

      • tagomago has quit
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        <zoedivision[m]> "my vinyl is way too overpriced" <- I can also make a digital copy of a CD without nearly as much worry and effort as vinyl.
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      • kirvesAxe
        I never tried Spotify. When I heard from them, they were only available to Windows-desktop and Macintosh-desktop and I had neither, and according to some it did not run (at least not well) under wine in ubuntu. And before that changed, I heard something nasty about how their artist payment system was disrespectful for the artists and never considered them again (:
      • So, overloaded CD shelves and ripping them has been my thing and that probably won't change as long as I live (although digital purchases have came into picture with bandcamp and the like)
      • JollyRgrs
        kirvesAxe: i don't have much of a choice with a wife and 2 daughters wanting to have the same streaming service all their friends do so it is easy to share playlists, etc.
      • and yeah, they do treat artists pretty bad. but tbh, so do record labels and most likely the other streaming services as well. everyone is out to get their $ disregarding anyone else in their way :( bandcamp is about the only one that seems decent (mostly i've not HEARD any negative, but not researched either)
      • i was using google play music until they cut it off :(
      • kirvesAxe
        JollyRgrs, yeah, excluding bandcamp, most of music business seems to run on the blood of the artists ;(
      • JollyRgrs
        that's why i always tried to buy CDs/shirts from the merch tables at concerts. plus, half the concerts i went to, it was the band members doing the table after the show, so you got a chance to talk to them, too!
      • and if not them, it is like their wives/siblings/etc.
      • kirvesAxe
        If the artist is small enough, then buying their music and shirts from their shows might have very little addittional cashgrabbers.
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I don't think that excludes Bandcamp anymore, unfortunately.
      • kirvesAxe
        leftmostcatUTC-7, have they dropped their artist share significantly?
      • JollyRgrs
        last album i bought was a kickstarter album. i know KS takes their cut as well... but at least it was the band doing their own thing (no label after being on one for a while)
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        Actually, you're right, just the blood of its employees.
      • kirvesAxe
        ...ouch :/
      • Well, not really surprised that some things had to go bad with the latest ownership changes of bandcamp :(
      • JollyRgrs
        huh, super fine print at the bottom (I was looking for the (C) year) and it says "Permission granted to burn a copy of tracks 4 and 6 for as many friends as you would like. This is a license for personal, private use, not commercial use"
      • that's kinda cool
      • kirvesAxe
        Ooh :)
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      • M3dj[m]
        Just found out that browser requests increase API limit to 100, but the link's in result #170 so I need a second call with an offset but maybe there's a better way?... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
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      • JollyRgrs
        just had a disc explode in my disc drive :( sigh
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      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        <JollyRgrs> "just had a disc explode in my..." <- Oh, yikes.
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      • JollyRgrs
        leftmostcatUTC-7: yeah. external enclosure, sitting just to the right of me while i'm trying to work... was not expecting it
      • very loud/jarring when not expected
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I can well imagine. Any idea what caused it?
      • JollyRgrs
        leftmostcatUTC-7: only can assume something like microfractures in the disc
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        That sucks. :(
      • JollyRgrs
        (c)2000 disc, i kept them in good condition (as far as scratches) but ofc back in the days, it suffered years of sweltering hot car (not direct sunlight, was inside binder)
      • yup
      • iconoclasthero joined the channel
      • got the drive all cleaned up though (no more rattling, so I think so?) but there is a piece of plastic from the drive that got ripped off... I hope it wasn't important
      • kirvesAxe
        I hope you have backups somewhere?
      • zoedivision[m]
        I had a CD shatter once in a disc drive
      • hairline-type crack in the center hub
      • too much spinning and vibration.... ker-pow!
