

March 25th 2024

      • strat666
        hi, all. Quick query: some months ago, a user deleted the CD medium from a CD + DVD release. I noticed the issue today and restored the CD medium, but the numbering is off: the first medium is 'CD 2', while the DVD (which I moved down) is now 'DVD 3'
      • Is this something I can fix, or will the admins need to sort it out? Is it even fixable?
      • this is the edit that broke it (remove medium): https://musicbrainz.org/edit/102182055
      • look at the release's cover art. It shows it's a CD + DVD release
      • stepping away, back later
      • discordbrainz
        <12lazybookwyrm> Just hit the up arrow on the top cd medium to move it to position 1, then do the same on the dvd medium to move it to the now empty 2
      • strat666
        that's what I did
      • but when I edited the entry, I remember it said 'DVD 2'
      • and it was the only medium
      • so somehow the CD remains as a ghost' with regard to the medium numbering
      • to confirm: there are 2 media. They are listed as 'CD 2' and 'DVD 3' in that order
      • discordbrainz
        <12lazybookwyrm> Yeah, I understand what's going on. Just edit it and move the cd medium up. It's weird because you're not really moving it up, but hitting the up arrow will put it back to CD 1 and then you do the same for the DVD to make it DVD 2
      • strat666
      • I did not think of it
      • *that
      • @lazybookwyrm: done. Thanks for teaching me how to fix it. https://musicbrainz.org/edit/110116675
      • discordbrainz
        <12lazybookwyrm> Glad to help 🙂
      • strat666
        cheers. Bye for now
      • Darkloke
        Greetings. Cannot connect to musicbrainz.org both from home and from work (russian IP). Can someone check please?
      • discordbrainz
        <03metadataismydrug> try musicbrainz.eu
      • Darkloke
        This one is working.
      • I also cant login on acoustid.org to get api key through MB credits.
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> It seems i can only connect to musicbrainz.org only via VPN.
      • reosarevok
        darkloke: thank your government, who decided to ban MusicBrainz because they don't like that we document all music
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> Yeah, it seems it was banned a month ago... (blocklist.rkn.gov.ru) Did you received any official letters?
      • reosarevok
        Yes, we did, but we don't censor, so not much we can do :)
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> I see. Well, RKN is widely known here to block a lot of "false positives", so lets hope its just another mistake. I suppose they simply saw some submitted album, that "triggered" them.
      • reosarevok
        Yeah - they had one specific album they had issues with, some punk thing
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> Ok, i think i will live so far with MB on vpn since i use it for tidal anyway. I have a question regarding Picard and its option "translate artist names to these locals where possible" - i suppose this option works only with tracklist level artists and doesnt work for "default" artist name? I am asking coz as i see it doesnt change a composer name for example.
      • ApeKattQuest
        nooone apreciates my joke here but I still think this is funny https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/User:ApeKattQuest,...
      • reosarevok
        darkloke: I think it should work with the default artist name - do we have the alias?
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> Unless i am doing something wrong... Tested on this artist: https://musicbrainz.org/artist/8bcb4a54-2cf7-46... He has an alias - i also set it as "primal" for english and legal. Then i enabled option to translate in Picard and refreshed the data - artist name changed and composer - not.
      • reosarevok
        Oh. It might be it doesn't work on things like composer. outsidecontext or zas would know. It seems like if it doesn't it probably should :)
      • discordbrainz
        <12darkloke> I see. I just thought it would be nice to have a local "replacer" list to use in Picard. Like hosts file:artist_mbid - your name spell variation. Would be nice to have in cases when you dont like a default artist name and cant changed it due to editors conflict.
      • outsidecontext
        arkloke: you can use scripting for this and set the artist name based on the musicbrainz_artistid
      • something like "$if($eq(%musicbrainz_artistid%,123),$set(artist,Your Preferred Artist Name))"
      • zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz
      • thejoker8814
        hi all. Is there a way, to specify only to use/ overwrite the Album/ track cover art, when it's a higher resolution than it already has? While still keep the option enabled, to import/ use local file covers?
      • outsidecontext
        thejoker8814: you mean in Picard? no, that's currently not possible. But there is a feature ticket for it
      • thejoker8814
        outsidecontext: hehe, fitting name! sorry, yes, in Picard, I meant to mention that. Okay, thought so, but wasn't sure.
      • iconoclast_hero
        add cover art: is there a way to link to the cover art for a bootleg on archive.org? I don't want to deal with uploading files from my machines.
      • thejoker8814
        if I submit an edit for an release group's name; once it will be accepted, will that change affect the name of all releases as well?
      • to be concrete, some one added an EP in the RG name, which is a little bit odd, because we have the primary type field for it, right? As it seems that also was applied to the 3 releases under the RG. Need I to submit 4 edits, one for the RG name and one for each release name?
      • reosarevok
        thejoker8814: no, the releases should be edited separately (you can change the RG while changing the releases but not the other way around)
      • Keep in mind though that sometimes you actually want EP on the title (when it's on the cover as part of the name)
      • thejoker8814
        reosarevok: Yes, I thought as much. Thanks. Wasn't aware that's a thing to be honest, I will have a look at the covers again, before I continue.
      • fletchto99_ is now known as fletchto99
      • ursa-major_ is now known as ursa-major
      • srxl_ is now known as srxl