there's just so much more information ahead of us than behind us as to make it seem, once you learn enough about a subject, like we barely know a thing
head example: the more you learn about colour and what it actually *is*
i know about electron states and.. it's jsut
wtf is colour even
color is just a wavelength
of a photon
oh but it's so much more :D
you might describe it as our perception of said wavelength
and the photon is created by electrons dropping or increasing states
given that we can see things that dont exist
ah but
or knocked loose or whatever
what it is .... is not defined by how it comes about
it remains photons with various properties
simply sourced one way or another
yes, energy states can do the thing
tigerman325 joined the channel
but that is how it is made
not what it is
not ot menation that photon scew thing wich i don't know how to say in english. where observed photon states are set if one is observed
uncertainty principle?
oh wait no
you're talking about that
uh. it's more *certanty* but i don't know what it's called in english. only learned it in norwegian :D
no i was thinking of something else
i know what you mean
the reason that doesnt make sense
is because ... we're thinking about it wrong
we try to approximate the idea
by saying the photon is in all possible places at once
with varying probability
until needed
but that's ... just our grade school explanation
it's more like
a photon is an excitation of the electromagnetic field
my idea is that photons are wack. also they move at the speed of light . wich is impossible. so time dilation will make time stand completely still in the ov of a photon
and as such
several things occur
first, the photon is not in several places at once
it is not in any
the photon is not the "thing"
the field is
and THEN there is string theory
and the field simply permeates a region
and when interacted iwth
it excites
this explains other elmeents too
like bose einstein condensates
where cooling things down enough causes them to coalesce
but that's not true either. photons (and indeed electrons (and larger things too probably if the physics had allowed it to be observed)) have both matter and wave characteristica
what's really happening is that we removed so much energy that the field cannot excite as much
not matter
matter has mass
particles just ... are
uh well i am trasnalting form norwegian here
but yes, a photon does particle things
and is excited by the field
and it's been like 5 years or more sicne i faffed with this
realy wish I could have continued with physics. it really shock up my world whne i learned about Newton and *force* and wtf it was
this is also how tunneling can be explained
the thing doesnt teleport
it doesnt go through other things
it simply reverts to a field form, and then excites
it makes sense, in a way
if you can think of something as both there ... and not there
or there ... in a more ... representative fashion
heiseberg comes ot mind? lol
well the interaction that provides the information about one property?
that is an interaction with the field
so by doing that
perhaps the field is being altered
perhaps "observation" is a relevant interaction with the local field
such that it acts in an input/output capacity, capable of both extracting information [and energy], and imparting the same
tigerman325 has quit
but the core of what im getting at is called "wave particle duality"
wave is just a ... low information term
that basically refers to the field
come to think of it
...the idea of things as fields until needed as particles would explain the whole "reality is not locally real" thing that was recently given a nobel prize
although it does leave open the question of what makes something a worthy observer
21:44 < Erin> because im not /an/ expert
21:44 < Erin> so it's astounding to be /the/ expert