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      • insane_22
        On the GSOC ideas page, in the SOLR search server project, the link of the first file is wrong:- instead of providing link for 'https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/blob/master/src/common/helpers/search.js', which directs to a non-existing file it should be for
      • 'https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-site/blob/master/src/common/helpers/search.ts'. Probably a very easy to catch and solve one, still mentioning here :)
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      • kellnerd
        Thanks for letting us know insane_22, I've updated the link. That file was converted to TypeScript just two weeks ago :)
      • monkey
        Thanks !
      • aabbi15 joined the channel
      • aabbi15
      • sorry I was out for the weekend.
      • monkey: can you let me know more attribute types that you want to add
      • excepct for start and end date
      • monkey
        Hi aabbi15 at this point I think it would be best for e to review the dates attributes before adding another one. However if you want to look into it more you can go through the list of relationships at https://bookbrainz.org/relationship-types and figure out which ones would benefit from a date attribute (either start and end date, or a single date).
      • You can then post on the community forums to suggest the list of relationships with dates, and see what the community thinks and if they can think of more.
      • Otherwise, I would look at the related tickets in BB-490
      • BrainzBot
        BB-490: Allow attributes on relationships https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-490
      • aabbi15
        okayy. I am addint the attribute to other relationshps which feel like they might need a startand end date
      • monkey
        Cool. Don't skip the community forum though, it's always good to have the community's feedback :)
      • aabbi15
        Also monkey, right now I am testing by running the queries in my docker container through psql and they seem to work fine.
      • Thats all i need to test right?
      • Yes I will take a look at the forum.
      • monkey
        Regarding testing, I would make sure that editing works as expected for relationships with dates and without, adn relationships with other attributes (I guess we only have the "part of series" position attributes currently)
      • aabbi15
        what do these values mean in relationship_attribute_type table?(parent, root, child_order)
      • monkey
        They are there to allow us to create a hierarchical tree, and are copied from the MuscBrainz schema. You can read https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Databas... for more info, but for now you can ignore them
      • aabbi15
      • got it
      • monkey, i was wondering that since I am already working on adding relationship attributes to BB. Would it work as a project for GSOC?
      • Like all of it from start to end including the frontend and integrating the backend as well
      • monkey
        I don't think there would be enough work for it to be a project, since most of the groundwork has already been done
      • Hm, maybe a small project with the front-end and testing
      • But I'm not sure even with that it would be enough for a project
      • aabbi15
        Or would it be too small?
      • yaaa thats what I was thinking.
      • monkey
        Probably too small, if I'm honest, but I think if the community comes up with more types of relationship attributes mayyybe?
      • aabbi15
        If the amount of attributes are as many as musicbrainz.... Is that big enough?
      • monkey
        I would need to evaluate the amount of work, I don't think I can figure that out off the top of my head
      • But as I said, possibly
      • aabbi15
        The work should take 175 hours minimum right?
      • maybe I can ask the Musicbrainz maintainers if adding attributes took a long time
      • monkey
        Small projects are 90 hours, medium 175h, large 350h
      • The MusicBrainz project has been running for 20 years, and I suppose a lot of this relationship attribute stuff was added little by little rather than in one go
      • So estimating the time spent would be tricky
      • All that being said, you are not limited to a single proposal, so it could be a proposal if you think you can justify a 90h project
      • aabbi15
        Oh. SO I can upload multiple proposals for the same organization?
      • monkey
        Up to 3, if memory serves. Presumably it's 3 across all organizations you apply to
      • But I would point you to the GSOC FAQ for more info
      • aabbi15 has quit
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      • aabbi15
        Yupp! I just checked in the FAQs I can submit 3 proposals.
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