I started following the steps, forked the repo and cloned it but in the next step about configuration. I can't see the specific configurations regarding book brainz, it mentions music brainz and CritiqueBrainz but not bookbrainz.
What specific configurations I need to do please help me with it. I also tried to run the server following the rest of steps assuming no config was needed but I got this error.
bookbrainz-site | $ node ./lib/server/app.js
bookbrainz-site | × Error setting up OAuth strategy MusicBrainzOAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option. You will not be able to log in
Oh, eventhough I want to contribute to booksbrainz, I need to make application on MusicBrainz?
Yes ! It's confusing, but we currently do all authentication through MusicBrainz
okay thanks
(which in the past was the only project)
Let me know if you need more assistance
I have already created an application, then I just need to copy the client id and client secret and put in the config file?
ok thanks
And make sure the callback URL match on both
ok, I will do that (y)
monkey hey, I tried running the server again, after adding clientid and clientsecret in config file, also making sure that callback url is same but I am still getting authentidation error. Do, I need to do something else?
Add username, password or something else to the config file?
Stop and restart if it was running
I think that should be sufficient
With how our develop.sh script is set up, you need to run `./stop.sh` to stop the server and other resources
I tried it but it is not working
oh, I got the mistake I was making I think. I will try running it again.