Hello, I am a developer who was interested in contributing to the bookbrainz website, i have initialized the project and have reached the server setup stage, in that the step 3 was to click on my profile and i will get my ID in the address bar, i did get details in the address bar but i saw there was a permission for something like public access of accounts or something, i gave the permission and after that all the data in the
address bar disappeared and i cant get my ID so i cant update my ID to admin privileges which is the next step
Anybody can help?
ok, so it might sound stupid but i just changed the browser and i started getting the details in the address bar
its probably got something to do with the cookies
but ya, i wanted to know the next step, on how to get my ID from the address bar
or how to check my profile as mentioned in the step 3 of the search server setup
leftmostcatUTC-7 joined the channel
When you're logged in, you should be able to click on your name in the upper righthand corner of the page and select Profile. Your ID will be the number following editor/.
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Jigen has quit
Okay, I'm trying to kick off a discussion of printings on Discourse. Hopefully it will get us started on the way toward Edition guidelines without trying to tackle the entire topic of Editions at once.
got it, my database name was incorrect in config.json file
its working now
Thanks a lot brother
No problem; sorry I couldn't offer much assistance. 😅