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      • Tarun_0x0 joined the channel
      • Tarun_0x0
        monkey , kellnerd[m] : Can any of you tell me what version of Elasticsearch you are using? I am running BB locally (not in Docker), and since the beginning, my search has not been working. Initially, it was giving some illegal argument errors, then a mapping exception. Now I am trying with an older Elasticsearch version (5.6.16; the latest is 8.*).
      • There are no errors now, but the search still does not work even after the BB index is created.
      • I have been trying to fix this for a long time.
      • kellnerd[m]
        Tarun_0x0 (IRC): I am using docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.6.8
      • I had issues with the Elasticsearch container for about a year (it was crashing with JRE SIGSEGV errors on startup), but I recently managed to fix that issue.
      • Not sure if that is relevant to solve your problem, but I should still create a PR with my solution, either for the docker compose file in bb-site or at least for the troubleshooting section of the dev-docs.
      • Tarun_0x0
        I haven't tried running it in Docker yet, but I am going to soon. I will let you know if it crashes for some reason. For now, I tried running it on my machine with Elasticsearch version 5.6.8, and it still didn't work.
      • let me try it with docker
      • oh god it worked Finally !!!!
      • ES in docker is working great, no crashes till now but for some reason when i run ES manually , while reindexing after some time it give socket connection time out and search dont work. Maybe i am missing on some cofiguration settings but for now i'll be using docker only
      • Tarun_0x0 has quit
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