

      • MrigeshThakur
        G0maa I don't think so
      • G0maa
        IMO, if it's a community project then members should get to decide if something is "wrong", i.e. have a report button or something.
      • MrigeshThakur
        monkey could we perhaps take help of other orgs like bb who keep a record of books ?
      • monkey
        You could potentially have semi-automated validation, meaning checking for the user and helping them identify data that is different in other websites/databases, but I do'nt see it working reliably for fully automated validation
      • Mainly for the same issue: what if I'm adding a book that isn't on amazon or openlibrary or goodreads?
      • MrigeshThakur
        Yup the disparity remains
      • Does Wikipedia also works on the same stature , like is the info their too left for users to check and validate for ?
      • kellnerd joined the channel
      • monkey
      • MrigeshThakur
        hmm , alright last one '=D (sorry to keep nudging you with these ideas ) what about the publication , we could validate that ??
      • monkey
        No worries, I'm here to answer questions :) What do you mean by publication?
      • MrigeshThakur
        I am talking about the publication company that published that book
      • monkey
        Ah, the publisher. What would you want to validate?
      • sumit has quit
      • MrigeshThakur
        if that publisher really exists or not , I am now trying to get that we could not totally automate the process there needs to be some level of human curation, so instead of having a perfect validation , we could aim for validation that removes those books from the db that are totally bogus , I mean like if a user spams non existing books , just to
      • tamper with the db
      • That we could tell by having these lines of simple checks , or is it even necessary at all?
      • monkey
        I don't think it is. Bogus users will be reported, and then we can investigate their revisions and undo the damage
      • MrigeshThakur
      • monkey
        From my point of view there are many interesting things to do with the help of AI, but I think this type of validation is best left in the capable hands of a human community, and efforts should focus on making their job easier
      • MrigeshThakur
        Yep, I myself have been addicted to chatgpt , got all my college proposals ( for our college tech fest) getting corrected and formatted from it '=D
      • sumit joined the channel
      • monkey
      • sumit has quit
      • MrigeshThakur
        :') :')
      • pbryan
        I agree that AI can potentially help humans make decisions. I have doubts it can be used reliably in an automated context. I can get ChatGPT to make statements that are totally untrue. My sense of it is, a conversational AI may not make the best curation decisions about bibligraphic content. Other types of AI, trained on our and other data, could
      • potentially be used to detect anomalies or inconsistencies with other reliable data sets, which editors could then inspect and make decisions about correcting.
      • MrigeshThakur
        yup true
      • so on a side note, how long do you guys code per day, and after how many hours does that feeling of not being able to understand even a simple function begin to hit'=D
      • monkey
        The amount of coding depends, I have to spend a fair amount of time reviewing PRs and generally managing the project, not necessarily coding.
      • But after 8 hours of full-on coding my brain starts to lose grasp on reality XD
      • pbryan
        In a typical day, I can go about 8 hours. But if I'm on a roll, that can extend to 12. In my younger days, even more. It's not constant.
      • Don't expect continuous, constant output.
      • monkey
        That being said, these days 8 hours of solid coding would be spent on heavy complicated refactoring, so that puts the limit pretty low.
      • But it's somehow MORE tiring to move between reviewing 8 different PRs
      • Context switching takes a toll
      • pbryan
        A lot of time goes into thinking about how to implement (i.e. design), so as to be applicable to the case at hand and have flexibility or extensibility. Design goes a long way to avoid invasive refactoring later. But it's a balancing act too. You need to get the job done, while not incurring too much tech debt.
      • And, yeah, monkey, ding. Context swiching. Meetings. Working on different tasks. Ouch.
      • PR reviews! Talk about context switching. Not conducive to heads-down coding.
      • kellnerd
        > You did mention some ORM work for example which would make for a quite consistent self-contained project.
      • To which of my three approaches was that referring, monkey? 1) refactoring to use Bookshelf's class syntax, 2) migrating to a TS ORM, 3) creating stand-alone type definitions as needed?
      • monkey
        Well, I meant the general idea of improving the ORM, as in those three ideas
      • Although I think 2) would be ideal, considering the faint pulse of bookshelf
      • kellnerd
        Not saying I want to propose one of these rather boring tasks as a project, but I'm happy to help getting this done outside of GSoC (once we've agreed which approach is the best for BB).
      • monkey
        I think that somehow goes hand in hand with the "self-contained" aspect: No interactions with other parts of the website, just straight up code refactoring. This type of refactoring is up some people's alley, but yep, I also agree it's quite boring :D
      • G0maa
        refactor to use django to get more developers abroad :see-no-evil:
      • monkey
        But as you say, the first part would be identifying which approach would strike the right one
      • Hah, G0maa you would be surprised at how many participants get interested in BookBrainz over other MetaBrainz projects *specifically* becuase it is JS based
      • kellnerd
        Next I would try to convert one model by hand before I'll write a script that does the most repetitive parts for all other models :)
      • Maybe even a script that generates models directly from bookbrainz.sql and the human only has to copy in the additional parts from the old Bookshelf models.
