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      • discordbrainz
        <08wileyfoxyx> Same
      • <08wileyfoxyx> Also so much songs in “listen later” collection and YouTube playlist
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      • flyin9flowers[m]
        Hey, so maybe noob question, but
      • I have some scans that I want to add as cover art for this release
      • flyin9flowers[m] uploaded an image: (131KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/onfFTZJtabwnaOpDcsICjxTd/%E5%96%9C%E5%A4%9A%E9%83%8E%20-%20Breeze%20%C2%B7%20Asian%20Caf%C3%A9%20Lounge.jpg >
      • but for some reason the copy I have has this weird Sharpie squiggle just plastered on the front??
      • I mean who would do that
      • deface a clean, beautiful image like that
      • So anyway, should I tag this as Watermark in addition to Front, or add a comment instead, or
      • kirvesAxe
        Sometimes covers get scribbles, stickers or even signatures...
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        So, do you know if Watermark is applicable here?
      • I feel like it isn't, because while this... thing... is not part of the cover art,
      • it certainly was not added by me, the scanner
      • aerozol[m] joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        Hmm, I would probably just do ‘front’, and maybe add a comment with ‘signed’.
      • flyin9flowers[m]
        sounds good!
      • JetpackJackson joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        I think I’ve never left a comment, just assumed people can see it’s signed (seems musicians all like to sign BIG), but I probably should start
      • lw
        so a question about this release group: https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/da229ac2-... - when importing into Picard, it uses 'Dixie Chicks' for album artist, but 'Chicks, The' for album artist sort order. i assume this is because 'Dixie Chicks' is the MB equivalent of what discogs calls an 'artist name variation', but the sort order is taken directly from the artist? the result seems a bit inconsistent
      • (i'm not sure it's wrong, because it actually seems useful if you wanted to group all albums under the same artist name when organising, but it does seem odd that the sort order is different from the normal value so i'm wondering if it's intentional)
      • aerozol[m]
        You’ve basically nailed it. Sort order is set from the artist, album artist is taken from how the artist is credited on the release, so they don’t always match. There’s probably some existing plugins and scripts that can help, if you need to change that
      • lw
        it's infrequent enough i'm okay just fixing it by hand, i was mostly wondering if it's something that can (or should) be fixed in the database, or just expected behaviour
      • aerozol[m]
        Yeah, expected. There are no fields where you can set sort name on a release or release-group basis. Since the idea of the sort name is to arrange a artist within a broader library/list of artists it wouldn’t make much sense afaik (but I don’t know everyone’s use case)
      • You already spotted the benefit :)
      • discordbrainz
        <08zemeles> Ok, I wanted to day 2 things: 1. Bookbrainz absolutely needs book covers. I've already made scans of some books to upload on Open Library and I'd love to be able to upload them on Boobrainz as well. Besides, book covers can help differentiate between different edition in an edition group. Also, we need to the ability to add book bundles. 2. We need a Moviebrainz platform. I have a lot of DVDs, Blu-Rays and VHS tapes and
      • some of them are somewhat rare, so it would be great if I could catalogue their existence in an open source database like Moviebrainz.
      • <08zemeles> To be clear, I'm talking about physical movies, so platforms like IMBD or the Movie Database aren't the same things.
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      • lw
        this is weird: https://musicbrainz.org/release/0aff2421-3c33-4... - a Digital Media with two "discs"? it's not organised like that on the Bandcamp page
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      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> lw: on sort names, the solution I've found works best is to simply use the standardized artist name in my tags. (also helps with keeping consistent performer credits)
      • <02UltimateRiff> on the two disc release, looks like it's that way in streaming services as well as the CD release being two discs. I don't know if I'd split out the Bandcamp release in this particular case, since the difference is due to a limitation of the platform (multiple discs aren't possible on Bandcamp)
      • <03metadataismydrug> @zemeles https://community.metabrainz.org/t/moviebrainz/... reignite the discussion on the forums! Almost 2 years with no more talk of it.
      • lw
        ah, i didn't think to check Spotify, that makes sense. another of their release groups has a separate "Bandcamp Version" release but apparently that's because it was under a different label
      • minimal joined the channel
      • LupinIII
        uhm... a signed artwork isworth so much more lol
      • lw: yea youshould definitly make anothe "bandcamp" release under the release group
      • lw
        ok :-) i've found a few other things i want to add, should get around to making an account...
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      • is it acceptable (legally) to copy metadata (e.g. label, release date) from Discogs? i know different jurisdictions have different rules on whether copyright applies here, but i think in the US (where MB is?) it's generally okay
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      • oh that's terrifying, my first edit was automatically accepted... i thought it would go through voting first
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      • atj[m]
        The MetaBrainz organisation is based in the US, where factual data is not deemed to be copyrightable.
      • So, yes it's fine if you are copying factual data.
      • lw
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      • minimal
        atj[m]: the law doesn't cover "collections" of factual data there?
