

      • Freso
        yvanz: ?
      • yvanz
        Freso: You shared a doc on google drive, I just requested access to it.
      • Freso
        yvanz: I sent a link straight to the blog.
      • There's no reason to look at the Google doc anymore, I've already moved it over.
      • And it's already scheduled for publication.
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: we already do ML in acousticbrainz, with SVM
      • some researchers here are working on deep learning stuff, but one requirement is more data in AB, we're currently working on choosing the best data to compute
      • yvanz
        Freso: Thanks for the link.
      • alastairp
        when the contest launches I'll post a link
      • Freso
        More data in AB? On it!
      • alastairp
      • oh
      • Freso: we mean more detailed data for each recording
      • the stuff we currently have is not detailed enough
      • deep learning is funny
      • it mostly throws away the last 20 years of best practises around preprocessing of audio
      • mayhem: hmm. regarding MBVM-30, you could always map DBDefs.pm into the container using a volume
      • BrainzBot
        MBVM-30: Make WEB_SERVER based URLs resolve to relative paths https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBVM-30
      • alastairp
        this way, more advanced users can make a change to the config file and restart without having to re-build the image
      • samj1912 has quit
      • alastairp has quit
      • alastairp_ joined the channel
      • alastairp_ is now known as alastairp
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [musicbrainz-server] y-van-z opened pull request #454: MBS-8168: Add distribution of labels by type to /statistics (master...mbs-8168-label-types-stats) https://git.io/vD8QU
      • github has left the channel
      • Freso
        alastairp: Ah. Can't help with that. Yet.
      • chirlu joined the channel
      • SothoTalKer
        alastairp not detailed enough means all entries have to be resubmitted?
      • Freso
        SothoTalKer: Eventually, yes.
      • Rotab
      • SothoTalKer
      • alastairp
        SothoTalKer: yes
      • Freso
        (This is one of the reasons I ask/require artists that want me to add their stuff to send my their music in some form, and why I archive CD rips, even if I'm not actually interested in the music.)
      • SothoTalKer
        that means i have to buy more stuff :-)
      • samj1912 joined the channel
      • ferbncode_ joined the channel
      • Rotab
        oh no... :)
      • dabuni joined the channel
      • dabuni
        Hi to all, I have a question regarding Musicbrainz api. If I use the 'browse' API feature in order to find all artists related to a given recording, it will give me only the main artisti. However in the web I can see all artists that performed that given recording, and the instrument they played.
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [listenbrainz-server] paramsingh opened pull request #117: Fix another small bug where listen_type was not being detected. (master...listen-type-fix) https://git.io/vD8Nh
      • github has left the channel
      • iliekcomputers
        this writing tests for the beta idea of mayhem's was pretty good, I'm finding bugs left and right :P
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: oh i wonder how good SVM performs, though i have seen it to provide good results in many use cases. And it has numerous benefits of its own. :D
      • alastairp
        we find with SVM that our results are quite comparable to the state of the art
      • for most of the existing datasets which are used in the field
      • within a few percentage points in cross validation accuracy
      • however, see our paper about this: http://mtg.upf.edu/node/3498
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: that is just awesome! May be we can try with more complex methods to obtain better results?
      • alastairp
        of course
      • part of last year's SoC worked on a framework which will make this easier
      • and it seems like other people are interested in this too (https://community.metabrainz.org/t/contributing...)
      • so, we need to work out a way to let people contribute new classifiers in a way that we can 1) evaluate that they're actually better than something simple like svm, and 2) find a way that we can run their code on our servers in a safe way
      • SothoTalKer
        dabuni: wasn't there something with relationships?
      • alastairp
        I'm 95% sure that the solution to 2) is docker
      • dabuni
        no, this is what i get
      • { artists: [ { 'gender-id': '36d3d30a-839d-3eda-8cb3-29be4384e4a9', 'sort-name': 'Davis, Miles', 'life-span': [Object], area: [Object], country: 'US', end_area: [Object], 'type-id': 'b6e035f4-3ce9-331c-97df-83397230b0df', disambiguation: 'jazz trumpeter, bandleader, songwriter', gender: 'Male', ipis: [Object], name: 'Miles Davis', type: 'Person',
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: i see, this was what kartik was working on
      • but why do we need people to submit their own classifiers?
      • dabuni
        well thanks anyway SothoTalker
      • SothoTalKer
      • ferbncode_ has quit
      • instruments are linked via relationships and I think there was a way to get these with the API
      • dabuni
        ok, I'll check
      • thanks!
      • Anyway, is it possible to scrap directly from the web?
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: I mean writing a full framework for allowing classifier submission and testing just for a small bunch of people who know ML/deep learning, what good would it do ?
