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      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> I opened this discussion on #metabrainz, and would probably add it as a meeting topic first (to make sure people see it), but I am thinking of making the #musicbrainz bridge into the 'general' channel in Discord. What would this mean? WAY more activity and discussion on this channel. If any matrix/IRC users in particular feel strongly about that please share your thoughts!
      • G0d joined the channel
      • <12Aerozol> Concerns raised by considerate Discord users (so far) are that the discussion on their 'general' channel isn't just about MusicBrainz, e.g. it can be about other MetaBrainz stuff/ListenBrainz, and that there is a fair bit of tomfoolery. If the idea of that happening here concerns you, Matrix/IRC user, pipe up 🪈
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      • atj[m]
        Were there any concerns raised by inconsiderate Discord users?
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      • reosarevok
        It's not like we're serious people here, we're just old :p
      • But I do wonder if people who aren't particularly interested in non-mb projects would prefer to have a place for mb only
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Mb as in MusicBrainz or metabrainz?
      • reosarevok
        MusicBrainz, we usually use MeB for MetaBrainz :)
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Wasn't entirely sure. But well I always thought that this chat was MB only, and the dev chat being everything else
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      • reosarevok
        Yeah, it is - but if we joined it with the Discord general channel it wouldn't be as much :) I was agreeing with the worry aerozol mentioned
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      • MonkeyPython
        I think so :(
      • oops replied to an old message
      • anyway I miss chatty #mb
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      • discordbrainz
        <10cam1170> Hi, if there are any editors passionate about if a space should definitely be added in Japanese artist names or not, see the discussion in https://musicbrainz.org/edit/112322122
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      • aerozol[m]
        Reosarevok: is this channel only for MB stuff? I thought it was in the way that the MB wiki is (e.g. not necessarily). I guess this is why you mentioned wanting a ListenBrainz channel 😝
      • Rather than replacing general in Discord I can make it clear that it's a MusicBrainz 'general' channel, might be a good idea
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      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> As a listenbrainz nerd myself, I'd call that my new home. That would be fun but idk if it warrants its own IRC channel. Could definitely see the possibility of having a discord tread with posting our favourite playlist/underated gems, or even playlist contest for special days like earth day or BEES day. As for the seriousness of the channel, there's also the description that makes it look scary...
      • <05rustynova> Idk if the image went through.
      • <12Aerozol> The description and the name was meant to make it look a little bit scary, because we were dipping our toes into bridging the wild west of Discord. I suppose what we are discussing now is moving to the next step of linking the two properly (since nothing has blown up, yet)
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      • <05rustynova> INB4 two bots start echoing each other until the heat death of the universe. But yeah this would be fine to relax the rules now, as everyone seems ok with it.
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