I worked on AB a lot this week, had a quite productive discussion with alastairp on what we need to do to get AB data dumps working again. I then spent a some time reading AB code and understanding the schema. Working on AB-315 for now. Also opened a few small PRs on LB, but now that stuff is being reviewed again, I'll start focusing more on LB again.
The MetaBrainz Foundation had a board meeting on Friday, so as Secretary of the board, I also did some work surrounding that.
jwf is here, but has nothing to report as of now – caught up in travels, working through past actions. But still here :)
We got the news on Thursday that we're in for another round of Google Code-in, so that also took some of my time. I'll talk more about GCI later (expect that to be a recurring agenda item for the next several weeks :)).
Apart from that, hanging around on IRC and forums.
iliekcomputers excited for GCI!
samj1912! Go!
jwf: I think it's a bit early for gci2018. :p
So this week I worked with bitmap to complete the rest of Solr project.After 115 commits and 40 PRs this month, We are now at feature parity with the current search server and I have also solved all the blocking bugs and tickets.Atleast the ones Mineo and Gentlecat told me about and the ones me reo and bitmap figured out. Only Just https://github.com/metabrainz/sir/pull/53 Is left to be merged. Apart from that I also learnt a lot
of things this week. More info on solr.
And I also learnt perl basics.
I also helped bitmap with creating a test dump
Which involved me going through our entire db
I also worked with zas to dockerize the solr server properly
And also learnt about the way our deployment process works properly.
I mostly explored the "release" pages. Edited a personal video about a summit during the weekend. Link is here: https://youtu.be/sxCzHCOb4NA
For all those who were there, and couldn't be!
Then started working on the "edits" page a bit. Ran the mockups through Ruoak. Will slice it up for feedback and put it up on tickets this coming week :)
If not, zas, go. And reosarevok can go after if he's around.
Sorry, I was at a concert. I'll go after zas
chhavi_: That video is really nice btw. :)
i migrated stuff from our old nagios server at ousl.org to gcloud, and set up alerts through telegram, it was involving a lot of small tasks, but i sorted it out, dine
That makes more sense. :p
i handled few user complaints about blacklist
jwf wonders how MeB uses GCloud… would be an interesting read.
All of them QNAP'ers?
most of them
some have dynamic IPs, so ...
but that's very few compared to the number of blacklisted IPs
about that, we are making progress with QNAP team...
they are aware of the issue, and may do something
Freso 🙌
That sounds like a very diplomatic phrase.
well, not sure if they'll actually do something until they do
you know, big company ....
Freso: There is no magic wand, even in their hands.
apart that, server upgrades, minor fixes, server reboots, etc....
fin. yvanzo ?
anshuman73 is in too, after a long time. though, nothing to report as of now, Probably will in the upcoming weeks leading to GCI, once I catch up.
anshuman73: :)
I did support, and spent the rest of the week doing homework and trying to get my project with Wikimedia Estonia ready. I did look at some style related posts on the forum and made some comments though
yvanzo: I'm pretty sure that's all he had. Just go. :)
Leo_Verto is here
ooh, ok :)
Beta-released long-awaited code changes, breaking rels edits display and sidebar tag editor, swiftly hotfixed by bitmap. Next server update to be released within the following hours.
Leo_Verto has nothing to report though
Reviewed and debugged newly reported bugs, inspected bootsy MB containers for unusual activity, still worked on hiding spam and other requests from irc/community.community
Not Leo_Verto then but anshuman73 next
anshuman73 already reported :)
oops, nothing either, go bitmap :)
Not anshuman73 either as he has "nother to report as of now", so bitmap, go. :)
yvanzo: :)
*nothing (so much for typing the quote rather than c/p'ing)
I worked with samj to test the sample data dump I made (MBS-8736) and he made a list of missing data that I added in, should be ready to generate a new dump today
hot-fixed some cache issues with series pages after we deployed something to beta, and some other beta issues people reported (I broke things as yvanzo pointed out)
upgraded jenkins since it had some giant red text about a security vulnerability
submitted a PR to retry the full export -> ftp rsync if it fails, since that's happened a couple times recently
that's mostly it, fin. ruaok next?
!m bitmap
You're doing good work, bitmap!
Is ruaok not around?
alastairp: Go!
I closed a few small PRs for AB last week and released them
I'm working on a few more that have been open since the last SoC round of students
some of them were left unfinished, so I've been catching up to work out what was done/not done and fixing them
more of the same this week
ruaok: ?
I guess we'll go to next agenda item and see if Rob maybe pops back in.
Freso: Google Code-in
So! We've been accepted for another round of Google Code-in!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉
iliekcomputers: if you're still around after the meeting, ping me and we can talk about dumps; otherwise let's try and schedule a time in the next few days where I'm around
!m MetaBrainz
You're doing good work, MetaBrainz!
ruaok is vaguely here
So I've been rounding up the last few mentors and getting them into the Google Hangout. We'll start on getting tasks imported in the next few days.
alastairp: I don't think I'll be able to stay awake for long after the meeting. Talking tomorrow or the day after would be great.
We've got three former GCI winners on the mentor team this year, a number of Google Code-in'ers, a number of staff, and a number of our otherwise awesome volunteers. I'm very happy with our mentor team so far, but if anyone wants to join in, just let me know and we'll see what we can figure out. :)
*a number of Google Summer of Coders
So many mentors :)
Dalek_ joined the channel
Also, since we're not supposed to have the task suggestions public between org. announcement and actual start of the contest, the task suggestions page has been deleted on the wiki.
If anyone has suggestions that they don't think made it to the suggestions page, feel free to e-mail me at freso@metabrainz.org :)
iliekcomputers: Yes, I think this is our largest number of mentors so far!
Certainly our largest number of programming-able ones.
Freso almost wrote programmable 🙈
Not much other than that for now.
ruaok: Want to give a review?
Freso: there was a LB task that was fixed by a friend of mine (independent of GCI), that should not be imported i guess?
doing bizdev & punching bag duties.
iliekcomputers: Indeed. We'll double check tasks before importing them.
after 2 months of punching bag duties, I'm formally over it.