

September 1st 2021

      • reosarevok
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: I think actually that unless there i an archive of some sort, saving old links is pretty useless :s
      • reosarevok
        Well, I don't think we should force people to go check if there's an archive, in the first place
      • CatQuest
        (although due to the archive process initiated by (forget the name) less and less links should not actually have a n archived version)
      • ie I mean. moing forawrd all links *are* archived
      • reosarevok
        But also, if you're looking at band "The Common Name", and you find an old resource and are like "is this for the same 'The Common Name' band", and both list the same now dead myspace page or whatever, well, that's useful :)
      • CatQuest
        well yes that's interesting
      • but use that as an example
      • (what I'm (slightly) worriedabotu is every single link that ever existed being on an artist)
      • even stuff that wasn't really that interesting or usefull
      • reosarevok
        I did :) "and even if that doesn't exist it can be useful as a way to know that other page listing the same URL referred to the same artist"
      • CatQuest
        yea i didn't get that for mthat. needs a little rewording? or as an example
      • reosarevok
        Well, does it *hurt*? :) Most artists don't get that many links
      • Except for super popular ones, which probably don't have the links die that often
      • I agree that, say, keeping a ton of "interview" links, was someone to link them all, might be annoying, but then, those are likely to be archived and of interest to someone :/
      • CatQuest
        I mean, yes
      • but also also, if something is archived. why not link to the archive link too?
      • (something i've been wondering about)
      • reosarevok
        Well, ideally we'd do that automatically somehow
      • Although I'm not sure what's the best way
      • CatQuest
        a second [archive] next to the [info] link?
      • reosarevok
        Maybe. Just would be nice to only show that if it exists, but not sure how to make + store that check
      • Maybe bitmap or ROpdebee have ideas
      • geoffreyy
        hi, should I make a separate release for music videos (on youtube), or should I just put it as a (video stream) link under the digital release?
      • CatQuest
        geoffreyy: music videos are separate recordings
      • kinduff4 is now known as kinduff
      • yyoung[m]
        reosarevok: I agree with adding a link to IA, it's not a good idea to make it unclickable, maybe it's just temporarily unavailable or at lease it might be available on IA
      • derwin
        huh. "Guess case" turns "´s" into "´S" ? that seems... wrong?
      • into " ´S" actually
      • oh, I see. ACUTE ACCENT
      • "In proper typography, U+2019 is not only the right single quotation mark, but also the preferred character for representing the apostrophe."
      • opal
        ’ is what you want yeah
      • well, unless it´s artistic intent ;)
      • derwin
        atj: how does a-tisket determine whether something is an album or an EP?
      • opal: doubting it's artist intent, because it's possessive
      • it’s
      • opal
        what's the release
      • ugh they block tor
      • wonder if wayback machine can help me here
      • yeah that one works
      • derwin
        I'm also capitalizing the artist name there. the promo copy uses caps, etc.
      • opal
        yeah definitely doesnt seem intended
      • (btw artist intent includes violations of grammar/spelling just for future reference)
      • i have a few releases i need to fix because other people arent familiar with those artists and their intent at all
      • derwin
        yeah, unless it's clearly a typo, which, given that I mostly tag digital releases, imo happens more than actual artist intent
      • opal
        one release i have no idea what to do with is viper's ... uh, southwest hooligan i think
      • derwin
        LOL, viper.
      • opal
        original release has entirely different titles than what discogs or maybe some other releases have
      • viper's sick
      • and at least i dont [off] my musical tastes :^)
      • say that to the camera not off the record see what happens
      • derwin
        I think Viper's music is interesting, for sure
      • I wonder how many people have actually bought the insane private press CDs he has on bandcamp
      • there's so many of them, someone would have to be willing to spend a ton of money to collect them complete
      • opal
        i hear that if you buy directly from viper he legit just wraps shit in a plastic bag
      • derwin
        yeah I thought about buying a "y'all cowards" shirt, but... reconsidered after some of the stories
      • opal
        i'd still gladly rep him
      • it's you'll btw
      • maybe even you´ll
      • derwin
        oh right, I realized I needed to type it
      • and then typed the thing he meant lol
      • opal
        typo or artistic intent? :D
      • derwin
        there's a really famous one in the bay area, mac dre "fellin' myself"
      • the lyrics say "Feelin'" and many sources correct it, but it appears to canonically be called "fellin' myself" based on streaming and cd
      • opal
        haha thats great
      • thought he was a lumberjack from that title
      • derwin
        atj: does the "isrcs from spotify" site actually work for you?
      • geoffreyy
        Made a duplicate release group https://musicbrainz.org/edit/82363687 :p
      • reosarevok
        loujine: do you know why this might be? https://beta.musicbrainz.org/edit/82335702
      • yyoung[m]: the reason why we make these unclickable (at least for display) is to give users a clear idea that this is not a normal working link, and because it's perfectly possible it points to porn ads or whatever now
      • So it seems fair to try and protect the user from that a bit - if they really want to go check, there's no problem with copying the URL and opening it :)
      • atj
        derwin: yes
      • you need to allow popups for the MB OAuth IIRC
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: It looks good, thank you.
      • atj
      • Bakis Sirros (with some ocassional collaborators)
      • I've added some composed by work rels for "Bakis Sirros" via "credited as" https://musicbrainz.org/artist/395c63fc-edfd-42...
      • derwin
        atj: I disabled various privacy things but maybe on the wrong sites