I'm happy to do that if we can't stream a postgres query directly to the archive
Okay, will prolly have to see how it affects the import process
alastairp: did you get the chance to look at the datasets dump PR?
I've updated it to dump more tables, some were missing...
I'm back next week
Okay, great.
I'll try hard to look at them for you
The plan according to me was
Do an incremental dump and import it on frank
Go down, do a full dump of private tables and data set tables and import them
Bring frank AB up
Datasets and user, api_key etc are small, I think.
that's what I was thinking
Okay, nice that I got on the same page as you :)
Fixing the dumps to allow a good incremental dump should make it easy then.
I've fixed the down page PR also
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ah, I didn't see the notification for that, I'll look at that too
cool. much better
we need a way of turning it on and off (that is, is_down.html shouldn't exist by default, because then AB will always be down)
Hmmm, do docker files do if else
oh, docker. hmm
great question. let me think on that!
we can always do docker exec mv
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samj1912: When you have a few minutes can you please have a look at the two options I've shown for Picard PR#914 https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/914 and let me know if you'd like me to implement one of them, along with any suggested changes. Thanks.
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Hi all. The weather here suggests we're having a bit of a
People up: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, zas, ruaok, yvanzo, samj1912, iliekcomputers, rsh7, bukwurm, Leo_Verto, chhavi_, kartikeyaSh – anyone else, please let me know ASAP.
No reviews have been mailed in, so let's get started with…
zas: Go!
Or… CatQuest, go!
I said quite a bit last week about what i was gonig to do
This week I've given chhavi feedback, I had a meeting with freso and reosarevok ang the drums and I finished the last GCI related instrument ticket! yay!
Therefore I've also released the gci version!
Now I'm working on OTHER-327 , there are 2 blogposts that will eventually be added also I'm really sorry it's taken this long, but well, stuff happened™