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      • KassOtsimine
        d4rkie: d4rk: wonder if you could help mewith something. whne it comes t ohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrXETXbf-Cs I am trying to find out who sings this
      • (iisac newton what a link!)
      • peterhil_ has quit
      • aøsp of you could, translate that section (the bit about the demon's pants) starting with "そのほかに1929年に二村定一が" that's be great
      • I want to add this, and the associated work/etc to Musicbrainz
      • i think https://beta.musicbrainz.org/work/38f8abf8-a4e3... is probably the japanese literall trasnation not the "oni's pants" one?
      • yyoung
        KassOtsimine: You might want to use DeepL to translate, the result looks good to me
      • KassOtsimine
        oh yes i remember the deepl
      • hm
      • let me see
      • d4rkie
        KassOtsimine: artist: 童謡 album: 歌入り!大入り!日本の童謡
      • KassOtsimine
        but it's still difficutl to read the bits of youtube linksand such
      • i will search for this album name! thanks d4rkie
      • d4rkie
      • KassOtsimine
        oooh, cool
      • hmm it doesnt sound exactly like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrXETXbf-Cs
      • the vocalist *might* be the same, but the artist is probably soem modern band?
      • Tanaka is deff the lyricist it seems tho. great
      • thanks both of you
      • d4rkie: cna you help me find anything out about レッド キャットリーディング(Red Cat Reading) (red cat reading)
      • they upload kid's songs on youtube
      • is it a publishing company of that musicm or jsut a random user
      • yyoung
        I'm afraid it's a bussiness company, since they have a website.
      • d4rkie
      • peterhil_ joined the channel
      • yyoung didn't realized it is CatCat until just now
      • CatQuest
        no problem :D
      • (if you pu in a translator, you'll see the name logically :D)
      • oh but actulaly, yyoung you are chinese? how woudl yo usay "catquest, the endeavouring cat!" in chinese?
      • quest as in on a quest and endeavouring as in trying hard for soemthing
      • (but also travleing. i suppose)
      • yyoung
        It can be said in many ways, but I think it's conveyed best in English :)
      • y'know, sometimes it becomes less interesting after translation
      • CatQuest
        in truth yes. but I collect translations!
      • yyoung
        Oh interesting, let me think...
      • CatQuest
        (I woudl liek both han and pidgin if possible) (if that are the terms. hnaza is korean and kanj iis japanese term for chinese characters)
      • I belive
      • hanza, or hanji
      • yyoung
        Well I've never heard of pidgin
      • CatQuest
        yes, i wrote it wrong. I'm sure. it's the
      • latinisation, like romajii on japanese
      • transliteration
      • yyoung
        What languages of translation have you collected?
      • CatQuest
        let me se, i have KassOtsimine wich is estonian :D BilleeKhoj or बिल्ली खोज wich ishindi
      • i have tried KattSøk in norwegian (and i agree it works better in english)
      • yyoung
        Got it, so we may use Pinyin and there's also another way for easier pronunciation, but I've fogot what it's called, it is mostly used on names
      • CatQuest
        i still have to confirm wih jesus2099 a french transaltion
      • pinyn not pidgin. that's thw word!
      • pinyin*
      • i got it confused :D
      • yes
      • yyoung
      • So is 'quest' something like 'knight' or 'mission'?
      • CatQuest
        mission, not knight
      • liek a quest for something, an adventure, a trial
      • a journy
      • mission
      • yyoung
        So how is 'cat' related to that, is it "a cat's mission" or 'a cat-like mission'?
      • CatQuest
      • the latter part is atleast "a cat (that is) endeavouring/trying" the first is..
      • yyoung
        (Because it may look strange to place two nouns together)
      • CatQuest
      • i think this is also why it looks wrong in orwegian
      • the first part is probably "the searh of a cat"
      • uhm. not searchingfor a cat, but the search a cat is doing
      • if I said it in a different english, I'd say "cat's search, the attempting cat" or "the cat's trials, the missioning cat" etc
      • the latter part of norwegian is actulaly rather good. "Den Bestrevende Katt" I'd translate it as "the striving cat"
      • yyoung
        Then I would probably call it "猫之求索,上下求索之猫" (mao zhi qiu suo, shang xia qiu suo zhi mao)
      • CatQuest
        cool! thank you!
