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      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> on a similar note, what primary type (if any) should audiobooks have (in general)? would it depend on the length (short story vs novel), or should they all be Other + Audiobook?
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      • aerozol[m]
        Always other imo - album, EP, etc, are specific ‘music’ descriptors/formats
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      • LupinIII
        <UltimateRiff> on a similar note, what primary type (if any) should audiobooks have
      • fwiw I'd say "album" to be honest, it's a "entity" spesifically "album-y"
      • (imho)
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      • kepstinbrainz
        i honestly thing the best answer would be "something else" - i.e. we should add a new primary type for audiobooks
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      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> kepstinbrainz: that could make sense to me, tho it's already a secondary type...
      • kepstinbrainz
        otherwise... if a release contains one book, does that make it a 'single'? :/
      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> I think that'd include most (if not all) audiobook releases. while it is one focal work, it feels different enough to not be a single (especially when it comes on 3 cassettes or CDs, lol)
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      • <07aszazin> I have an annoying multiple language case. For side A, the original language is the main language, with English between (parentheses), for side B, it's the other way around... To complicate things further, side A is Slovenian, side B is transliterated Ukrainian. Shall I enter the main release in the 'main language' as presented (Slovenian for side A, English for side B), or shall I enter the original language as 'main
      • language', and all English translations in a pseudo-release?
      • <07aszazin> I prefer to keep all English for the pseudo-release myself, but I'm not sure everyone sees it that way.
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      • aerozol[m]
        @aszazin: I would probably enter the main tracklist as-is (with the relevant translations in parenthesis) for something interesting like that. Then, if you have the will and the want, two pseudo releases, one English, one Ukrainian and Slovenian. That’s just my feelings on it, I don’t know if this is covered by guidelines
      • discordbrainz
        <07aszazin> Thanks, I'll do that. I didn't find anything relevant in the guidelines, but that way, all data is present to do any changes in line with the guidelines for the future.
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