      • MrigeshThakur
        while being on the same topic monkey when bb was created did you ever  think of using a no SQL db or was it decided before to keep the db consistent between various metabrainz projects
      • monkey
        The latter. I wasn't there at the beginning of the project, but SQL just makes sense for these types of projects
      • Very structured data, a focus on reliability of transactions
      • MrigeshThakur
      • G0maa
        monkey: :O, I mean that is true, because I mainly searched the 172 orgs for a NodeJS backend focused project idea... the ones that were kind of up my ally were ~3, BB is one of them :D So to reply to an old message of yours I might do as you said and propose a project to BB anyway... depending on the circumstances.
      • MrigeshThakur
        G0maa did you look into the importing the db project , the one other than the admin panel listed on site
      • G0maa
        MrigeshThakur: I'll be taking a look at it next!
      • sumit joined the channel
      • kellnerd
        `ALTER TABLE bookbrainz.entity ADD FOREIGN KEY (bbid) REFERENCES bookbrainz.entity (bbid);` ?
      • What's the purpose of referencing not only the same table but also the same column?
      • monkey
        Now that is interesting
      • kellnerd
        From bookbrainz.sql, btw
      • monkey
        Just looking at the file now. No idea why this was done
      • Beats me. Maybe Leftmost can shed some light on this commit they authored?
      • MrigeshThakur has quit
      • pbryan
        monkey: Do you have more background that I can give on BB-717?
      • BrainzBot
        BB-717: Add Edition to Edition Group creates superfluous edition relationships https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-717
      • pbryan
        I'd have to dig into the data model to try to describe what is superfluous about it. I suspect you know the issue.
      • monkey
        Yes, I can answer on the ticket
      • pbryan
      • Guest183 joined the channel
      • Guest183 is now known as MrigeshThakur
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        [15:24] <monkey> You could potentially have semi-automated validation, meaning checking for the user and helping them identify data that is different in other websites/databases, but I do'nt see it working reliably for fully automated validation
      • sounds like userscript potential
      • sumit has quit
      • [15:42] <monkey> From my point of view there are many interesting things to do with the help of AI, but I think this type of validation is best left in the capable hands of a human community, and efforts should focus on making their job easier
      • +100%
      • oh lol, G0maa should be interested in knowing how many languages BB went through before we settled on Js
      • for example HASKELL
      • kellnerd
        Interesting, I didn't know that :O
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
      • can tall to benochmore(lordsputnik) and Leftmost about it. also that guy who's name escapes me that als ostarted with "b"
      • s/tall/talk/
      • he did tht mb-user sruvey osme years ago (that I *still* have not see nthe results from *grumble*)
      • MrigeshThakur
        monkey regarding BB-718. as we only want to check if the user is logged into the critique brainz acc only when he hits the add review button , so can I add an event listener to the button call and call the getaccessToken function only then?
      • BrainzBot
        BB-718: CritiqueBrainz auth endpoint is called server-side https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-718
      • ZaphodBeeblebrox
        we want to do it when she or they do it though tbh :P
      • as well*
      • MrigeshThakur has quit
      • Guest6697 joined the channel
      • G0maa
        I didn't put too much effort into BB yet, but I saw ORM being mentioned above, I can help in that using Sequelize.
      • monkey
        MrigeshThakur : I'm worried that could make for a bad user experience if they wrote a review but can't post it straight away. Could even potentially lose their review text if we navigate away or something goes wrong, which I could see being frustraring
      • frustrating*
      • kellnerd
        I've experimented with Objection models a bit more and am quite happy with the (untested) results so far: https://github.com/kellnerd/bookbrainz-data-js/... (new) vs https://github.com/kellnerd/bookbrainz-data-js/... (current)
      • I'll be back for feedback/questions (and with some additional explanations) after lunch ;)
      • *dinner
      • G0maa has quit
      • Guest6697 is now known as mrigeshThakur
      • mrigeshThakur
        monkey i'll try to figure out a new approach tomorrow, till then good nights guys ,signing off....
      • mrigeshThakur has quit
      • rdswift joined the channel
      • rdswift
        !recall gsoc
      • BrainzBot
        I'm sorry, I don't remember "gsoc", are you sure I should know about it?
      • rdswift
      • BrainzBot
        I will remember "gsoc" for you rdswift.
      • rdswift
        !recall gsoc
      • BrainzBot