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      • discordbrainz
        <09duckfromdisc> lebron james reportedly
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      • Jigen
        [23:54] discordbrainz <rustynova> I've switched to harmony too, it has more links and better artist matchings. Altough it's just those two things that are a bit of a pain. The other solution would be to prevent the redirection after submitting the release like I saw suggested in the comunity thread, but I kinda wish it was just included by default 🙏
      • Yea pls
      • [00:50] discordbrainz <YoMo12> I'm still using Atisket because a lot of.. 🤔
      • afaik harmony also has links to spotify, deezer, itunes?
      • in addition to beatport and tidal
      • [12:02] discordbrainz <rustynova> Would definitely be great on the Listenbrainz side tho. Some top recording get assigned to the original author and not the remixer, and IMO it should only be in the remixer's page. <-- agree
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      • binzy_boi[m]
        Question regarding music licenses in the database.
      • I'm wanting to explore more Creative Commons music and contribute to CC music being easier to discover. If a general estimate had to be made, would you all say that Creative Commons licensed music currently in MusicBrainz is adequately documented as being licensed to the Commons, or would you say that Creative Commons licensed music in the database often lacks that documentation stating that the music rights reside in the Commons?
      • Sciencentistguy
        has harmony implemented auto-finding of release groups? that was the thing that burned me enough not to use it
      • enough "whoops dupe" RG-merges
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      • Jigen
        uh, you don't always double check that in the add release screen?
      • I guess I got used to always checking :D (unless in editscreen whre itsalready selected)
      • language though, bandcamp fex, auto selects "english" i had to comment it out because i always forgot to fixif wrong :D
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> Does anyone think all single releases which are tagged with a genre should propagate these genre tags to the single's recording?
      • <10volumetrique> and possibly vice-versa. But that breaks for double-singles (a/b sides), so that would work only for 1-track singles..
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      • <05rustynova> Of course. It should definitively be the same
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      • aerozol[m]
        binzy_boi: in my browsing experience, the minority of CC music in the database has the CC relationship [citation required]
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      • discordbrainz
        <09duckfromdisc> https://musicbrainz.org/release/74d0a28a-e9eb-4... i cannot imagine having to do this