      • yyoung
        It originates from an ancient poem
      • CatQuest
      • I especially like that mao (cat) is first and last
      • yyoung
        Yes there's a kind of symmetry in it
      • CatQuest
        interestingly google actually translates 之求索 as "quest"
      • yes indeed!
      • that's a part of it
      • you did very well, thank you!
      • pity i cannot register an unicode name on liberachat :D
      • yyoung
        Yes :D
      • btw, as I'm entering edits on musicbrainz I've got several questions
      • 1. Shouldn't we always use the title on the cover art as release title?
      • 2. Where are the parts displayed in a soundtrack work page?
      • 3. How should we handle title of special CD in Blu-ray? (Sometimes the description is used, like https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/12471fa8-..., which says 'A CD containing BGM, radio digest and character songs; others use numbers, like https://musicbrainz.org/release/af912e25-07ff-4..., which is Special BGM of Nichijo Blu-ray 1)
      • 4. The differences between 'is based on', 'arrangement of', 'instrumental cover recording'? I've seen discussions on the forum but still don't know the common practice
      • In my understanding, instrumental cover is simply the original recording with the vocal track replaced with instruments; 'is based on' may only takes the melody and ideas, and the whole style or genre is likely changed
      • apetresc has quit
      • 5. Various Artists or artist credits? I've seen tracks and releases credited as VA and also credited by listing artists names, which is better?
      • s/also/others
      • kepstin
        there sometimes multiple different title variations printed on cover art, so there's a judgement call on what exactly to use
      • texke has quit
      • for a blu-ray containing a bonus cd, the release is the blu-ray release as a whole - the audio CD is just one medium in it
      • i wouldn't add the media that's not relevant to musicbrainz, just the audio disk, but you can set the media position etc. based on all the discs in the release
      • VA vs artist credits is another judgement call - on a release level if they couldn't fit the list of artists on the spine, you should consider using VA :)
      • VA should generally be avoided on a track level, artist credits or other special purpose artists would be preferred. For example, [dialogue] as the artist on a drama track.
      • i think you've got the idea of the 'is based on', and 'instrumental cover' down. The work-work 'arrangement of' relation is specifically for making a work for an arrangement where that arrangement itself has been recorded multiple times.
      • (the arrangement of rel came from the classical music space, where someone would make an arrangement of a work for e.g. a specific set of instruments, and publish the sheet music for it)
      • yyoung
        <there sometimes multiple different title variations printed on cover art> I'm confused when seeing a case where the title on cover art is in English, while the release title is changed to match Japanese name on Amazon
      • <just the audio disk, but you can set the media position etc> Yes, but what if there's no official name for the disc since it's not release independently? As in my example above, the descriptive title is from official website but it is too long and hard to distinguish, maybe it's better to add an alias to indicate which volume of Blu-ray it's in?
      • atj
        Any Spanish speakers who can assist with capitalisation? "Deixa Tudo Fluir (Guerrinha’s Deixa o Órgão Solar mix)" should be "Deixa tudo fluir (Guerrinha’s deixa o órgão solar mix)"?
      • sorry, Portugese!
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      • VxJasonxV
        Has anyone else ever complained that recording search is really horrible? It seems to be particularly bad since this last release. I've never understood why it's search results are so bad. The closest match (by length, artist, etc.) is so rarely the first result despite all of that information being able to be seeded.
      • Specifically, Add Release -> Recording search. Not just top level site search.
      • atj
        VxJasonxV: I think it's a common observation. Not surprising there are so many duplicate recordings...
      • VxJasonxV
      • Perhaps the problem is that it *is* seeded, and when one of the results don't match (album name?) it scores that result dramatically less?
      • atj
        I think there is some logic around matching track lengths etc. I'm sure reosarevok will be able to explain the logic.
      • VxJasonxV
        I could probably also look it up myself, I think.
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      • Rotab
        yeah, it's several minutes off
      • probably good that it doesnt show up
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