

      • discordbrainz
        <11monika_.19> Thank you so much for help, it worked.
      • <11muxxer.exe> For manga, should the wotg (ex: One Piece) be included in the relationship for each volume?
      • <11muxxer.exe> Like
      • <11muxxer.exe> Volume 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3, etc. and One Piece
      • <11muxxer.exe> or should it only be included if the entire manga is part of a single edition?
      • <11muxxer.exe> Also, if a book was released in 2021 then reprinted in 2023, should that reprint, even if the same, be a new edition within its edition group?
      • Goemon
        what is wotg?
      • andI say yes, it's a new edition
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        My thinking is that reprints, for the most part, are not new editions, as they frequently only differ in the front matter, and that's the guideline I've had in my mind. Sometimes reprints have a new cover design, though, or even different contents, in which case I add them as a new edition.
      • Popular books can be reprinted dozens of times without any meaningful change, and I don't see much value in capturing each of those separately.