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      • lucifer[m]
        !discord bridge 937555302251905084 1193999163344564385
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      • lucifer[m]
      • pong2
      • techmorningstar0
        Aerozol (@_discord_537897767968833566:chatbrainz.org) i sync'ed this channel's permissions with the rest of the category/server to get the bot working. let me know if you want special permissions on this channel.
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      • aerozol[m]
        Thanks lucifer !
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      • JollyRgrs
        so, I've enjoyed adding some of the CDs I have that aren't already in the system (I'm doing my part!), but twice now I've hit a rut. When trying to add an artist that needs disambiguation, that disambiguation field is always red and never lets me submit, no matter what I type in there
      • or it lets me submit, but then fails to contact the db and just errors out :(
      • ok, I might be dumb, nvm me. It seems the check mark ACTUALLY being checked makes a difference :(
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      • elomatreb[m]
        the checkbox that confirms you want to create a new artist?
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      • JollyRgrs
        I think so. probably missed it because it is really hard when the Artist/Credit pop up is on top of the form to fill out if the artist isn't found
      • also, is there a way to add disc IDs without using picard?
      • abcde gives me the disc ID, but I'm not using picard for tagging
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      • elomatreb[m]
        JollyRgrs: There's no UI sald
      • *sadly
      • third-party tools can submit disc IDs using an API, e.g. whipper is a CLI ripper that does this
      • JollyRgrs
        that is a shame. i'd love to contribute that data as well, but alas
      • I'm using ARM (automatic ripping machine) which uses abcde in the backend to tag music, then i use mp3tag for tagging (i've used it for forever). also, i assume picard ONLY does MB database and doesn't also pull from discogs?
      • elomatreb[m]
        yeah, Picard is tied to MB
      • if you really want you can use Picard to submit the disc ID without tagging your files though
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      • (assuming you can run Picard on the system where you have your disc drive)
      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, i just don't feel like installing it and running it JUST to do that. i am ripping with my CD-ROM USB attached to an rpi, served up via iscsi... so I _CAN_ connect it to my windows desktop PC... but that'd interrupt my ripping process
      • I'm roughly half way through at 350 CDs ripped
      • lazybookwyrm[m] joined the channel
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        JollyRgrs: this is an example of a web request to add them https://musicbrainz.org/cdtoc/attach?toc=1+10+1...
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      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, so how would I easily formulate the part telling it what release to associate the disc id with?
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Idk if you can do that automatically tbh, I always use the web gui for that
      • elomatreb[m]
        if it's too annoying to add the disc ID you should not feel pressured to
      • the lack of UI for certain operations like this is really annoying
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      • (ISRCs are another one where we rely on third-party tools for whatever reason)
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        There's another site I'm pretty sure that allows you to submit the toc and it gets the disc id for submission but I don't remember what it's called
      • JollyRgrs
        lazybookwyrm[m]: doesn't have to be automatic, if I can do it via web UI. maybe I don't understand what all the numbers are in front where it has toc= . I only see the tracks=10 and the id fields that I know to change what to
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        toc is the table of contents for the CD, I believe you need it for any discid submissions
      • Aerozol[m]1 joined the channel
      • Aerozol[m]1
        I don't know if the eac-log-lookup tool can submit pure discIDs, but maybe? You can check the other tools here as well: https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/External_Resources
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Also a couple tools mentioned at the bottom of this page https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Disc_ID_Calculation
      • JollyRgrs
        lazybookwyrm[m]: thanks. yeah, there's TOC information (as in number of tracks, etc.) in the abcde logs, but not "toc" with the format in that example url you gave me
      • eh, i'll just have to leave this one be i think
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Yeah, I noticed in ARM's abcde config they mention turning TOC on, so doesn't look like it's a default
      • JollyRgrs
        oh nice!
      • aerozol[m] joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        Depending on the TOC format you can also try the “cdtoc” tool/website at the link I sent
      • Lotheric
        JollyRgrs, YOu can paste the TOC from your ripping logs to https://eac-log-lookup.blogspot.com/
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        That's the site I was thinking of that I couldn't find, thanks Lotheric
      • Lotheric
        not my site but... I use it often :)
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