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      • duckfromdisc[m]
        if im adding a compilation with a lot of new artists, i can just add them right?
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      • afrocat_0[m]
        yeah just make sure you search for them before adding a new artist
      • recordings also
      • compilations are like the number 1 way artists and recordings get duplicates
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        i did
      • and yeah i can see why
      • wait if youre having an artist with two separate aliases that's one Person right?
      • like an alias in the literal sense. for example "telepath" and "Virtual Dream Plaza" are both one person
      • afrocat_0[m]
        two separate aliases that release different music get separate pages + a link back to the legal name page of the artist, so the artist "performs as" both of them
      • if the artist just changed their name but the discography is the same, then a single page using aliases is fine for both names
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        what if i don't know the legal name
      • they basically just told me on discord "my main aritst name is __ and i also released under __"
      • s/__/\\_\_/, s/__/\_\_/
      • afrocat_0[m]
        https://musicbrainz.org/artist/3ce8cd3b-c65a-4c... virtual dream plaza looks like already has a bunch of different aliases
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        s/__/\_\_/, s/__/\_\_/
      • they're all linked to each other
      • how did they do that
      • afrocat_0[m]
        if you go to the legal name page https://musicbrainz.org/artist/ab6375da-2631-4b... you can see they have "performs as" relationships to every alias page
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        In those cases standards is to use the "performs as" relationships that afro mentioned and just use the main or most popular alias as the one you link the others to
      • afrocat_0[m]
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        ok so
      • - create main artist name as "Person" (already done) and link it to bandcamp [done]
      • - create a second one as second artist name and have it "performs as" main artist
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      • so theyre separate artist uuids and both "person" but one has a performs as as the other?
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Yeah, if they're separate projects then you keep them as separate artists
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        but both are 'person'?
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        yeah, the type is just who's behind the artist (with the exception of characters)
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        do u guys generally put in an edit note 'i know this relationship exists because the artist told me'
      • cause thats literally what happened
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Yeah, that's fine as an edit note
      • duckfromdisc[m]
      • alr i wasnt sure if that was like acceptable
      • im in a compilation and i just asked what everyones bandcamps are lol (usually theyre listed but that didnt happen here ig)
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        I normally just put "from my copy" when I'm adding a lot of CDs. It's enough info that people know you should be ok to believe lol
      • * of CDs that aren't on mb. It's
      • Any info is better than none. It's the edits from like 8 years ago with no edit notes that I hate, the editor probably doesn't even remember anymore lol
      • When I'm doing edits from data online I just paste all the links I use
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        i might've done it backwards
      • it's (secondary name) performs as (primary name) right?
      • JollyRgrs
        lazybookwyrm[m]: lol, i feel better now
      • i keep using the same notes on my edits "from my copy, etc."
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        do i have to do one that says "i found the person's discord account and checked their bio and found out this is their alias"
      • that sounds weird
      • and even though its the only time this alias has ever been used, 'artist as credited' won't really work because that's more for stylizations than a technically separate 'artist'
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      • im putting in WORK
      • aerozol[m]
        Putting in great work
      • If it makes you feel better, sometimes I have to leave edit notes like "could not find any info on this artist"
      • For compilations. If I know the genre I'll add that to the disambiguation to be at least slightly helpful. If it's a NZ compilation sometimes stuff like "New Zealand? punk"
      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        Also, annotations can be good for leaving notes for editors if you're not sure about stuff.
      • duckfromdisc[m] uploaded an image: (12KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/ieihNFrMkKBUOltvooMZPkcI/image.png >
      • duckfromdisc[m]
      • this may warrant a tribute album since it's got some remixes and some original but the idea is that it's a tribute to an artist
      • i also found out by accident that another artist on this compilation with me was also on ANOTHER one with me
      • * by accident (clicking their name in musicbrainz) that another
      • * i also found out by accident (clicking their name in musicbrainz) that another artist on this compilation with me was also on ANOTHER compilation with me
      • https://musicbrainz.org/release/0dbb2b57-bda4-4... took about an hour since im still sort of new but here we go
      • and thank you aerozol 🙂
      • aerozol[m]
        Really excellent work! Compilations are a pain (but can be satisfying if you like an excuse to add lots of stuff)
      • duckfromdisc[m] uploaded an image: (18KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/qtIEZKnSkFinBcouqgBofxKp/image.png >
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        i had an excuse to make this not true anymore
      • (i said "i dont think ive had to create an artist yet" last week LOL)
      • aerozol[m]
        In a big way!
