastairp
        I still have many outstanding AB PRs that I would like to get to, not sure when that will happen
      • otherwise, I'm always around
      • LordSputnik: ?
      • Freso
        Oh, addendum:
      • I had a meeting with Mickäel from Deezer together with Quesito and Gentlecat where we talked about many things, as Quesito has already talked about. I felt it was a good meeting. Nice to meet people from outside our little "circle". :)
      • LordSputnik: Go go.
      • CardinalWolseley joined the channel
      • LordSputnik
      • Quesito
        it was quite a lovely meeting I would agree Freso! :)
      • LordSputnik
        So this week I worked on getting a number of BB PRs merged
      • Freso
        Leo_Verto[m]: Ping?
      • LordSputnik: Did you succeed?
      • LordSputnik
        We now only have one outstanding PR so I'm quite happy with the progress
      • I also fixed our coverage reporting and started upgrading some dependencies
      • Once that's all done, it'll be release time
      • fin.
      • Freso
        Quesito: Social media banner contest
      • Quesito
        thats awesome LordSputnik !
      • ok SMBC...
      • we have no entries.
      • e can extend the deadline till EoM and do a few more adverts
      • lazka joined the channel
      • (option 1)
      • option 2: cancel it and call it a day.
      • Option 3: another idea? please voice here
      • Freso
        I say 2 for now. Maybe we can revisit in some months/half a year/... and see if we want to shake things up.
      • Quesito
        any imput is welcome.........
      • +1
      • +1 for 2