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      • Erin
        has anyone ever run into picard putting data in the id3 tags that says, in the total tracks, "X/X" instead of just "X"?
      • the data from the site/api seems to say, for example, 26, but picard writes in "26/26"
      • so if i save something in it and then immediately load it back in, it flags as not fully matched
      • im going to try updating in a bit, to see if that helps, but otherwise, i have no ideas
      • lw
        Erin: what do you mean by "total tracks"? there is no such field in ID3 as far as i know, total tracks is indicated by X/X in the "track" (TRCK) field
      • (unlike e.g. Vorbis where total tracks is sometimes stored as TOTALTRACKS)
      • Erin
      • left is what was saved
      • right is what picard brings back from the site
      • this is post save and reload
      • lw
        do you happen to have 'soxi' installed? (this is part of 'sox' package on most Unix systems) - if so, the output of 'soxi <file>.mp3' might be helpful
      • Erin
        i havent added anything and this is windows 10
      • lw
        could you upload one of the MP3s form the album somewhere?
      • i don't know if there's an easy way to get raw ID3 tags on Windows...
      • Erin
        im looking at the spec right now tos ee what's up
      • i "think" total tracks was an id3v2.4 addition
      • lw
        i am leaning towards this being a Picard issue fwiw, not that it's writing wrong data to tag but it's somehow interpreting the existing tags wrongly
      • Erin
        well it sorta isnt writing the wrong "tag" so much as the wrong content
      • lw
        i do not see "total tracks" frame in ID3v2.4 spec https://id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames
      • Erin
        the tag is clearly represented on both sides
      • lw
        there is TRCK frame with "X/Y" (where Y is total tracks") but there's no separate field for total tracks
      • Erin
        its just that whatever the site/api sent, that's not what picard put in the field
      • im not seeing it there either
      • but not 100% sure what the deal is
      • picard recognizes it
      • these /are/ mp3 files
      • ...wait ... is picard acting in flac mode for mp3 tagging?
      • ...is total tracks a flac thing?
      • that would explain a lot
      • lw
        there is a totaltracks/tracktotal field sometimes used in Vorbis (FLAC) tags, yes
      • but it's not possible to write that to an ID3 tag unless it was using a TXXX field, which seems unlikely
      • (that's why i asked for soxi output or a copy of the file, to see what it's actually writing to the mp3)
      • Erin
      • lw
        i don't use MP3 myself so i don't know what it normally does here
      • Erin
        checking in a tool i do have
      • it looks like it's written in extended stuff
      • lw
        it probably writes a lot of TXXX tags for the release id and other mb-specific stuff
      • as those aren't defined in ID3
      • Erin
        ...hmm but what mp3tag is showing me isn't what picard is showing me
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      • i think picard is confused about extended stuff it wrote
      • lw
        did it write an extended tag for total tracks though? i would find that surprising
      • Erin
      • but what it wrote is /actually/ 26
      • so it's simply "displaying" 26/26 for some reason
      • the actual track tag says 2/26, but that's .... valid
      • but also, it definitely writes them either way, cause that's where all the musicbrainz tags go
      • what's really weird though is that ive seen it before, but it's usually all the files in an album, or none
      • this time, it's a few random ones
      • it's also interesting that picard doesn't write he year tag, seeming to prefer a couple custom fields in the extended section
      • lw
        it should write the year as TDOR for the oldest release in the group and TDRL as the release date... if it doesn't that seems like a bug
      • Erin
        it seems to write custom fields called ORIGINALYEAR and ORIGYEAR
      • lw
        (when i say 'should' i just mean that would be the correct behaviour, like i say i don't use mp3 so i'm not sure what it actually does)
      • Erin
      • personally i would have thought it should do that too
      • .....actually frankly, i thought it _did_
      • never thought to check until now
      • lw
        does it not write TDRL at all? that would be odd as surely mp3 players expect that
      • i do have some mp3s lying around, maybe i should load them into picard and see what it does
      • Erin
        https://i.imgur.com/1mPc21s.png here's what it did to the standard tags
      • winamp id3 viewer shows me the same blanks for year, publisher, original artist, copyright
      • which all seem like things we could have filled out
      • maybe i really do have to update
      • lw
        so i loaded a random mp3 album into Picard and it hasn't deduced a 'total tracks' field at all https://i.imgur.com/2LKE9w8.png
      • Erin
        i wonder if it's something to do with file histories
      • lw
        ah wait no it did
      • let's see what happens when i save it
      • Erin
        it also doesn't happen for me all the time
      • or at least if it does, it does it without the x/x thing
      • it did?
      • if you save and reload, it appears?
      • lw
        it did, i just missed it looking at the screenshot :-)
      • Erin
        oh, i see it now
      • lw
        so i saved it, let's try reloading it
      • Erin
      • it ssomewhere else in yours vs mine
      • ah i think my tag names are listed alphabetically?
      • anyway ...
      • lw
        when i reload the saves file it shows it as a normal (not green, not yellow) field
      • Erin
        yeah, that's good
      • and to be clear, 98% of the time, that's what happens
      • it's the few occasions where i save and reload something, it shows me the x / x thing
      • and indicates a difference at the same time
      • now, having examined this in mp3tag, it's even weirder, what with the extended stuff not actually having that
      • begging the question, how has it come to show me 26/26 in total tracks, when what it wrote was .... not that?
      • or more importantly, when what it read was not that?
      • MeatPupp3t has quit
      • definitely gotta update, now
      • im curious
      • i just gotta clear though what im working on and then do it
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      • lw
        fwiw Mp3tag doesn't show any kind of total tracks field in the resulting file https://i.imgur.com/F1WjleF.png
      • it does list both ORIGYEAR and ORIGINALYEAR which is a bit odd, i wonder what tags it takes that from
      • Erin
        that almost certainly has to be the mb api
      • or a picard internal thing
      • that includes you saving after the last screenshot?
      • i mean, i assume so since i see mb custom tags
      • lw
        yeah, the last screenshot is after saving in Picard and opening the mp3 in mp3tag
      • Erin
        but im just ... sort of at a loss
      • ....see im a software engineer, and this makes me want to open the code up now XD
      • i grabbed a file that didnt have the reload issue in picard and it does still show in mp3tag as having that field
      • so yeah, no idea
      • lw
        hard to believe that mp3 has been in common use for about 30 years at this point and we're still messing with this
      • Erin
      • it never ends
      • mp3 tags are like javascript
      • lw
        (not that Vorbis comments are any better, they can't even agree on what to call the subsubtitle tag)
      • Erin
        they weren't meant for this
      • they were never meant for this
      • lw
      • Erin
        ..............but they were there, and we needed "something" XD
      • and they got abused and added onto until they became weird
      • but iwth this being in extended, iw ouldn't even blame this on mp3
      • i would p ut it on MB or picard
      • lw
        i'm pretty sure it's not mb as the database knows nothing about mp3/id3v2, but it could well be a picard bug
      • Erin
        i assume the database just knows the info in general
      • and the api just returns it
      • and picard just writes it
      • lw
        yeah, picard is what turns the generic api info into id3 frames
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      • Erin
        what's even weirder is that the badness doesn't show up in mp3tag
      • somehow, it wrote 26 into the field, but it reads 26/26
      • and i dont know how
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      • discordbrainz
        <11muxxer.exe> Do you guys think that a GamesBrainz is viable?
      • lw
      • i don't know if i'd actually use it, but there's loads of metadata people could enter there if they wanted to
      • discordbrainz
        <11muxxer.exe> I'd like to try and make such a system, specially given that there is no proper videogame database that is of easy access and to which people can contribute freely.