

      • anonn joined the channel
      • kellnerd[m]
        This afternoon I have been creating [type definitions for the OpenLibrary JSON schema](https://github.com/metabrainz/bookbrainz-utils/compare/master...kellnerd:bookbrainz-utils:ol-schema). Originally I intended to do a straightforward PR, but then I realized that a few parts of the old parser need more work to match the expected types 😅
      • monkey[m]
        It's always like that with coding, isn't it :p
      • The types look good though
      • kellnerd: By the way, if you missed it, earlier today I published a new version of bookbrainz-data with the validators : 5.2.0
      • kellnerd[m]
        Yeah, I had seen it, I will update it in my bb-utils PR and see if my branch still works :p
      • kellnerd[m] waits until Deno has cached all the new bb-data dependencies on the fly
      • (I fear it had to load all dependencies again since it can't efficiently see unchanged modules for npm dependencies.)
      • monkey[m]
        Sounds like NPM
      • kellnerd[m]
        Ok, PR has been updated, testing should now be possible without the hacks I had to resort to "npm link" a package for Deno.
      • * resort to for "npm link", * "npm link"ing a
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