<11monika_.19> Thank you so much for help, it worked.
<11muxxer.exe> For manga, should the wotg (ex: One Piece) be included in the relationship for each volume?
<11muxxer.exe> Like
<11muxxer.exe> Volume 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3, etc. and One Piece
<11muxxer.exe> or should it only be included if the entire manga is part of a single edition?
<11muxxer.exe> Also, if a book was released in 2021 then reprinted in 2023, should that reprint, even if the same, be a new edition within its edition group?
what is wotg?
andI say yes, it's a new edition
My thinking is that reprints, for the most part, are not new editions, as they frequently only differ in the front matter, and that's the guideline I've had in my mind. Sometimes reprints have a new cover design, though, or even different contents, in which case I add them as a new edition.
Popular books can be reprinted dozens of times without any meaningful change, and I don't see much value in capturing each of those separately.
PBryan[m] joined the channel
I'd be inclined to say that if a reprint is printed/published with a distinct date on the copyright page, it should be seen as a new edition? (It's difficult to know if there was any editing between reprints, especially in the digital age.)
That's a good point. I entered an edition yesterday that lists copyright as 1960 with a reprint in 1963, and I entered it as the 1960 edition, but the 1963 reprint was specifically called out.
On the other hand, I also have a couple of books which specify each individual reprint in the front matter.
I've been doing a bunch of entry the last few days and starting to gather my thoughts for a thread on Edition guidelines, though I'd like to see an initial version of Author stitched up and published first.
I have a cookbook like that. each spesific reprint has spesific additions. I would say that theone you're holding is the latest
it simply copied the older, built-upon, editions' information
yea. now that I *finally* have this working computer, it's about time we start working on BB styleguidelines
I'd want to use the latest reprint date for that particular edition, though it shows previous reprint dates.
More I mean that it can be potentially a lot of reprints to capture, and I'm not sure it's always warranted. One of them I'm fairly certain has no meaningful changes inside, the only uncertainty I have right now being the cover. Another I'm almost certain has no meaningful changes except I know that they changed from printing an ISBN-10 to an ISBN-13 between the 2006 and 2008 reprints.
MonkeyPython[m] joined the channel
<leftmostcatUTC-7> "More I mean that it can be..." <- sorry but, just like "meaningless" diffs of releases I think that these are also, well different editions :s
What do you mean by "these" in this context?
<MonkeyPython[m]> "sorry but, just like "meaningles..." <- If you mean the ISBNs, I'm absolutely on board. When I open a book and the printer's key indicates that it's the 17th printing, I'm a little more wary.