outsidecontext: are you online rn? I’m trying to do some Picard videos and am way out of my depth!
and a tag scripting question re. a forum post I want to do
Oh never mind, found the answer! To the script question anyway
Don’t know if anybody had already posted a complete $unset tag list for Picard, I couldn’t find it so hopefully this helps some Google/Discourse searchers in future: https://community.metabrainz.org/t/only-set-a-s...
when should a regular vs. unicode slash be used?
for example, should it be "b/w" or "b∕w"?
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no idea! That second b/w looks messed up haha
the former is apparently "fraction slash" and the latter "division slash"
" DIVISION SLASH is in the mathematical operators block. It is intended to be used when representing the mathematical division operator, e.g. in mathematical formulas. "
" FRACTION SLASH is in the general punctuation block. It is intended to be used when representing a fraction. Use it when you might say, out loud, "one half". You might use it in nonmathematical contexts, e.g. "1⁄2 cup of olive oil". "
huh. that suggests that pretty much all cases on mb should be "FRACTION SLASH"
Interesting. Seems like it
bleh, I had been using "DIVISION SLASH" for some cases.
that bums me out because the DIVISION version has the advantage of being a valid character in both unix and windows paths.
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ooh sneaky. Easy to swap out the slash in a Picard file naming script though, hopefully?
with 🙼 for extra oomph
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^ A+ advice
I use beets, but yeah, I could probably do that there too... probably I'll just... not-care lol
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You might use it in nonmathematical contexts, e.g. "1⁄2 cup of olive oil". <- but cooking is totally maths
I bet there's some correct divisions in MB titles, but probably few :)