      • Cool cover art. Are you going to add it or shall I :)
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        you may if you'd like
      • ill find your edit and follow you
      • aerozol[m]
        Two other small notes: I would apply guess case to the tracks “A Film Can Only Live In The Dark” and “Mutant Standard (Sunset Phase Remix)”
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        what exactly is guess case?
      • aerozol[m]
        The track called “chasing” looks like obvious artist intent, to leave all lowercase
      • If you go to the tracklist editor there is a ‘guess case’ button at the bottom right. There is also a little [Aa] button next to each track. Click and see! :)
      • duckfromdisc[m]
      • this reminds me of my first question here when i was asking about tracker mix vs Tracker Mix
      • bandcamp had it written the way it was imported but i guess musicbrainz wants us to change the capitalization
      • (is that correct?)
      • aerozol[m]
        In MusicBrainz we change/fix the capitalisation (when it’s written in English) to use Title Case. The exception is when it’s artist intent to use different caps
      • In other words, often stuff has incorrect caps because the artist doesn’t know and doesn’t care. Then we standardise it. It’s a bit of a grey area, but that release is a good example. “chasing” has the artist name in all lower case and it doesn’t seem by accident that it’s lowercase, so we leave it
      • If you think that’s dumb at least we’re not Discogs where they apply Camelcase On Ever Song Name No Matter What The Artist Did 🥲
      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, i started my ripping project with "whoever has the data" and slowly started grumbling and sometimes taking the time to update MB even if it is in discogs
      • aerozol[m]
        Managing to both piss off people who like artist intent AND people who like standardised english ¯_(ツ)_/¯
      • JollyRgrs
        discogs also (doesn't) handle sub-credits to a song
      • aerozol[m]
        Discogs is a gem of a resource but they aren’t data nerd enough, for sure
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        i have followed you aerozol
      • aerozol[m]
        Nice one, feel free to unsubscribe if you get sick of a flood of Bandcamp imports which is more or less what I do (and it’s Bandcamp Friday soon!)
      • Thanks for updating the track casing, perfect. There is one more thing you can do if you’re not sick of editing that release yet
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        couple minutes before i go to bed, what's up?
      • aerozol[m]
        Now that you’ve edited the tracklist you can edit the release, and go to the ‘Recordings’ tab. Check the ‘Update the recording title to match the track title.’ where relevant, and save :)
      • It’s in no way obvious, but because MB disconnects tracklists from recording entities (which is also awesome for a bunch of reasons) when you edit the tracklist it doesn’t automatically carry over
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        done 😎
      • aerozol[m]
      • Sleep tight
      • JollyRgrs
        aerozol[m]: i do love that. a lot easier to find what compilations the song might be on, or what artist's album a song is that you know know from a compilation
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        yeah like i accidentally found out me and someone else on here were on another compilation
      • JollyRgrs
        yeah, that's pretty cool
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        by clicking on their artist name and seeing only one other.. wait a second why does it say "album + compilation"?
      • JollyRgrs
      • i'm dreading my ripping journey. I'm about 560 CDs in out of roughly maybe 700... but the last 30-50 are "various artists"
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      • duckfromdisc[m]
        oh jeez! shouldn't this have a secondary type of "compilation"?!
      • we missed that, oops
      • aerozol[m]
        Don’t worry, it’s normal to come back to make improvements later :D
      • 560 CDs deep JollyRgrs, crazy big effort. Then it’s time to thrift shop more CDs haha