

      • derwin_
        still this bug where "external links" box doesn't load when you add artist
      • grumble, then didn't accept the edit despite "submit edit" being greyed out
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      • kuolex
        help please. what is being sampled here? beethoven right? which one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehf-UPT0vqw
      • YowieMonkey
        G'day all. Picard: Plugin: View Script Variables: Trying to copy/export to text file hidden values, Is there a way to copy and paste the entire set from the "View script variables" entry from the context menu in the release panel?
      • And a second, unrelated question ... Picard: Option Profiles: Is there any way to specify individual plugins to be active/non-active in terms of profiles?
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      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> Hey derwin_, could you please add a comment on the 'external links' not loading bug on this ticket: MBS-12996
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-12996: 'External Links' fails to load when creating new artist https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-12996
      • discordbrainz
        <12Aerozol> I know bitmap has looked at it a couple of times but had trouble reproducing it. If you have any info that might help please do! I might try corner bitmap at the summit and he can have a look at it on my setup.
      • Command sent from Discord by Aerozol:
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      • <08kingbecher> Hi guys i have an Question regarding adding new albums on Musikbrainz ? Some of german music is not listed on. Is the editing and or adding of information (without the album cover just infos) legal. I mean i live on germany and we are very strict on legal information, Greetings !
      • <04elomatreb> @kingbecher yes, completely legal
      • <08kingbecher> Thanks !
      • <04elomatreb> The only thing you should avoid is copying eg reviews or flavor text verbatim
      • <08kingbecher> flavor text verbatim is meant by lyrics or ?=
      • <08kingbecher> Could not unterstand since English isnt my Main language .. Sorry
      • <08kingbecher> You meant Flavor Text the Box to Comment about the album / Ep / Single ?
      • <04elomatreb> Lyrics are another example yeah
      • <04elomatreb> The description on the back of a CD case or an artist biography in the booklet would be flavor text
      • <04elomatreb> You can use the information contained in these though
      • <08kingbecher> Cool thank for the Informations. Greetings
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      • BobSwift[m]
        YowieMonkey (IRC): I once wrote a Picard plugin to allow you to write to a text file from a script. See https://github.com/rdswift/picard-plugins/tree/... for more information. Unfortunately, you would need to know what all the variables were that you want to write. You could perhaps combine the code from this plugin with the code from the "View Script Variables" plugin to do what you're after.
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      • YowieMonkey
        BobSwift[m] Thanks. I will investigate your plugin to see if it can help me. Of course, the issue is, that I'm actually trying to get the list of variables that are available in the first place! If there are any thoughts on how I can "print" to file or copy to clipboard the comprehensive list of variables for any given release, I'm all ears!
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