

March 13th 2025

      • DanishArora[m]
        Hello everyone, My name is Danish Arora and I am a Full-stack web developer (MERNstack/NextJS). Recently I came across this organization and I believe my skills makes be eligible for contributions to this organization. I would love to be a part of this organization throughout GSOC 25' and further as well.
      • glucosesniffer[m
        hi, question: can the translation files from weblate not be downloaded as json? I don't see an option for that
      • outsidecontext[m
        ahmad: I don't think BookBrainz is translatable on weblate, yet. But generally the translation files can be downloaded. If you are in a single language you get the source file directly. If you are on a component or the project you get a zip of the individual files.
      • It's in the "Files" menu
      • glucosesniffer[m
        okay thank u