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      • iconoclast_hero
        hey, what's the deal with left and right quotes, vs unhanded quotes?
      • i was just doing fighting with beets and i saw that it wanted to tag stuff with handed single quotes.
      • how does picard translate %title$ to a file name if it has handed quotes in it?
      • i looked and I have 13 right single quotes in my library on 60k songs, so picard's saving as ' ?
      • (that should be e.g., %title% & strike doing in front of fighting with beets)
      • |G0d| has quit
      • Erin
        the one thing that might be notable
      • ascii does not contain curly quotes
      • not sure if that's a factor
      • but you would have to go to unicode to use htem
      • so not sure what the MB rules might be/are, but I would personally lean toward straight quotes for maximum compatibility
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> "Use of basic ASCII punctuation characters such as ' and " is allowed, but typographically-correct punctuation (such as ’ for the English apostrophe) is preferred." (https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Style/Miscellaneous)
      • Erin
      • iconoclast_hero
        you're not going to see me entering typographically-correct 's
      • anyway, not the question.
      • what does picard do about them?
      • well, it was part of the question...
      • Erin
        im not sure
      • compatibility is a legit concern but
      • iconoclast_hero
        julian45, there's not a bot that goes through and changes them is there?
      • Erin
        given anime's tendency to have weird shit like hearts in titles, picard probably supports unicode
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> not that i know of
      • v6lur has quit
      • <06julian45> and yes picard definitely supports unicode
      • Erin
        so yeah, it probably just works either way
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> speaking as someone who has put through lots of japanese titles and also funky punctuation through it
      • Erin
        also depending on your interface and engine, it might not even matter
      • engine? i meant to say font
      • how did i do that XD
      • iconoclast_hero
        I'm not at all happy having to deal with 'Khruangbin -- เครื่องบิน (2011)' on the command line, however... it's a bit different then throwing in handed 's for aesthetic reasons.
      • Erin
        ...my irc client needs to get unicode support
      • iconoclast_hero
        what happens with the tags is largely irrelevant since i almost never deal with tags on the cli or need to enter handed quotes in the gui... however, if picard puts them in the file names, then i need to get a naming script or something to comb through my tagged/outgoing directory to convert them back.
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> iconoclast_hero: the release group for that EP has some romanized versions: https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/eb7e83d8-...
      • aerozol[m] joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        Picard will tag it with curly’s, if they are in the database
      • There is a Picard plugin (maybe even a couple) to replace all that stuff with generics
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> whether picard renames your files is entirely up to you, and you can even turn that part completely off if you want
      • aerozol[m]
        Most curlies will be added using the guess ‘Guess Unicode Punctuation’, I assume: https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Guides/Userscripts
      • *‘Guess Unicode Punctuation’ userscript
      • That’s what I use, it is very good :)
      • discordbrainz
        <06julian45> personally i have my picard installation add tags, but leave filenames alone, and then i use my player/library manager to handle file renaming later if i want to
      • iconoclast_hero
        i have replace non-ascii off and windows compat off.
      • aerozol[m] uploaded an image: (302KiB) < https://matrix.moviebrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AIbbCfXvapfycqublGZPiwrz/image.png >
      • $replacemulti(name,search,replace[,separator])
      • `$replacemulti(%mypath%,’,')`
      • ?
      • and just go through the other 4 in the naming script?
      • 3
      • aerozol[m]
        I don’t know script stuff off the top of my head, but should be the way!
      • I’m still waking up, just saw you’re only concerned with file names. I’m actually not sure if Picard puts curlies in those. I’ll look for a release to check (if nobody gets there first)
      • iconoclast_hero
      • because that didn't work.
      • i'm not 100% on what replacemulti does since it has setmulti first and I'm just cleaning my entire path of the handed quotes.
      • i haven't broken my naming script yet, so that's good.
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      • aerozol[m]
        I just double checked running an album with a curly through Picard, and the filename seems to just use the standard '
      • So your filenames may be coming from elsewhere
      • Erin
        w00t i think i fixed the asian script problem in hexchat
      • iconoclast_hero
        actually, my question was...
      • i looked and I have 13 right single quotes in my library on 60k songs, so picard's saving as ' ?
      • so i was just making sure that was the case. those 13?
      • probably bootlegs i haven't checked in
      • aerozol[m]
        Gotcha! Sorry if I misled you
      • iconoclast_hero
      • Erin
      • interesting
      • iconoclast_hero
        i just don't want to e.g., activate beets and then have all these handed quotes everywhere
      • Erin
        ntfs does support unicode so it shouldnt be windows doing it to you
      • aerozol[m]
        Those accursed bootlegs that really aren’t valid for addition to MB. The blight of my library
      • Erin
        out of curiosity, can you rename the file using a handed quote?
      • like, manually
      • iconoclast_hero
        8 of the 13 are from youtube-dl, 1's a text file, and there are a couple of others...
      • if you're asking about me, that library's on btrfs.
      • Erin
        i think btrfs supports unicode
      • iconoclast_hero
        i got to hand it to that scripting language, i hate using it, but every time I want to do something, I manage to accomplish it.
      • Erin
        its always fun to get stuff done like that
      • one of my big problems with music is badly defined files, or converting types
      • i wrote some powershell command modules to wrap ffmpeg for that, and recently set it up to be parallelized
      • iconoclast_hero
        Erin: here's my solution for that, though there's some info at the bottom to look at in the future
      • Erin
        oh you made that way more complicated than mine
      • oh wait is this several
      • iconoclast_hero
        well, it started out smaller and then i was over at #bash and we just *had* to have a breakout function to catch ^C
      • Erin
        my scripts just wrap basic ffmpeg calls
      • iconoclast_hero
        it's mostly for converting [indexed m4b] audiobooks to indexed opus audiobooks running the pieces through in parallel.
      • if i have to i cut the book into thread number of pieces.
      • Erin
      • yeah
      • bulk flac to mp3 is easy cause ffmpeg can just do that
      • iconoclast_hero
        but that's how the parallel was done since ffmpeg doesn't thread audio conversion.
      • Erin
      • in powershell, you can do a ForEach-Object with a -Parallel flag
      • so powershell owns the parallelization for you
      • iconoclast_hero
        if you look at my code, i rely on ffmpeg -n to let thread number of ffmpegs race.