

      • gcilou
        Shame shame
      • reosarevok
        I do think that in general I wouldn't want people to change their username to one that was used earlier (because I don't want to get confused thinking this editor is the one I knew, when it's someone else)
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: +1
      • reosarevok
        But I guess that might only matter for a few, more active usernames, since I won't remember the other ones anyway :/
      • Gentlecat
        reosarevok: but when would that happen?
      • saifulbkhan has quit
      • CatQuest
        i think that's the main reason not to reuse them, actually
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: if a prominent person quits in a huff and deletes their account.
      • a spoofer could come in right after.
      • Gentlecat
        ah, right
      • Freso
        Gentlecat: When you decide to change your MB username to RomanT and we get a new cat that wants GentleCat
      • SothoTalKer
        ruaok: FB uses an internal ID for the user, as does MB ;)
      • CatQuest
        common, cool names, and some one renames thmeselves inot soem other name thne someone else takes that oold name
      • Gentlecat
        I was mostly thinking about spam accounts
      • CatQuest
        saiy if i renamed myself "blup" tnhe someoen else went and took "catcat"
      • Gentlecat
        sure, fair enough
      • CatQuest
        on the other hand if soem spam account has a super cool name it woudl be a shame that it gets used up by it
      • ruaok
        I dont have a good feeling which way people are leaning.
      • Gentlecat
        perhaps there can be some kind of period where a username stays "reserved" and after that it can be taken
      • Freso neither
      • Quesito
        least confusion option seems to be not to reuse user names....
      • zas
        i think names recently used should be prevented to be reused, old ones not
      • reosarevok
        We could do it in a case per case basis ("this username has been used, but it isn't in use now, if you want to use it, contact an admin") but it might be more work for nothing
      • Leftmost
        I think the default should be to prevent reuse, but unused or spam accounts can be purged to allow them to be reused later.
      • CatQuest
        and people who cue not othis might g oand make lots of accoutnts with "desirable" names and (offsite) be all "do this and this and yo ucan have that ccount"
      • Leftmost
        What reo said, basically.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: that is pretty ok, I think.
      • CatQuest
        +1 zas
      • zas
        perhaps just prevent re-using names used within last 3 months
      • CatQuest
        oh i like reo's idea
      • Leftmost +1!
      • zas
        +1 for reo if he is the admin contacted ;)
      • Freso
        zas: I'd say 3 months is too short, but the specific time is bikeshed paint.
      • ruaok
        let me sum up: "We should prevent re-use in general and implement 9271. However, if someone contacts an admin with a request to re-use and that request is reasonable, it will be granted"
      • how do we feel about that?
      • Leftmost
      • CatQuest
      • CallerNo6
      • Freso
        ruaok: +1
      • Quesito
      • zas
      • CatQuest
      • yvanzo
      • CallerNo6
      • ruaok
      • Leo_Verto[m]
      • ruaok
        bitmap: seem pretty clear, then, yes?
      • +s
      • CatQuest
        s? wtf
      • SothoTalKer
      • bitmap
        yep, sounds good
      • reosarevok
        As a first case: do we then agree I can remove the PUID-only user, and rename the main user of this guy to it?
      • CatQuest
        the s vote stands it
      • ruaok
        ok, great. thanks. I will write the blog post after the meeting.
      • Leftmost
        So we have 49zos as the tally.
      • ruaok
        Freso: onward.
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: i say go
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: +1
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Sure.
      • Okay.
      • So.
      • We have ~3 minutes left.
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        My topic is pretty short
      • Freso
        Leo_Verto[m]: Do you think it's enough for BrainzBot?
      • Alright. Go go. :)
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        Okay, so samj1912 did most of the work editing the existing github plugin to fit our needs
      • the desired use case was looking up PRs similar to how we can currently look up JIRA issues
      • so assuming the repo is part of the MeB org, you can add an abbreviation using @gh:abbreviation=repo_name
      • and then get commits using gh:abbreviation#PR_number
      • for example gh:P#642
      • BrainzBot
        PICARD-1000: Show album/cluster cover art: https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/642
      • Leo_Verto[m]
      • Freso
        (1½ minute)
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        it's still in beta and subject to sudden data wipes :P
      • reosarevok
        That looks good! What's the question?
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        the brain plugin is currently disabled until I finish rewriting some backend stuff
      • fin.
      • Freso
        Heh. Alright then. :)
      • CatQuest
        something about !blup keys access
      • Freso
        Gentlecat: We'll do your DR next week!
      • CatQuest already forgot what the brain thing did
      • CatQuest
        poor Gentlecat :/
      • Freso
        Thanks for your time everyone. And welcome again to yvanzo.
      • See you next week, same time and place. ;)
      • </BANG>
      • CatQuest
        (but don't diss gcilou)
      • Freso: same mb place, same mb channel ?
      • CallerNo6
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC Getting Started: https://goo.gl/JTNkn0 | MeB meeting agenda: reviews, DR: CB-244 (Gentlecat)
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        the brain plugin is for storing any sort of text/url and easily accessing it at any time, the new github plugin broke the botbot one :P
      • CatQuest
      • the brain one wasn't used much at all
      • Freso
        CatQuest: It was only enabled for...
      • An hour? Two?
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        well, it only worked for a few days
      • Leftmost
        Same Brainz time, same Brainz channel.
      • CatQuest
      • leftmost wins
      • Freso
        Leftmost: :)
      • CatQuest
        (for once)
      • Leftmost
        For once? I am _amazing_.
      • Freso
        Leftmost: ... at not winning?
      • CatQuest
      • Leftmost
      • ruaok
        Leftmost: woo! \ø/
      • CatQuest
      • Freso has a headache :(
      • have some water freso
      • ruaok has a head for of dye
      • 💧
      • ruaok
        full of
      • Freso is looking forwards to having Scandinavian tap water tomorrow
      • Leftmost
        That's pretty sweet! Mine's just full of air.
      • gcilou
        Maybe I shouldn't ignore meeting like that
      • CatQuest
        mine is full of oily hair :/
      • Leftmost
        gcilou, nah. It's all good. We totally didn't throw you under the bus for anything at all.
      • CatQuest
        Freso: \o/
      • reosarevok
        Freso: what's wrong with BCN tap water?
      • gcilou
        Mhmm I saw it
      • CatQuest
        I stood up for you!
      • cause.. and she's still young and stuff
      • gcilou
        Saw that too :)
      • CatQuest
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        I found it great how you volunteered for so many different things during the meeting, gcilou! :D
      • Freso
      • gcilou
        Oh yeah that was me
      • Leftmost
        At work we briefly considered taking the time to automatically generate GIFs of people being thrown under the bus since we do it so much. :-P
      • ruaok
      • Quesito
      • gcilou
        Volunteered to receive stickers..
      • CatQuest
        as long as we have a high buscount
      • erh.. that thing about
      • Freso
        ^ ruaok, we need more busses.
      • ruaok
        busses are bad for us.
      • CatQuest
        an mbbuss?
      • Leftmost
      • CatQuest
      • MeBuss
      • MetaBus
      • Leo_Verto[m]
        I'm sure there's a community of bus enthusiasts out there, looking for a database to add all their bus knowledge to!
      • gcilou
        Tsk tsk and I thought it was good to practice my instrument even during the meeting
      • CatQuest
        wat instrument?
      • gcilou
      • CatQuest
      • Leftmost
        gcilou, classical?
      • Leftmost is learning to fiddle.
      • gcilou
      • alastairp
        CallerNo6: \o/ thanks so much
      • Leftmost
        How long have you played?