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I wish Matrix supported strikethrough formatting so I could say ridiculous things while making it clear that I knew they were ridiculous. :P
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      • JollyRgrs
        kirvesAxe: that's what i'm doing now :( I only have 192kbps rips prior. luckily, this one was common enough I could borrow someone else's backup for
      • leftmostcatUTC-7: just put " /s" at the end of your message
      • everypizza[m]
        <leftmostcatUTC-7> "I wish Matrix supported striketh..." <- it does
      • ~~text~~
      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, i know with irc/discord bridges, you just type what you would in there "`" around code, etc. and it'll show up on their end
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        It's possible that some clients support it, but Element doesn't, which suggests to me it's not supported by the spec. Though that could be a bad assumption on my part.
      • JollyRgrs
        ah, that is interesting
      • i don't really touch matrix, so idk how that goes. but much like IRC, there's the spec, and then what the clients do after that. interesting
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        Some formatting is supported, including backticks for preformatted text/code, but what's supported doesn't seem to be all that consistent or broad.
      • MonkeyPython joined the channel
      • MonkeyPython
        I aint old, I'm vintage :DDDD
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        <MonkeyPython> "I aint old, I'm vintage :DDDD" <- I'm "well-seasoned". 😁
      • I... am having an odd community interaction and so I would like to straw poll folks: an entity is named in one way, an editor submits an edit to change it. The style guide does not clearly indicate that either is correct or that either is incorrect. Do you feel that it is appropriate for an editor to vote "no" on the edit based on their own guiding principle?
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      • Cheezmo_
        Not sure there is enough information there. "their own guiding principle" is pretty hard to interpret is that how they described the reason for their vote? I would think more likely based on their interpretation of the guidelines or the way they have seen it usually done or something. If you want more eyes on it link to the edit?
      • ___nick___ has quit
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I've been deliberately a little bit vague as I don't want to brigade or give the appearance that I'm drumming up support against someone, but in this case, I am the editor voting no and it appears to me that someone is suggesting that doing so is inappropriate as the basis for my vote is not grounded in an existing guideline.
      • Cheezmo_
        I was about to suggest that voting no is just as valid as making the edit in the first place. If there is not a reason to change it, why?
      • But in the end if the guidelines don't say one way or the other it is kind of just a matter of which editors care more and really not worth fighting over unless you can make a case for consistency with other such naming.
      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        Mostly I'm just confused by the implication and wanted to get others' views in case I am doing something problematic. I appreciate any feedback.
      • rustynova0[m]
        > I wish Matrix supported strikethrough
      • Ignore markdown. Go back to /s
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      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        I don't know that what I wanted to say was sarcastic so much as just a bad joke.
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      • JollyRgrs
        the problem, if the issue is vague (guidelines don't say which way to do it), then this thing can just flip-flop back and forth ad naseum. i'd suggest trying to open a channel of discourse between you and the editor and also allowing others to comment to try and come to an agreed-upon community guideline for this situation
      • otherwise, the entire community suffers as you have two people doing things two different ways and never agreeing. even if the two NEVER agree, if the community speaks their mind, the winning way should be the way it is done, right?
      • rustynova0[m]
        One thing I also notice is not enough "no" votes. If you find a edit you don't agreed with, or not sure yet, feel free to vote no. Or else the other may not respond, then you forget, and the edit pass nonetheless.
      • I got plenty of edits that had edits notes saying it's pretty sus yet voted abstain
      • __DuBPiRaTe__ joined the channel
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      • Would be so great to be able to see for all the releases of an label where there are different artist credits to the recordings. Subsidia is so messed up...
      • Should be able to code something myself but I'm not close to be able to get whole label data with Listenbrainz tools...
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      • leftmostcatUTC-7
        <rustynova0[m]> "One thing I also notice is not..." <- I'm of two minds. "no" generally keeps things from just being ignored, but it also means the editor has to either convince the voter (which is not always possible) or try to gather people to balance out the "no".
      • mven97 has quit
      • I vote "no" when I feel it's appropriate, but it's always rough when I get a "no" vote and I try to keep that in mind.
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      • aerozol[m]
        I try to avoid no votes, but where there is no clear guideline I think it is fine to vote by opinion. imo it is also fair to go to the community for consensus - the more votes the more binding the decision (you can point to that vote result in future/no back and forth editing)
      • Always nice to have a good dialogue with the editor first though
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