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      • ghoste[m]
        Hi! Quick question about title capitalization. I've got a number of albums/songs with titles that are fully capitalized, for example "GLASS TEETH", "DEATH RITES" etc. by TWENTYTHREE. The English title style guide suggests these should be capitalized by first letter of each word ("Glass Teeth", "Death Rites") instead.... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • reosarevok[m]
        Copy as is, probably
      • Artist intent always overrides guidelines
      • And that seems like probably intent
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      • ghoste[m]
        <reosarevok[m]> "Copy as is, probably" <- sounds good, ill do that then. Thanks!
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      • agatzk[m]
        Hi. What do we think about requesting a 'twin' attribute to the 'siblings' artist-artist relationship? We already have 'half' and 'step'. I don't know if there is a word which could include twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc. that would be better.
      • reosarevok[m]
      • BrainzBot
        STYLE-1569: Advanced relationship request: Twins https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-1569
      • reosarevok[m]
        I'm generally unconvinced there's a benefit (half and step siblings are not exactly just "siblings", but twins are)
      • But I could live with it if people really think there's a use that's not covered by "there's two siblings and they have the same date of birth"
      • lw
        does the database store information about why a reissue release exists? e.g., if it's a reprint of the original album, or a remaster, or whatever. i couldn't find that in the tags in Picard
      • reosarevok[m]
        Remaster yes, others no
      • lw
        just remastered or not would be useful... ah, i see that is marked in the web interface, does Picard not import that into a tag? or did i somehow miss it
      • reosarevok[m]
        outsidecontext or zas might be able to say
      • lw
        (my use-case is that i want to appending this info to the album name tag, so it ends up being "Name of Album [2024, Remaster]" or something like that - otherwise some players get confused between two copies of the same album)
      • zas[m] joined the channel
      • zas[m]
        lw (IRC): for tag mappings, check https://picard-docs.musicbrainz.org/en/appendic...
      • lw
        zas[m]: thanks - i can't find the "remaster" on that page, so is this not available as a tag?
      • s/the/the text
      • zas[m]
        what is the release (MBID) you're writing about? If the data is available in database, you should able to have it in Picard, but it all depends on your settings and you may need to script to get it as you want (in title?)
      • You may do something like what's described in https://community.metabrainz.org/t/repository-f...
      • lw
        it wasn't a specific release but let me find an example
      • reosarevok[m]
        Well, remaster is a relationship, not a status or type
      • So it's a bit trickier I guess
      • zas[m]
        yes, but it isn't mapped to tags, and as I understand it lw wants it in title
      • lw
      • i've loaded the local files (that i already tagged) into Picard, but looking through the tag list, i see nothing showing the remastered status, even though it has the correct release id (5f05aad0-9079-3cef-ae9f-7d02102ce1b3)
      • zas[m]
        ok, in this case, you mean "remaster" in disambiguation right?
      • lw
        sorry, i don't know what disambiguation means in this context
      • i already have the tag script working without the remaster status, fwiw, so this is tagged as "Angst [2006]"
      • zas[m] uploaded an image: (17KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/HzUokTkdDGWljiLzdcfconDE/image.png >
      • reosarevok[m]
        Disambiguation is the "remastered" comment up top
      • zas[m]
      • lw
        ah yes, that's what i mean
      • reosarevok[m]
        Although this should ideally be linked as "remaster of" to the original release
      • Because just "remastered" there is free-form and not a guideline-mandated thing
      • zas[m]
      • lw
        zas[m]: ah thanks! so %_releasecomment% doesn't appear in the tag list because it's an internal '_' tag?
      • perfect, thanks both: https://i.imgur.com/Q2ZeNBI.png
      • is there a list of possible values that _releasecomment can have, or is it just a free-form field?
      • lw wonders if there's a standard Vorbis comment for remastered status
      • zas[m]
        Yes, that's an internal value, not mapped to any tag, but useable by scripts. It's a free-form field
      • It is used mainly to disambiguate entities, or to provide extra info about something when nothing else fits (or because that's convenient).
