

      • JetpackJackson_ joined the channel
      • JollyRgrs
        I get the whole vetting process so there aren't bad updates, but man, when I'm in the middle of ripping CDs and I find an edit that needs to be done, I don't want to wait days/week for my edit to go through. I make a change on discogs and it immediately shows up when I scan again for that
      • I'm sure my voice won't change things and again, I get why there is a delay... it just sucks for when I'm trying to currently tag something and "do the right thing" and fix the entry (or put a new one in)
      • Cheezmo has quit
      • Cheezmo_ joined the channel
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Yeah, I get you, I've had to put CDs to the side before too
      • For what it's worth, there is the vote-request places on forum and Discord that you can ask for votes if you're trying to push something through sooner
      • JollyRgrs
        nice, but i'm a bit impatient
      • sadly... i'll just make edits in discogs if i want immediate :/
      • i already had to wait a delay before i could make any edits AT ALL on MB... and then after that, I have to wait for the edits to be voted through
      • again, I get why that is there... I'm not asking for a change, it just pushes some people away
      • tagomago has quit
      • afrocat_0[m] joined the channel
      • afrocat_0[m]
        i think a big part of it is that not a lot of people actually vote on edits
      • you only need 3 positive votes for an edit to go through, either immediately or in 24 hours
      • afrocat_0[m] uploaded an image: (413KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/WWSDsgvMTWQZTkniBbvmzgTX/image.png >
      • JetpackJackson_ has quit
      • volumetrique0[m] joined the channel
      • volumetrique0[m]
        JollyRgrs: find some good friends on MB who share the same interest as you and cross-verify your edits
      • As said by afro, 3 yes and it gets applied
      • scrumplex has quit
      • scrumplex joined the channel
      • JollyRgrs
        volumetrique0[m]: yeah. i'm not trying to be some horrible person, but I legit just don't care that much. I don't have friends in the MB scene, my online friends are just normally into IT or games. and again, I'd want like... < 2 min approval
      • that's just too much work for me
      • like I said, I get it, i'm not asking for a change, just making it known how it affects some people's use of the platform
      • __DuBPiRaTe__ has quit
      • Cheezmo_
        FWIW I just looked at your Thug Love edits and approved them ;-)
      • It would be nice to add the rear cover art to confirm all the featured artist credits but I found a rear cover scan on discogs.
      • JollyRgrs
        Cheezmo_: thanks and yeah, tbh i hate scanning the rear b/c taking the rear out with the two sides is such a PITA. I only sometimes do it
      • i'll try and at least scan the front covers if they aren't there
      • Cheezmo_
        I always try to do front, medium, and rear. I am usually ditching the jewel case anyway so taking it apart is not a big deal.
      • Ran out of space for jewel cases years ago, lol.
      • lazybookwyrm[m] uploaded an image: (146KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/tlhqwQLEilacFkTILReqoTGb/image0.gif >
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Actual footage of me trying to read Discogs scans
      • MetaNova has quit
      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, they crank it down to 600x600 i think... def. not so great in that aspect
      • Cheezmo_: not all discs are jewel cases, a bit harder to preserve the cardboard cases. I still have my CD/DVD/BD cases on the old school racks in the corner of a room. I'd put them in a box somewhere, but those boxes get HEAVY... and I still don't want them in a non-conditioned space
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Actually scanning stuff atm lol
      • Cheezmo_
        Trust me, I know. I have a collection of SACD, DVD-Audio, Blu-ray Audio, etc, all kinds of packaging. For cardboard it is pretty easy to open them up and scan the front and back together, upload that then crop it to just the front and upload that so it is all there but with a nice front cover separate.
      • lazybookwyrm[m] uploaded an image: (699KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/pyCUcLygfZlteFptzaBuqSMy/PXL_20240929_021141364.MP.jpg >
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        I just set up a screen to auto open the scans so I can make sure it worked all right and don't find something rescan worth when I go back to crop and straighten stuff
      • MetaNova joined the channel
      • zayd
        Does Picard have some weird limit on filename sizes? It's refusing to name one of my albums properly when the actual name fits in the filesystem limits
      • Oh, is that what the 259 char path name option is for?