Ah, I see. Could you amend the comment for that bit of css then, to explain why it's needed? There isn't much missing, just a bit more context
sure. The problem is- the styles for the icons (those I added) were being added pretty late, which is making the already rendered icons pretty big on screen. I was looking for a solution and added the styles explicily, so that I won't forget about it
particularly the 'height' property, which defaults to 'auto'
so I have used 'height: 1em;' explicitly, which is implemented first, and when the FontAwesome styles load, it is overriding the existing styles (with same styles).
Mr_Monkey actually should we merge the second commit in the PR-317 (which removes old font-awesome) before migration completes? It won't raise any errors, but icons in pending pages will be missing.
Anish1712 has quit
<amCap1712> can you try with deadbeef above 1.0? Not easily, because it's not available packaged for the version of Linux on that machine, so I would have to try to compile from source, which means (manually) installing / updating all the tools and dependencies.
sbvkrishna: I think that's acceptable; at least the goal of the tasks will be clear !
The other option would be to merge PR #317 without the last commit, and add a sub-task that describes said necessary cleanup as a potential GCI task. Not sure that's necessary
I think we can plan to merge the PR just before GCI, and merge the PRs from the GCI tasks as they come.
yeah I just wanted to verify that the 2nd commit works and I unknowingly completed the task :D
also, I've reported another 'potential' GCI task if you didn't see :) - BB-362
sbvkrishna: Well, there's still the unofficial react-fontawesome package in package.json, which isn't much of a task by itself. If you're up for it, you can undo the cleanup commit of your PR and we'll consider that it's part of a GCI task insteada
Ah thanks ! :)
sounds good!
KassOtsimine joined the channel
I might not be available daily till 21st, because of exams, but expect me atleast once in 2-3 days.
amCap1712: The new file works, sort of. My listens show up in the "My Listens", "Recent" and "Follow" tabs, but only after the track is completed, and don't show up at all in the "listening Now" section of the "Follow" tab. Also, it only works for the first song played. All subsequent songs don't show up anywhere.
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antlarr joined the channel
Also looks like the lastfm proxy quit working a couple of months ago.
production showed me i got a new edit now, beta showed me nothing, even though i had not viewed it yet
That's connected to your cookies I think
(you probably dismissed the banner on beta but not prod, those are separate)
nope (:
Anyway, I found a bug, but it wouldn't have worked anywhere we use React, and would work anywhere we didn't
So that's why I was asking - if you saw it in your user page, that'd explain that
at least not that i know of
Since that just got converted
zas: I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the website logs on pink (haven't the other times I checked either). the container is identical to every other node and yet only pink has problems for some reason
if it works for you, just close it with not reproduceable :)
I mean, there was a bug anyway
So that should be fixed now (with the next release, anyway)
I'm just trying to figure out if that's what you saw or there's something else too :)
why don't you make a not to one of my edits :D
Was going to propose that
Read your notes on both servers, and then I'll leave a note
well, i do not have any open edits now :x
Doesn't need to be open IIRC
currently, all are read
Try now
I mean, beta is released, so rn there shouldn't be any difference at all
prod shows the note, beta does not
Huh. They're running the same code
So it has to be something else
Maybe we're failing to overwrite the cookie
bitmap: ^ suggestions?
i can log out, clear cookies and re login ^^
hmm, which page are you trying to view the notes on?
SothoTalKer: can you check your new_edit_notes_dismissed_mtime cookie first?
In both servers, ideally
i don't have it on beta
that page should still be .tt in both sites
i have server_details and alert as dismissed cookies
on prod i have the new_edit_notes cookie
_dismissed_mtime, but too lazy to type :p
prod & beta have separate redis stores, so the person leaving the note has to be on the same server as the person reading it
... really?
yeah. which is definitely dumb
That's kinda awful - can it be avoided?
Anyway, that's probably why then but you still made us find a bug, so !m SothoTalKer
!m SothoTalKer
You're doing good work, SothoTalKer!
dunno o.o
we should probably move these keys to the cache rather than the store, and just have a high ttl on the keys so they don't get evicted (if that's possible with the eviction policy we're using)
since prod & beta share a cache
sounds complicated
Sounds like bitmap is volunteering
got me
Is this relatively simple? Probably not GCI simple?
at least i got the email regarding the note ;)
Sorry about that note :p
prob not gci, I'll just look at it now before I lose my train of thought
first, let's make a ticket, then let's make another ticket :)
Oh, yeah, you mentioned that one
Make a STYLE ticket with some examples, if I like it (chances are I will) you can make an implementation ticket and add it yourself :p
yep. well it's not urgent. i'll whip something up until weekend hopefully
ruaok: wow, I think this is the first time I've actually seen a party I voted for get into government of anything. I mean, assuming they don't fuck it up