      • lw
        i'm a little surprised (not a complaint though) that there isn't a specific field for this, since remastered or not is a fairly important thing to know about a release
      • zas[m]
      • as said above by reosarevok there's a relationship for this
      • but since no one added it (feel free to do so), it isn't available in this case
      • reosarevok[m]
      • lw
        oic, so i should edit the database to fix this, i suppose
      • reosarevok[m]
        tbh, it took me quite a few releases checked until I found one with it set 🤦‍♂️
      • zas[m]
        the main problem to me is that many releases are said to be remasters were they aren't .... ;)
      • lw
        zas[m]: well, i noticed some people complained these KMFDM "remasters" are just the original with the volume increased a few dB... :-d
      • zas[m]
      • lw
        the label calls it a remaster though so ~shrug~
      • zas[m]
        Well, yes, the definition of a remaster is often from the marketing department, not from the sound engineering one ;)
      • lw
        so if i wanted to use the remastered relationship, does that show up in a tag as well?
      • reosarevok[m]
        Well, they are, after all, megalomaniacal and harder than the rest 🤷‍♂️ they can't sound soft! :p
      • lw
        i suppose it probably doesn't matter as reosarevok sample also has the disambiguation...
      • reosarevok[m]
        Yeah, but there could be cases the relationship is there but not the disambiguation. Ideally you'd check for disambiguations containing "remastered", "re-mastered" etc and for the relationship too
      • And if any of those are true, set the title
      • zas[m]
        lw (IRC): nope, because there's no obvious matching tag, but you can your own ones and use scripts
      • lw
        ah i see, there's a Picard option to add relationships
      • zas[m]
        btw, if you have questions about Picard, I would recommend you ask on forums so answers can help all Picard users (even though those channels are logged, forum format is more appropriate). And we have a very active and helpful advanced user community there.
      • lw
        i'll bear that in mind but honestly i hate discourse :-/
      • ok, another question, i'm confused about how Picard's 'Lookup' function selected this release: https://www.le-fay.org/tmp/30d/picard1.png - although my catalogue tag (508067 2) doesn't exactly match what's in the database (5080672) it seems like a closer match than the one it chose (CK 86754) ... if this is just something i need to set manually that's fine, but i wonder if i'm doing something wrong
      • zas[m]
        Well, matching is always fuzzy, because Picard cannot usually now the exact release you have, so it may select a release which isn't the correct one, this why you can manually select the correct release (using context menu on the release that was loaded, Others versions...)
      • Once selected, be sure to save MBIDs to tags so Picard will always select this release
      • you can also adjust Preferred Releases (https://picard-docs.musicbrainz.org/en/config/o...)
      • lw
        oh no, Picard crashed halfway through saving an album, i wonder if i moved all the tracks or not
      • if i have a rip log from a CD that's not in the database, but it's from a pirate release (i.e., i don't have the physical CD in my possession), can i still submit it to the database?
      • discordbrainz
        <04elomatreb> lw: If you're reasonably sure that the relevant disc ID actually matches (i.e. it isn't a CD-R copy of some other release), that's probably fine
      • <04elomatreb> it's fairly common with cover art
      • lw
        thanks. in most cases i think i trust the submitter to say if it's a CD-R
      • (in the case i found just now, the release does match an existing release in the database, it just didn't find it by the EAC log)
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      • hm... surprised that none of these E Nomine CDs are found from logs, but the uploader did not provide release information, so i will not submit them :-(
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      • Erin
        i havent listened to e nomine in years
      • i should
      • lw
        i feel like they were very much of their time
      • i still think "Das Testament" was a good album though, and "Finsternis" had a couple of decent tracks even if it was a bit disappointing overall
      • Erin
        yeah there was a bit of a period for german industrial/trance stuff
      • die prophezeiung had deine welt though
      • and that's ... catchy
      • lw
        i don't remember that album but i do have it... will have a listen
      • Erin
        it's peak "loud"
      • XD
      • what are the other german bands
      • why is my brain just a completely derailed trains
      • i mean rammstein is easy
      • lw
      • E Nomine though, imagine going into a club in like 1998(?) and hearing Robert de Niro intoning Genesis over a techno beat... honestly that must have been incredible
      • Erin
        the one im thinking of is more ... almost emo industrial?
      • im scanning through my plex server to see who it is XD
      • lw
        well germans bands i know... Funker Vogt?
      • Blutengel
      • EinstĂĽrzende Neubauten, Faun, Santiano (okay, more schlager than industrial :-d), KMFDM, Mono Inc. (not really industrial but they're actually pretty good), Wolfsheim... hmm, okay, that's it
      • Erin
      • wolfsheim
      • that's the one
      • minimal
        Die Toten Hosen :-)
      • lw
        ah, i see why you called them "emo industrial" :-D
      • Erin
        they're nice