

      • discordbrainz
        <13Max (Maxr1998)> Don't mind me testing animated emotes on the IRC bridge: :catnod:
      • Maxr1998
        Comes out as text only, alright. But what about the other direction? :catnod:
      • Works! :neigh:
      • Cheezmo
        Hrm... "Can't call method "id" on an undefined value at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller/WS/js/Edit.pm line 368, <$fh> line 1."
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      • bitmap[m]
        Cheezmo (IRC): I think that means one of the recordings you selected no longer exists
      • HumanG33k joined the channel
      • Cheezmo
        Started over, things went through
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      • aerozol[m]
        I have rearranged the Discord menu to make the bridged channels less scary (MB and MeB/development) - let’s see how it goes. Please ping me asap if anything or anyone is causing trouble
      • lucifer: I PM’d you a new BB-general channel on Discord, if you could please bridge that
      • Saw that message on Discord, freaked out that I’d got it the wrong way around, but it’s okay, I just posted in the wrong channel on Matrix :P
      • kellnerd[m] joined the channel
      • kellnerd[m]
        I was wondering whether it makes more sense to bridge Discord -> Matrix -> IRC as Matrix probably preserves more rich content than IRC does?
      • aerozol[m]
        That’s been discussed on the metabrainz chat a bit - I think it’s a general yes, just needs someone to do it? And find the right bridge for it
      • As a less technical team member I’m just happy if everything is bridged and works 😀
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      • natrius[m]
        <kellnerd[m]> "I was wondering whether it makes..." <- It can lead to quite some discussions from time to time :D
      • I am also admin of the local openstreetmap channel thats bridged to IRC. Usally its for matrix: "please don't quote a full post" and "Please don't post long messages as the will get put into a link for IRC"
      • Also, "please don't edit your posts" because with our bridge it results in an copy of the message, not an s/wrong/correct kind of thing.
      • yvanzo[m] joined the channel
      • yvanzo[m]
        Hi natrius: Would you recommend any Matrix logger?
      • natrius[m]
        Need more info about what you want to achieve. Element is saving the watched history . its possible to make the history available for everyone.
      • yvanzo[m]
      • natrius[m]
        Not that i'M aware of now. I mean, as said, the history is saved already.
      • natrius[m] uploaded an image: (36KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tYDNHqdVyzXSHlORvbHiMHTS/image.png >
      • If this setting is set to "anyone" its possible to look at the history through https://app.element.io/#/room/#musicbrainz:chat... without having to register
      • But there is no "last week" or "June" or "2022" and so on. But maybe someone has written a nice web-frontend for that 🤷
      • discordbrainz
        <08afrocat_> oh my gosh discord revamp
      • <08afrocat_> im all for it
      • yvanzo[m]
        Thanks @natrius, as they say, it’s just a read-only client, not really an archiver: https://matrix.org/blog/2023/07/what-happened-w...
      • * Thanks natrius , as they say, it’s just a read-only client, not really an archiver: https://matrix.org/blog/2023/07/what-happened-w...
      • natrius[m]
        I'll be honest, i personally thought of both as basically the same cough
      • remmi joined the channel
      • I mean, i can take a look if i find an archive-project, if needed.
      • remmi
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      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> 👋
      • <10volumetrique> hello irc people
      • natrius[m]
        Question, if i add an album and then scan my local files against that added album, is the audio-tag automatically created or do i have to actively do the "Create Acoustic-ID"?
      • outsidecontext[m joined the channel
      • outsidecontext[m
        natrius: if you just added the release (with new recordings) then Picard's "scan" will not find anything. It will calculate the fingerprint, and if you then manually match the files to you newly created release you will then have the option to submit the fingerprints to AcoustId
      • Once they have been processed by the AcoustId server it will be possible to get a result from Scan
      • natrius[m]
        The lookup found the added release.
      • i then pressed "save" and i'm still not sure. How can i check if the fingerprints are there?
      • So i added some releases. I looked them up. i saved it. Now should put them back into Picard and then right-click "Create Acoustic Fingerprint"?
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> Are you on picard? the workflow for adding AcoustIDs to the db is (or at least mine is) - Lookup the album (it shows up in the right pane of Picard) - Drag the tracks into it (if needed) - Select the tracks in the right pane, and create the acoustid for them (right click menu) - submit the acoustids (in the top bar of Picard)
      • <10volumetrique> Not sure if that's what you are looking for?