      • even from those small bunch, only a handful would spend time in writing a classifier for AB
      • dabuni
        ....without sending too many requests s
      • (per second)
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: yes, this was kartik's project
      • SothoTalKer
      • alastairp
        well, if people can build a docker container which has a single program inside which takes an unknown input file and returns a classification
      • then we can use that to classify incoming submissions to AB
      • SothoTalKer
        if you add inc=artist-rels it should give you the other information
      • alastairp
        we've been focusing on the dataset tools, with the assumption that a good quality dataset with SVM will give good results
      • and we've shown that to be the case
      • but there is more and more interest in people writing their own custom classifiers
      • dabuni
        cool , SothoTalker, I'll take a look, Thanks a lot
      • SothoTalKer
        if it does not work, come back here and complain :D
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: a user currently submits his choice of data for running a ML job specified by us, but what we want is the ability for the users to run the same job on their own systems? (preferably using their own model)
      • alastairp
        kartik's project was to get users to run our algorithms on their systems (for the training process only)
      • if someone proposes a new algorithm that works well, it makes sense for us to run it ourselves
      • so that we're not dependent on a remote system
      • dabuni has quit
      • ferbncode
        Freso: sorry for the late reply. should the ticket be modified?
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [picard] zas closed pull request #618: Fix 'date' to id3 mapping (master...date-id3-mapping) https://git.io/vDcCP
      • github has left the channel
      • zas
        bitmap: cover art thumbnails aren't displayed on mb.o main page since days now, any update on this issue ?
      • samj1912
        zas what's the status on 1.4 right now? 14 is final right? And about picard gsoc projects?
      • zas
        samj1912: 1.4 will be released on 14th, then we'll start to work on 1.4.1 (merge current PRs + fixes of 1.4), i think 1.4.1 will be out during next month. GSoC projects will concern Picard 2.0 branch
      • We'll create this branch after 1.4 release, and backport 1.4.x fixes to it
      • For 2.0, i want to focus on Py3 / Qt5 port first, before adding new features (apart those added to 1.4.x)
      • samj1912
      • The qt5 port is almost done
      • zas
        For GSoC i was thinking about UI improvements (redesign)
      • samj1912
        I think it will take me barely a day for the rest
      • zas
        The sooner is the better ;) We'll still have a lot of tasks for 2.0 as it will imply code rework, and simplification
      • samj1912
        We also have to introduce a new api point for 2.0 plugins and make the plugins api more concrete
      • zas
        Yes, we need to have better plugin description (and i18n)
      • samj1912
        And cross platform issues with plugins
      • zas
        Yes, through new metadata headers
      • samj1912
        Majorly pip dependencies
      • Yup
      • zas
        I wonder if we could install plugins through pip so we have requirements.txt for each of them
      • samj1912
        Yup would be nice
      • But the plugin authors will have to package the plugins for pip
      • dabuni joined the channel
      • Also we need to provide concrete UI guidelines for plugins that have a UI interface
      • dabuni has quit
      • The last fm plus plugin is a pain to modify because of no UI file
      • zas
        Yes, i think we need an _easy_ way to configure options, perhaps not forcing people to code Qt UI stuff, but instead generating UI from a simple config
      • samj1912
      • Because from what I can see, most of the UI is similar for similar config options
      • zas
        Many plugins need an API key for example
      • samj1912
      • I saw beets plugins
      • They are maintained nicely from what I saw
      • 7IZAAI973 has quit
      • But then it's just command line so..
      • Also zas we need a rewrite for the threading part
      • I was reading up on Qt applications and background multitasking involving file io
      • According to guidelines only UI part should run on the main thread
      • reosarevok
        Speaking of Picard, can anyone help this user? :) https://community.metabrainz.org/t/renaming-fil...
      • zas
        samj1912: you can start to create tickets targetting 2.0, so we can discuss stuff there
      • reosarevok: Hey ;) I will let someone do it, i don't know much about this obscure scripting language ;) phw usually handles those questions with elegance
      • samj1912: yes, i read same things, basically main thread = UI, intensive subtasks = new threads, but with save/load threads it is more or less where we go, isn't it ?
      • samj1912
        zas but the process events thing implemented by Sophist doesn't exactly scale well according to qt docs
      • reosarevok
        zas: Fair enough :)
      • zas
        bitmap: ping me when online, for email stuff, i think the best would be to switch from current port to another one, on mb server side, not sure if it is easy or not to do it. Else i will stop current container and replace it on the same port by new one, but it is more complicated and unsafe concerning mail messages/queues
      • samj1912
        Qtconcurrent and qtimer provide alternatives
      • Plus the current threading implementation of loading also involves gui updates which sometimes cause the gui to get unresponsive
      • zas
        samj1912: yes, we can rethink the whole threading stuff for 2.0, i think it is very needed, as 1.4 in this domain is more a pile of hacks than anything ;)
      • samj1912
        Yeah :p
      • D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
      • We can discuss on whether we want to have the loading in a separate thread because it causes ctrl c in command line to get unresponsive until the loading is complete
      • We can add a simple exit signal to solve it however
      • zas
        Also regarding https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/604, adding QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() calls everywhere doesn't look the good way to solve such issue
      • I think Py3 + Qt5 will give us more possibilities (and also Qt4 has many bugs we had to workaround...)
      • samj1912
        Plus having proper threading implementation might allow picard to expand from an album based tagger to a more singles oriented tag corrector (which a lot of normal people generally use taggers for)
      • We can discuss more on this
      • Yes, qt5 is definitely needed to proceed
      • That will also solve a couple of ws issues I believe
      • zas
        And encoding/decoding issues...
      • samj1912
        The whole unicode drama
      • It's entirely tiring at times :p