      • i.e. in the UK BT's Telephone Book was copyrightable despite being a collection of factual data
      • lw
        IANAL but my understanding was that is an EU-specific quirk (and clearly a terrible legal decision)
      • minimal
        I believe it was intended to take into account the "effort" (financial cost) to the orig of creating it in the 1st place
      • Wikipedia for "Copyright in compilation" talks about this...
      • lw
        yeah, you can sort of see why someone might think this was a good idea, but it's a bit silly that if you copy facts from a "collection" it's a copyvio, whereas copying the exact same facts from somewhere else wouldn't be... no other sort of copyright works like this, something is either copyrighted or it's not
      • minimal
        well that talked about whether or not copyright exists for the "collection" as a whole. Regarding taking bits from it then you're install other legal concepts like "Fair use" etc
      • lw
        if only we had fair use in the UK... fair dealing is a lot more restrictive :-(
      • opticdelusion joined the channel
      • minimal
        and it could be argued that they're not the "same" facts if you grab them from a collection rather than compile them yourself lol
      • lw: don't forget that (AFAIK) that UK copyright law was never changed to make "ripping" your own CDs/DVDs for your own personal use legal (there was a "plan" to make that legal about 10-12 years back but it never happened).
      • lw
        i could not care less about that though :-D i was only concerned about the discogs thing because i didn't want to get MB in trouble
      • atj[m]
        <minimal> "atj: the law doesn't cover "..." <- IANAL, but MeB has excellent legal counsel and has been running for over 20 years so I think it's safe to assume not.
      • Comparisons to the UK aren't really instructive with regards to laws regarding copyright, defamation, free speech etc.
      • minimal
        indeed and I'm wondering if any aspects relating to copyright law differ per state
      • lw
        copyright is federal law, so it shouldn't, but there can be precedent differences between circuits for things that haven't been decided by SCOTUS
      • (again IANAL, this is not legal advice)
      • atj[m]
        AFAIU it's federal law and states do not have standing but again IANAL.
      • Lynne has quit
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      • lw
        hmm, strange that i can't subscribe to a specific release. on discogs i can get notifications just for things i've edited before, so i only get notified for releases i actually own
      • discordbrainz
        <03metadataismydrug> You could make a collection of items and subscribe to it
      • lw
        ah. good idea
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      • discordbrainz
        <11iconoclasthero> picard: is there a way to disable launching the default browser? can I specify another browser other than the GNOME/XDG default?
      • phunyguy joined the channel
      • <11iconoclasthero> reason: as there is no picard server function and I have no cdrom on my laptop I run picard X-over-ssh and having it launch the browser on my desktop/server (which has in the high tens of tabs open) is something i would prefer did not happen.
      • <11iconoclasthero> i'd prefer it launched in a local browser window vs. the one on the server but that seems rather impossible so the next best thing would be to launch a browser I don't use and doens't have a shitload of tabs (e.g., GNOME Web) or that was just disabled.
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      • lw
        i want to add this release: https://instrictconfidence.bandcamp.com/album/l... - what should i set 'language' to? the album title is french, the track titles are a mix of german and english. the docs just say "The language the release title and track titles are written in."
      • ah, i guess 'multiple languages'
      • iconoclasthero joined the channel
      • discordbrainz
        <04elomatreb> lw: Multiple languages should be used a little carefully (i.e. don't use it because just one title on an album is in a different language), but it's probably fine here since the languages are roughly equally common
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      • lw
        yeah, i found a bit more docs in the style guide that said not to use it just because of one foreign word or whatever
      • in this case the band is actually German and they do songs in both German and English so it seemed appropriate
      • anonn has quit
      • would 'multiple language' also be right for this, or is 'english' better, as it only has two non-english track names: https://www.discogs.com/release/7771280-In-Stri...
      • ah, never mind, this release is already in the database, it's just not part of the 'Exile Paradise' release group
      • this is not consistent though, because the other 'collected works' release is part of the original album release group: https://musicbrainz.org/release/c92875e0-f552-4...
      • can i fix this somehow, i.e. move the orphaned release into its release group?
      • oh, it's just a field in the release. that's easy.
      • aerozol[m]
        There is also a ‘merge’ button in the release-group sidebar :)
      • lw
        i am scared to click that in case it makes everything bad
      • maybe my experience from wikipedia where undoing bad merges is basically impossible :-)
      • aerozol[m]
        Seems a bit unclear whether this should be in the the same release-group though, there is an argument to be made for compilation imo. The question is if you would consider the extras a ‘bonus’ to the original album, or if you would see it more as a compilation of multiple releases/the album plus EPs
      • Some merges are a nightmare to undo - however merges go into the voting queue so you can review them there. Have you checked out your ‘open edit’ list?
      • lw
        i think it should be in the release group because it's the original album (Exile Paradise) + 2 bonus CDs
      • so it's just a different version of the album, right?