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      • kirvesAxe
        If I find a mistyped track title on an album, does it get fixed on all necessary levels if I fix it on just one place (work/recording/release) or do I have to make several edits for it?
      • (found a wacky case... the physical album has one version of the track title in the back cover, another in the lyrics booklet, but pretty much every source on the web - including mb, spotify and tidal - use a third version which is definately wrong, probably a copypaste fail by someone who does not understand the language they were dealing with :)
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      • lazybookwyrm[m]
        kirvesAxe: if you edit a release's track list then you can check a box that copies the change to the recording. If there's multiple releases you'll have to edit the track lists individually. You'll also have to edit the work separately.
      • kirvesAxe
        lazybookwyrm[m], thanks :)
      • I guess I'll do the edits once I have gotten around taking decent photos of the album cover and back cover (the latter one specially as proof about the incorrect name)
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