

March 1st 2023

      • Siddhart1o1
        hi monkey can you give me little Explaintion on how the new design will look : BB-542
      • BrainzBot
        BB-542: Create a tab view for entities https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-542
      • CatQuest
        a new tab? we need several i think. one wor works one for credits, one for relationship
      • RohanSasne
        Hey @monmonkey, I have make 2 pull requests for the tickets BB:
      • Hey monkey, I have made 2 pull requests for the tickets BB-673 and BB-675, can you please check once and suggest changes if any ?:)  :)
      • BrainzBot
        BB-673: Convert promises in src/server/helpers/middleware.ts https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-673
      • BB-675: Convert promises in merge route (src/server/routes/merge.ts) https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-675
      • Siddhart1o1
        hi monkey can you give me little Explaintion on how the new design will look : BB-542 , and please review my PR :https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/pull/933
      • BrainzBot
        BB-542: Create a tab view for entities https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-542
      • monkey
        Hi Siddhart1o1, I'll ask for your patience for the PR reviews, I will get to them. As for the tabs view, I don't currently have a design in mind. I was hoping the person working on the ticket would take a stab at it :)
      • For inspiration, you could have a look at how MusicBrainz shows entities with tabs, for example the tabs here (releases, recordings, works, etc.): https://musicbrainz.org/artist/83d91898-7763-47...
      • Siddhart1o1
        I am the person working on ticket :] . Will look into these.
      • monkey
        Yep :) I'm happy to review mockups if you want to make some, but do'nt currently have the time to make them mysekf
      • myself*
      • Siddhart1o1
        I wanted to work on this "Administration system" for gsco and going to create a propsal for this. can you guid me little bit like do we curently have any basic admin system currently or any incomplete code so i can look into it.
      • monkey
        We have nothing at all !
      • Siddhart1o1
        okay then i will work from scratch for this.
      • smitp
        I'm running Manjaro on a computer with 4 GB of RAM. Whenever I attempt to deploy on local host the BookBrainz website, the elastic search function crashes my system. Although I'm eager to contribute to this project, it will be difficult to do so if I can't even get it to run on my local machine. Do you guys have any solutions or suggestions that
      • could help me get the BookBrainz website running smoothly on my computer?
      • monkey
        Hi smitp , are you running everything with Docker?
      • Any helpful error logs somewher that could shed some light on what is happening?
      • smitp
        There are no specific errors, but Elasticsearch is consuming an excessive amount of resources. I removed Elasticsearch from the docker-compose.yml file, and now Redis and Postgres run smoothly. However, I'm unable to perform certain tasks, such as adding new authors. Is there any way to reduce Elasticsearch's resource usage so that I can run the
      • BookBrainz website smoothly?
      • monkey
        Not that I know of, I'm afraid. Perhaps increasing the resources allocated to Docker?
      • smitp
        thank you , i try to figure something out
      • I have one more question: what is the minimum number of contributions required for me to be eligible for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program?
      • monkey ??
      • monkey
        Well, it doesn't quite work like that, we don't have a minimum number of anything.
      • It's more about showing the quality of your code and your thought process on one side, and on the other side for you to get familiarized with the codebase (which is useful in order to propose a project)
      • smitp
        will you review my propsle before i submit it
      • kellnerd
        smitp (in case you read chatlogs): 4GB of RAM will not be enough to run all services. I'm also on Manjaro and even when running BB without Elasticsearch, RAM usage is ~4GB (including VS Code and Firefox).
      • smitp
        To run develop.sh and view the output in GitHub Actions, which workflow should I use?
      • monkey
        smitp: I'm not sure I understand what the question is. You should be running develop.sh in your own machine, with Docker installed
      • pbryan
        If anyone has mockups of UI changes and wants feedback, feel free to ping me.
      • Happy to give feedback.
      • monkey
      • kellnerd
        I will try to implement BB-530 and have already played with the WP/WD APIs.
      • I think I will keep this as close as possible to the MB feature, both implementation and UI-wise. Or does anyone have other suggestions?
      • BrainzBot
      • pbryan
        Makes sense to me. I presume MB periodically retrieves and stores the blurbs?
      • Is there an MB-WP blurb-bot?
      • kellnerd
        Yes, they are cached.
      • But not sure where actually as the code is written in Perl and inherits stuff from a context which is declared in a different file.