

April 18th 2024

      • yano1 is now known as yano
      • mayhem is now known as may_hem
      • may_hem is now known as mayhem
      • Lotheric
        I need some help
      • I'm not a native English speaker
      • Is 'ova' in this title a preposition ? (I think it is)
      • Murdered Ova Nuttin’
      • ans should it be lowercased ?
      • 3 word preposition should
      • ~word/letter I mean
      • so I guess is what I'm asking: Murdered ova Nuttin’ (over) Murdered Ova Nuttin’ (hehe)
      • same question for 'Wit'
      • Rollin’ Wit da Rat Pak
      • and
      • in "Git Off Ma Dic", Off is considered part of the verb ? so capital ?
      • crism
        Lotheric: Maybe obvious, but “wit” is “with” and “ova” is “over,” so capitalization should be the same as for the full word. I wouldn’t capitalize either one, but I often find I am at odds with the style guidelines in that respect. Try using proper English for the suggestion button, then putting it back?
      • Lotheric
        good idea
      • xnaas
      • the latter is already in the proper release group with all the other versions
      • LupinIII
        [14:56] <crism> Lotheric: Maybe obvious, but “wit” is “with” and “ova” is “over,” so capitalization should be the same as for the full word. I wouldn’t capitalize either one, but I often find I am at odds with the style guidelines in that respect. Try using proper English for the suggestion button, then putting it back?
      • I alo tink with and over sohuld be lowercase in mb
      • as well as "from"
      • itit just looks *wrong* to capitalise them
      • the only reason for the exeption afaik si ambiguity in the "official english capitalisation rules" we got from some place
      • xnaas
        oh, I see I can submit a "remove" edit. don't mind me...
      • LupinIII
        your example actually illustrates it nicely. "ove" is "ova" a 3 letter suc wnad would ,with the ambiguity be considered lowercase
      • ova*
      • erh
      • your example actually illustrates it nicely. "over" is "ova" a 3 letter such word would, without the ambiguity, be considered lowercase
      • Lotheric
        maybe the guidelines can be changed... What do you think reosarevok ?
      • the capitalization of with varies from style guide to style guide
      • atj
        nice to see discussions about English grammar using examples such as "Murdered Ova Nuttin’" and "Git Off Ma Dic"
      • it's like being at school again
      • Lotheric
        you know... hip hop lol
      • not the finest English
      • reosarevok
        atj: but is it a grammar school?
      • (I still don't know what that even means :D)
      • I dunno. Changing it would mean a ton of stuff would now be incorrect, which seems annoying :)
      • atj
        Lotheric: i'm not judging the English, i just liked the juxtaposition ;)
      • i agree. if there was one clear rule then possibly, but if it's ambiguous it's not worth the effort / disruption etc.
      • and even then
      • Lotheric
        I don't care on way or the other, like I said English is not my native language so weeing "With" with a capital doesn't have that shock effect of being wrong
      • ~seeing
      • but I can understand the annoyance
      • kellnerd
        Is there any clever way to add a missing medium #1 to an existing release with many other media which are already in the correct position?
      • Because if I add e new medium and move it upwards using the arrow buttons, each of the exisiting medium gets its medium number incremented.
      • So for a release with the highest medium number being 23, it requires almost 2*23 clicks to get the medium into the correct position.
      • And unfortunately medium #1 is not the only one which is missing :/
      • bitmap
        you can play around with MB.releaseEditor.rootField.release().mediums()[n].position(1)
      • kellnerd
        So if there is a hack (including JS execution in the browser console) to achieve this more easily than creating a duplicate release with the missing media only to merge it., let me know.
      • bitmap
        as long as the edit previews look ok, it should be fine
      • kellnerd
        Thanks bitmap, I will try that :)
      • Cool, looking good, I guess I will submit the first medium separately to see that it works before entering more data.
      • Superb, using `MB.releaseEditor.rootField.release().mediums().at(-1).position(1)` I don't even have to calculate the index of the newly added last medium :D
      • bitmap
      • Awlex
        Hi, I'm a bit new to this so I might ask a couple of questions today and tomorrow