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      • aerozol[m]
        I feel like there is some narrative in that album title that I can’t follow. Fun haha
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      • Jigen
        til that winows historic segue font spesifically censors certan hieroglyps. wtf
      • shoudl be possible to edit the font to *fix* this sisue to spesificaly put the glyps inot where they shoudl be
      • but man, wtf with this censorship
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      • everypizza[m]
        The bridge keeps DMing me "Your connection to the IRC network 'irc.libera.chat' has been lost.'
      • s/.'/."/
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      • discordbrainz
        <08afrocat_> d.ontun.es down?
      • everypizza[m]
        afrocat_: it looks like it's just gone, it doesn't even resolve in DNS
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      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> It is a sad day..
      • <05rustynova> Is there a way to only show releases with unsaved tags on Picard? I got 500 + of those and I can't find the ones that need to be saved
      • <09duckfromdisc> i mean the first bit looks like an octopus
      • <09duckfromdisc> tofu font lmao
      • outsidecontext[m joined the channel
      • outsidecontext[m
        rustynova: maybe the "Remove Perfect Albums" plugin can help you. It allows you to remove all the complete releases without unsaved files from the list.
      • discordbrainz
        <05rustynova> I'll try it
      • <05rustynova> Does it hide incomplete releases that have all their recording matched too? Because I got a lot of those
      • <05rustynova> Welp it doesnt sadly...
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      • <03nik> Is there an automated way to add external links to entities?
      • <03nik> Automated, as in an API I can plug into
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      • Jigen
        ok wtf are the discorders talking about? dontunes? octopus? WHAT?
      • discordbrainz
        <04elomatreb> dontunes is (was?) a site you could use to import ISRCs from Spotify
      • <04elomatreb> the message from duck was in reply to what aerozol wrote before
      • <03metadataismydrug> And duck's octopus comment was replying to aerozol's reply to their link to https://musicbrainz.org/release/74d0a28a-e9eb-4...
      • <04elomatreb> @duckfromdisc remember that replies should be avoided in this channel because they don't make it across the bridges
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      • <05rustynova> > Is there an automated way to add external links to entities? AFAIK, no but yes. There is no official API for it, but like everything, you can reuse the API of the web UI. You'll probably have to reverse engineer it a bit, and be extra careful as apparently disasters have happened before with automated apis
      • cj00 joined the channel
      • <03nik> I can definitely reverse engineer, but want to avoid angering the musicbrainz gods that be 🙏 Of course, any automated process like this needs strong guiderails
      • <05rustynova> If you really want to be sure, ask the Devs in #🔗︱development . But it should be fine.
      • <05rustynova> I did reuse the MSID mapper API from Listenbrainz once too.
      • everypizza[m]
        host it on localhost with a bit of data and mess around with the local API
      • discordbrainz
        <08afrocat_> can't you use the test site? https://test.musicbrainz.org/
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      • <04elomatreb> @nik you can seed the external links input on most edit forms I think
      • <03nik> Seeding the edit doesn't quite hit what I want. It'll still be quite slow
      • <04elomatreb> Fully automated editing is generally not very popular
      • <04elomatreb> it has been done in the past though
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      • <03nik> Those are helpful docs. Thank you 🙏
      • <03nik> I think the scale of what I'm looking to do prevents anything but automated editing. The alternative would be to retain all the data I'm creating, but I'd rather contribute it back into the database.
      • <04elomatreb> what are you trying to do?
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      • <03nik> I'm building something similar to listenbrainz, but with broader support for listening platforms. Building stronger links between spotify/am/etc data and musicbrainz data is a key part of it.
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      • <04elomatreb> be sure to mention your goals on the forums before you start running any bots
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      • aerozol[m]
        If it’s something simple and fool-proof (as much as that is possible) then that’s what bots are for
      • But anything complex, definitely not. The community is still cleaning up automated release additions from yeeeaars ago, from a single bot...
      • Anyone know when the likedisauto fiasco started?
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> I wasn't there back then. What happened?
      • <10volumetrique> Just curious
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      • <10volumetrique> Also, anyone else bothered by the current behaviour of Enter in the Tracklist when filling in artists credits?
      • <10volumetrique> Pressing enter in the dropdown when entering an artist, specifically in the "Edit" advanced box, moves to the next track in the tracklist.
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      • <05rustynova> Might be a bug
      • aerozol[m]
        Is it new behaviour? Since the last server update?
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      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> I feel like it's been here for weeks now
      • <10volumetrique> As shown, pressing enter moves to the next track...
      • <10dvirtz> I also been annoyed by it
      • aerozol[m]
        Weeks is new imo haha. I ask because this change was implemented recently: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-13724
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-13724: Add keyboard shortcuts to move between tracks in tracklist editor
      • aerozol[m]
        And I wonder if that has anything to do with it ( derat )
      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> I don't think it's linked to the keyboard shortcuts between tracks
      • <10volumetrique> It was there before that update.
      • aerozol[m]
        Might need a new ticket/report
      • re. likedisauto (I think I’m writing that wrong…), as far as I know someone ran a bot to import a bunch of releases from a Korean (?) music database, and a lot of users have spent years cleaning up the imports/duplicates/mistakes since
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      • discordbrainz
        <10volumetrique> Oof
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