      • <10volumetrique> I don't think Picard generates AcoustIDs automatically on save.
      • <10volumetrique> Maybe it does but only when you lookup tracks using AcoustID
      • <10volumetrique> Also, iirc AcoustIDs are not saved to files by default, there is a box to tick in the settings
      • <10volumetrique> you can do this in batch, by just re-loading files you have saved (which should now contain MBIDs so automatically get in the right pane) and then Ctrl+A (select all) and then right-click > create fingerprint. Don't forget to submit them (top pane)
      • natrius[m]
        Picard, yepp.
      • volumetrique thanks, i think i maybe should check some of the releases i added :D
      • I think i created some but did not submit.
      • ridge joined the channel
      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> In case any Twitter/X users who can speak/write Japanese want to help this user out with their questions: https://x.com/eniehack/status/1797717097067483170
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      • <06julian45> @Aerozol i think i have some answers for this user - i'd reply directly but i currently don't maintain a public twitter/X account for privacy reasons
      • Cheezmo joined the channel
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      • jackwilsdon
        It seems like https://musicbrainz.org/release/98a68512-5338-4... contains some extra tracks that Wikipedia says are "iTunes pre-order bonus tracks", and I can't seem to find them actually available anywhere (on iTunes or Bandcamp). I added a Bandcamp link on this release before I realized - I'll remove but I'm wondering now if there should be a separate release that contains the "current" state of the album (both on iTunes
      • and Bandcamp). I guess the disambiguation for the release I linked could explicitly mention that it's the iTunes pre-order bonus version?
      • mr44er[m] joined the channel
      • mr44er[m]
        yes, I would add another digital release (bandcamp-only) with 11 tracks
      • jackwilsdon
        mr44er[m], makes sense. It seems like the current iTunes release also doesn't have the 11 tracks, so I guess I could just make a new digital release with no disambig and put a bonus disambig on the existing one? And move the iTunes links across I guess?
      • mr44er[m]
        wait a sec, I add bandcamp then see further
      • i added them and also triggered a merge, theyre same and also the date. so only the 13-track version is special anyhow and should have a disambiguation
      • https://musicbrainz.org/edit/26613596 but it's not there anymore @itunes
      • jackwilsdon has quit
      • unless somebody has more details (was it a temporary 13-track album on preorder vs. two bonus single tracks), two digital releases should be the way to go
      • reosarevok
        bitmap[m]: wanna move jed?
      • bitmap[m]
        jep, doing that now
      • MonkeyPython has quit
      • reosarevok
        bitmap[m]: I moved po2json and pushed, feel free to send a commit on top?
      • bitmap[m]
      • reosarevok
        Doesn't it make sense to update yarn.lock too?
      • (with a compile_resources or whatnot)
      • bitmap[m]
        yeah, we may as well
      • reosarevok
      • "The lockfile would have been modified by this install, which is explicitly forbidden." test fail
      • That's news to me
      • bitmap[m]
        just rm yarn.lock and run yarn again
      • I'll do it and amend my commit
      • MonkeyPython joined the channel
      • discordbrainz
        <08wileyfoxyx> oh woah, since when discord general got merged with matrix?
      • <08wileyfoxyx> * Thanks natrius , as they say, it’s just a read-only client, not really an archiver: https://matrix.org/blog/2023/07/what-happened-w...
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      • natrius[m]
        If you mean "bridged" with "merged" - recently i think :D
      • another question, i have everything tagged with Album - Artist - "year - album" - tracks
      • Works fine, now i got the first time the same album with a different amount of tracks, what do you do in that case?
      • rdswift[m] joined the channel
      • rdswift[m]
        Add the number of tracks to the tag to make it unique?
      • natrius[m]
        Don't understand, sorry.
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      • mr44er[m]
        <natrius[m]> "Don't understand, sorry...." <- I think he means pull the disambiguation into the folder structure how you like it
      • maybe /mymusic/artist/artist-album-regular + /mymusic/artist/artist-album-specialedition or /artist-album-10tracks vs. /artist-album-11tracks
      • natrius[m]
        i guess i would make a new folder with "year - album (bandcamp)" in that case, now thinking about it