5:20 AM
luffy joined the channel
5:22 AM
hi guys , can anyone please tell me why was the IRC server closed for a few days :)
5:26 AM
Hi luffy - I donβt think it was closed? kiwiirc can have issues sometimes. But there were posts here on the 1st/2nd/3rd
5:28 AM
Have you tried the Matrix or Discord bridges? They can be convenient re. being able to see the chat history
5:28 AM
hmm.. I tried connecting to the server between 25th and 28th feb , and every time I got an error `unknown server`
5:29 AM
aerozol , nope never tried them π
5:35 AM
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5:35 AM
If you want to see if they're better for you
5:36 AM
okki , thank you π
5:58 AM
also I was wondering if this is the expected behaviour or some bug
5:58 AM
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insane_22 (IRC): I reckon that smells like a memory issue, with ElasticSearch crashing once it has used all the available memory in the Docker VM. Someone else on the forums had an issue where ES would crash on start with exit code 0
10:25 AM
I'd suggest increasing the available memory
11:25 AM
Also, look into sending a link to a pastebin for long logs like this :)
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