

September 1st 2023

      • kellnerd
        I'm finally back to work (TS migration) and already have a question:
      • Do you remember why the `|| orm` fallback is there monkey?
      • According to TypeScript and the original definition of the `orm` export this makes no sense as `knex` isn't a direct child of `orm`
      • Maybe there was a problem in an older version?
      • monkey
        I can't recall, but I would guess it might be because of what the value of `bookshelf` is in this context: https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-data-j...
      • Let me see where else it could be used
      • kellnerd
        Ok, so the problem is that the parameter isn't always the orm but can also be a bookshelf instance
      • (in models/area.js)
      • I guess I will rename the parameter to ormOrBookshelf in that case
      • monkey
        I can't definitely find what the type of that first parameter ormOrBookshelf would be when called from the model instance versus when called from the test file
      • But if you remove that `|| orm` and try to run that test file you might find out :)
      • kellnerd
        I'll give that a try :)
      • After changing the test's import to point to '../../lib/func/area' it fails (as expected)
      • The simplest fix would be to adapt the test and change the expected parameter of the source to be a bookshelf instance.
      • On the other hand, all similar functions expect an ORM instance and not a Bookshelf...
      • Unfortunate that the Area model has to pass a Bookshelf because it doesn't know about the ORM.
      • TS isn't well equipped to handle this kind of inline hacks to support both :/
      • monkey
        Right, I guess that's the issue then, when used in one of the model's functions we only have access to the bookshelf object, not the whole ORM
      • Although…
      • Could you please try to call recursivelyGetAreaParentsWithNames with `bookshelf.bookshelf` here?
      • kellnerd
        Identical result, only the test via parents() fails: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/jjkh3dMb/
      • The above happens 1) if I only remove `|| orm` or 2) if I remove `|| orm` and do the call with `bookshelf.bookshelf`or 3) if I only do the call with `bookshelf.bookshelf`.
      • monkey
      • kellnerd
        So we either have to keep the parameter as type ORM | Bookshelf or change all calls to pass bookshalf or knex directly.
      • *bookshelf
      • Currently I have `const queryResult = await ((orm as ORM).bookshelf || (orm as Bookshelf)).knex.raw(rawSql);` as a somewhat ugly solution to satisfy TS :P
      • monkey
        A typed version of the current mess is still an improvement
      • kellnerd
        I thought I could do `const knex = orm.bookshelf ? orm.bookshelf.knex : orm.knex;` to let TS infer the correct type of orm, but that doesn't work...
      • TS already complains about the condition
      • Ha, I got it: `const knex = ('bookshelf' in orm) ? orm.bookshelf.knex : orm.knex;` works
      • monkey
        Ah great
      • kellnerd
        I forgot about the correct syntax for this :)
      • > @param {string} areaId - The entity model name.
      • Hehe, I guess the description is wrong and this is is the MBID?
      • MBID = BBID in this case of course
      • This was finally a piece of code which I could fully type (as no Bookshelf model was involved directly): https://github.com/kellnerd/bookbrainz-data-js/...
      • monkey
        Much better !
      • Still a pain to have to do that, but at least it's clearer now
      • kellnerd
        Everything in bb-data besides the models has now been migrated to TS 🎉
      • monkey
        Well done ! 💯
      • kellnerd
        I will also convert the models later, but there aren't many types to add unfortunately.
      • Probably a lot of repetitive work, as far as I can see there will only one change per model: https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-data-j...
      • There are still a few type errors which can probably be fixed by checking the Bookshelf documentation for alternative usage patterns.
      • i.e. by replacing `Model.forge(...)` with `new Model(...)` which is equivalent as far as I understood.