stopped caa-redirect containers and restarted. fixed.
seems that this happens a bit. I think the containers need to be a bit more resilient.
ruaok goes back to his presentation
localhorse_ joined the channel
(I hope this isn't a summit presentation ;)
localhorse has quit
it will be given during the summit time, yes.
though not in Barcelona. :(
as long as you don't give an amazing gantt chart presentation that leaves the rest of us in the dust
damnit. I've been found out. gannt chart presentations is where its clearly at!
kyan joined the channel
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khan joined the channel
drsaunders joined the channel
Did you know that Gantt invented the eponimous chart when he as trying to present the timelines of the composers using data from MB?
ruaok: thx, those containers are failing quite often, mostly when something unexpected happens, like a connectivity issue. I think bitmap is aware of those weaknesses.
ok, kewl.
kyan has quit
38 slides for a 10 minute talk. hmmm.
darkhorse has left the channel
darkhorse joined the channel
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ruaok: so the tees and the covers have all arrived? (is what the internet says correct?)
cover yes. tees are in the building with a neighbor who hasn't been home when I tried to collect it
right on! great to hear they are at least on site! awesome!
zas: also, I am instituting a new "Frequent visitor inverse benefits program" at my house. Frequent guests have to make their own beds.
It's that time of the year again with the last IRC meeting before the summit. :)
Kind of expansive agenda, so let's get started with iliekcomputers!
iliekcomputers is sitting in Delhi airport with nothing much to report. Kinda busy week for me irl.
Expansive? Full I think is a better word.
Fin, Freso go
I spent a bunch of time on reported editors - lots of reported spammers, but also some actual editors.
One editor in particular seems to keep popping up with new accounts, deleting their old ones as soon as they've been "found out", and they quickly make 100's of new edits that need cleaning up every time. :(
do you know the root account of this person?
I've poked zas and bitmap and ruaok and yvanzo about it, to try and see if there's something we can do apart from just whacking the mole every time they pop up with a new account.
ruaok: It's long since deleted.
I have 3 or 4 reports about them. As soon as one account is disabled, it's usually deleted in less than 24 hours after.
And they change up the e-mail (more or less slightly) every time.
there needs to be a spam topic at the summit where we dig deeper into this.
Quite annoying.
Well, this one isn't a spammer per se.
Just an editor that enter horrible edit notes, doesn't respond to edit notes, and doesn't follow guidelines/style even after it's been pointed out to them.
The releases and artists they add seem to really exist, they're just added horribly.
Apart from that, I came home to BCN this week and have spent time on forums and IRC too. I also seem to have gotten ill leading up to the weekend. Feeling better today, so hopefully I will be okay for the summit.
ok, please stay away from the office for a bit then. lets see if we can avoid sharing this one. :(