" Can't connect to solr.service.consul:18983 Name or service not known at /home/musicbrainz/carton-local/lib/perl5/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 46." not really better :D
samj1912: I assume you're going to make a "this is broken with the new search and I want it fixed" thread for our users to come up with wonderful edge cases? :P
venues seem to massively drop in favour of studios
I know zas has loads of open questions that you two might be able to answer together faster.
which I guess kinda makes sense considering we don't have a whole lot of events in MB yet vs a ton of releases recorded at studios
A lot of classical releases are recorded at venues too, but
madmouse_ joined the channel
But, get solr cloud deployed and then do a deployment to beta and ask for a last round of comments... That is the rough game plan...
well, the Laeiszhalle, which used to be the concert house in Hamburg until a year ago dropped quite heavily in newsearch
madmouse_ has quit
then again, it doesn't contain hamburg in the name
I'm off for a concert now, should finish at meeting time but I might be a little late
obtext has left the channel
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC https://goo.gl/7jsjG2 | Meeting agenda: Reviews, Mentorship Program (drsaunder), gendered speech (ruaok), MBS-9680 + user renames (bitmap), Summit tshirts(chhavi_)
bukwurm joined the channel
drsaunder has quit
Mineo: ping
ah nvm
found the answer in solr docs :P
samj1912: the plan is simple, move stuff to solr cloud, and test/tune/test/tune/fix/test/tune until we are ready for production.
but in the immediate future, i'd like you set up solr stuff on solr cloud vms so we can validate it works, and see what needs to be improved, i did a very raw and unsafe install, and i guess there are a lot of things to do before we can even go in beta
we need to have an idea of the overall performance we can achieve with this setup, so once we are able to actually search on solr cloud, i'd like to measure performance under (simulated) load, and compare it to current search servers.
ugh, why did we never come up with a nice solution to integrating lobes other than just dropping the relevant files in?
ruaok is suffering from Sunday evening travel congestion delays
I'll follow along, but will have spotty connection/attention for the first half of the meeting. I'll check in when I have a better connection.
chhavi_: Would it be terrible if your topic doesn't make it until next week?
Freso: the gendered speech one can wait too. We have a lot of other things for the meeting.
drsaunder joined the channel
ruaok: Yeah, that's what I was seeing, thus checking to see what can potentially be postponed. :) I'll push genders to the end.
Freso: nopes, not at all :)
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC https://goo.gl/7jsjG2 | Meeting agenda: Reviews, Mentorship Program (drsaunder), MBS-9680 + user renames (bitmap), gendered speech (ruaok), Summit tshirts (chhavi_)
chhavi_: 👍
Hello people!
hi Freso !
And welcome to the almost-21st Monday meeting of the year.
People up today: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, zas, ruaok, yvanzo, samj1912, iliekcomputers, rsh7, bukwurm, Leo_Verto, chhavi_, kartikeyaSh_ircc, CatQuest - anyone else, please let me know explicitly ASAP. (Ping: LordSputnik, Leftmost, alastairp, ferbncode)
iliekcomputers: Go!
iliekcomputers says:
Did a bunch of work on GDPR things, user account deletion and notices. Also, did a lot of code review for kartikeya and rashi, their brainzutils PRs are looking pretty good. I'll probably merge and release a new version tomorrow if they're okay.
Other than that, gonna be busy with irl stuff for the last week of May mostly, lots of people going away (and I'm in desperate need for a vacation after this semester)
samj1912: Go!
hello o/
Did a lot of solr stuff this week
I basically tried fixing our search and relevance results
and they got as fixed as they could get
reosarevok: and Leo_Verto and CatQuest helped me a lot with that :D
you can test it out here -https://test.musicbrainz.org/
freso: here
just keep the advanced mode on, since only that has the appropriate boosts
apart from that fixed a few other sir bugs
chhavi_: go
Hello :) Worked on summit artwork with invat (yeah, I know it's too early, but was excited to get started). A bit on setting up the design system, not as much as I would have liked though. Looking forward to catch up this week.
This one was a rough one (got sick and family mishaps).
ruaok: go :)
I think maybe ruaok is on a spotty connection right now.
Let's let CatQuest go first and ruaok can go when he's on a stable connection.
Pass, plz
As expected, I didn't get much done this week, however it was mostly due to a sudden elevation of temperature!
To our esteemed indian colleagues it is probably not much, but if you consider that a mere month-and-a-half ago there was snow on the ground with minus 5˚, a plus 28˚ is indeed a lot! (in july one would be more used to something like this temperature :D)
However, I *did* mange to do some fixing of gong and gongs (merge the latter into the former)
Edited a few releases, added a ticket for suggestion of a new report: MBS-9712
Considering splitting up our "mbira" instrument which makes sense since we differentiate between very similar other instruments, but this will be an undertaking, as it will require reorganising a lot of different wikidata pages as well, anyone who knows anything about all lamellophones like mbiras, likembes, kalimbas, sansas and the ilk are welcome to talk about this! Please make some INST tickets with different "thumb piano" instruments
that are your pet thing. (yes, people reading the community "Notes from" posts, this means you!)