Hey all, is there a special rule for people who only post their music to YouTube? Thinking of adding some of my father's old stuff to the database, and he only ever posted to his YouTube channel afaict
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binzy_boi[m]: music is music. Whether it's "releases" or standalone recordings is a different question and I guess would depend on how he posted it
Thanks for that.
++++ for adding your fathers old stuff to mb!
!m binzy_boi[m] for adding niche things!
You're doing good work, binzy_boi[m] for adding niche things!!
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Hi!are there any known issues regarding listenbrainz at the moment?
It looks like I submitting new listens doesn't work from funkwhale currently, now I am wondering if there is an issue with the service, if the API changed or something wrong on our side :)
gcrkrause: listens currently don't show up in the front end no matter the source. I think there is some issue or ongoing maintenance, but I don't know details. Let's ask in #metabrainz
outsidecontex: Thanks for the quick reply! :)
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if an artist releases a "cover" of one of their former works, but under a different project, does that count as a cover?
or, if a band member releases a version of a song by the group
That's an eternal debate
Pretty sure you can find discussions about it in the forum
Personally I would decide based on how close it is to the original recordings/how much of the personal style of the individual or the new project influenced it
of course it is lmao. i'm gonna go with not a cover for now, and i'll go set those attributes if a consensus is ever reached
they're quite different tbh, but i think they might be more remixes than covers?