

August 8th 2024

      • ArchieButtle[m]
        Hi all, so there's a long-defunct artist database from the early 00s that covered Australian artists. Ostensibly, the biographies and discographies were submitted by the artists themselves.
      • I've gone and scraped ~700 working archived pages + artist names via Wayback Machine. Ought I to add these URLs, even when Wiki pages exist for the artists? Should I consider submitting a ticket to elevate these URLs to a specific relationship type?
      • reosarevok
      • * Hi all, so there's a long-defunct artist database from the early 00s that covered Australian artists. Ostensibly, the biographies and discographies were submitted by the artists themselves.
      • I've gone and scraped ~700 working archived page URLs + artist names via Wayback Machine. Ought I to add these URLs, even when Wiki pages exist for the artists? Should I consider submitting a ticket to elevate these URLs to a specific relationship type?
      • reosarevok
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> Iirc you add the broken URL and mark it as ended, then add the archive url
      • MonkeyPython
        ArchieButtle[m]: I say just add the wayback links as "discography" ones for now
      • great job btw
      • ArchieButtle[m]
        Guys, thanks for the responses, though I'm seeking very specific answers to my questions.
      • For the first question, it turns out I misinterpreted the phrasing here: https://musicbrainz.org/relationship/78f75830-9...
      • As for the second question, it stands that I'm seeking to find whether I should submit a ticket for the "Other Databases" whitelist. Seeing as the site has been defunct for over two decades, I'm informally querying here first. https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Other_Databases_Rel...
      • Which reminds me, wow http://www.rockinchina.com has been dead for a whole decade now...
      • discordbrainz
        <08zemeles> Anyone experiencing slow down?
      • MonkeyPython
        Bad Apple but it's darude sandstorm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9JM73tr2CM  (actually much more a banger than it sounds like it should be)
      • super amazing japanese orchestra version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx76YPgZviE 
      • (you're welcome)
      • actually, there was this version where each bit with a character had the music replaced with that characters signature music, i can't find it again so if anyone knows about it...
      • bttf
        hi. i tried to boot up mbslave today and seemed to get a sql constraint error
      • tried to init mbslave*. error: psycopg2.errors.CheckViolation: new row for relation "label" violates check constraint "label_label_code_check"
      • DETAIL: Failing row contains (294731, dacec7dc-806e-4f1a-ab41-cc0c46b297e0, beau by Republic, 2022, 10, 9, null, null, null, 202210, 1, 7741, , 0, 2024-05-14 21:06:04.842073+00, f).
      • oh, sry. maybe ill try metabrainz
      • bitmap[m]
        <discordbrainz> "<zemeles> Anyone experiencing..." <- a couple of our servers have been experiencing increased response times...I just adjusted the weights to try and help, but time will tell
      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> MonkeyPython: just for you~ https://youtu.be/4u2nNWgnXxA
      • aerozol[m]
        Archie Buttle: imo it never hurts to make a ticket asking for a site to be added, even if it gets marked as ‘wont do’ - I think it’s useful for future editors to find in the ticket system. I have no idea if we whitelist defunct/dead sites! But it actually makes a bit of sense imo!
      • If you’re keen, here’s a ticket you can use as a starting point (maybe clone and then edit): https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-2478
      • BrainzBot
        STYLE-2478: Add music.net.nz to the other databases whitelist
      • discordbrainz
        <05mathgeniuszach> ugh my scanner sucks
      • aerozol[m]
      • Better than nothing, and still great for reference! But not ‘archival’ quality by the looks of it
      • discordbrainz
        <05mathgeniuszach> definitely not, not sure where to scan it though
      • <05mathgeniuszach> as for reference, I can't find these images anywhere else online
      • <05mathgeniuszach> I wish I had a better scanner, I need to scan the LU disc box as well
      • <05mathgeniuszach> I tried scanning a white piece of paper to see if I could correct the distortion, but I think it's positional distortion rather than color shift
      • derwin
        atj : there must be an "add via harmony" userscript for deezer etc now?
      • discordbrainz
        <12lazybookwyrm> There's one for Spotify
      • derwin
        also, is the "Add supplemental artist links" feature on the roadmap?
      • aerozol[m]
        mathgeniuszach: When my scanner finally broke I got a scanner/printer hybrid second hand for 20 bucks, with a good enough scanner (600dpi max). I reckon you could probably find one for free in your area without too much trouble - they basically give the things away after all. Refilling the ink costs twice as much more as a scanner/printer...
      • Honestly, the big printer companies (are there small ones though?) are fucking evil. Knowingly creating an insane amount of waste/not interested in longevity, and purposeful crippling of their devices to only work with their ink
      • But it’s good news for people who want an A4 scanner
      • discordbrainz
        <05mathgeniuszach> Perhaps. Though right now it's a little bit of a hassle while moving, so I'll get to that in the future. I think I'll do some editing from some camera photos just for something that's of enough quality
      • aerozol[m]
        Yeah, I would just be wary of sinking too much of your personal time into something that you may want to revisit later, or wont be happy with. Depends on your OCD levels though :D
      • NZ’s “ebay” scanner results atm
      • aerozol[m] uploaded an image: (818KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/mPsDWdXdqVXZunQGskoAPqvw/image.png >
      • Always dreamed of getting one of those big commercial ones, heaps available - busting out zines and release covers etc! But where the heck would it go D:
      • discordbrainz
        <05mathgeniuszach> right now I'm just doing a high-quality picture in good lighting, perspective shifting it, and then expanding out the edges to effective size. So not much more than a few minutes each
      • <05mathgeniuszach> I don't plan on getting rid of the discs any time soon
      • <12lazybookwyrm> Need a scanner for vinyls lol
      • <05mathgeniuszach> right now the imagines don't exist in any clean format online, period. So I want something to be out there until I have the time to get a higher quality scanner
      • aerozol[m]
        lazybookwyrm: I’ve looked into vinyl size scanners! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
      • discordbrainz
        <02UltimateRiff> derwin: yes it is on the roadmap~ https://github.com/kellnerd/harmony/issues/33