if you think this is for music piracy you're way off
are @find bots really still a thing? lol
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Back with another question. :)
Leo Moracchioli creates metal covers of songs that he releases as albums. He also performs them live with his band Frog Leap. I have been merging the Frog Leap items under the Leo items because the albums are solo released. That said, whoever created the Leo releases listed No Label while the person who created the Frog Leap releases put
FrogLeapStudios, which is the name of Leo's studio.
How do I tell which is correct? Currently MB has both due to the merge.
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PelvicSorcery: the question is whether these releases are actually sold under the FrogLeapStudios label, if it's an actual label (e.g., distributed by this label or its logo on the spine or similar)
if this was imported from Discogs, it could be that releases there were incorretly aattributed to that as a label, in absence of any real label. on Discogs, studios/locations are technically label entities.
(this is a quirk of the database design, but it does make it easy to use these entities for the wrong purpose)
it seems to work if I disable tampermonkey and try it in Violentmonkey though
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must be something in Opera.. it seems to work with vivaldi+tampermonkey
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sswitching all my scripts to violentmonkey, think I'll try it for a while and dump tampermonkey
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Hi, new to contributing to MusicBrainz. I'm wanting to work on adding cover art. I'm reading User:Nikki/CAA, and I'm understanding I'm allowed to grab the images from SoundCloud, Discogs, and other sites?
Hi Binzy
images aren't hosted by MusicBrainz but by the Internet Archive (they'll deal with potential copyright issues)
so yeah you can upload images from different sources on the internet and upload them to the cover art archive