

      • uoooohhh[m] has quit
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      • duckfromdisc[m]
        was there gonna be something happening with genres coming from RYM in the works or did i dream that
      • cpli8754[m] joined the channel
      • cpli8754[m]
        how does that work with dynamic bpm.. i guess i'm not even familiar if there's machinery for synced lyrics, maybe i should look into that..
      • crism has quit
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        i forgot abouyt dynamic bpm
      • cpli8754[m]
        <cpli8754[m]> "how does that work with dynamic..." <- [Add support for preserving the SYLT tag, for synchronised lyrics#1092](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/plu...
      • closed in favor of [Comprehensive tag support#1048](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/pl...
      • BrainzBot
        PICARD-1092: Add support for preserving the SYLT tag, for synchronised lyrics
      • PICARD-1048: Comprehensive tag support
      • cpli8754[m]
        oh, good bot
      • aye [@_discord_360184635868839936:chatbrainz.org](https://matrix.to/#/@_discord_360184635868839936:chatbrainz.org)?
      • <duckfromdisc[m]> "i forgot abouyt dynamic bpm" <- if you want sophisticated timing information (useful for dj-sets, rhythm games, etc) you'd also want- [lrc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LRC_%28file_format%29?wprov=sfla1) already has μs resolution
      • MonkeyPython joined the channel
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      • duckfromdisc[m]
        oh believe me i know everything about lrc
      • (this is a reference to asking for lrc support to be added to various music servers for months)
      • MyNetAz joined the channel
      • tagomago has quit
      • i think next april fools there should be a new release type called a "sample pack" and a relationship for recording-sample packs
      • scrumplex has quit
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      • crism joined the channel
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      • YoMo12[m] joined the channel
      • YoMo12[m]
        MB is very slow now
      • aerozol[m]
        Are you on the beta server YoMo12 ?
      • hypeventure[m] uploaded an audio file: (702KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/eziIbSPPfknTKWGxZjminsmU/recording1734847814981539.ogg >
      • YoMo12[m]
      • hypeventure[m]
        hypeventure[m]: Yeah I can still speak right now but the instability on my voice just annoying me
      • Damn it
      • My throat hurts but I didn't feel it.
      • aerozol[m]
        Hmm MB prod is going okay for me. Uploading big pictures is taking forever though, but I believe that’s the IA
      • Sorry to hear that hypeventure. Voice sounds fine though tbh :)
      • hypeventure[m]
        aerozol[m]: Yea, just that instability when I pitching high
      • Or going low
      • Like... My note range is narrowing so much compare to how I sounds like naturally
      • Kinda like A.I voice being cracked
      • aerozol[m]
        Are you a singer?
      • hypeventure[m]
        Not though
      • But it does annoying me still. At least when talking
      • Had to take more breath, sounds like something is stuck on my throat
      • aerozol[m]
        Sounds fine to me! Listening back to your own voice is always a terrible idea :D
      • hypeventure[m]
        aerozol[m]: Yah..
      • Says on the entry, I'm more like on the producer side
      • Not singer though
      • neilt has quit
      • romi[m] joined the channel
      • romi[m]
        hi — this release (https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/4a89ad6d-...) is a re-release of a lost LP from 1972. There’s not much info about it online, but the artist name then should have been 梵天太郎 rather than Bonten Tarô I guess, and the titles of the album 彫清・番外地演歌/凡天太郎の魅力 rather than the french translation.
      • Should I edit the release group, the tracks, and the artist to be in japanese? Or is the only surviving label the trusted source now?
      • tagomago joined the channel
      • aerozol[m]
        The release should reflect what’s on that specific release/the cover. The release group you could change to the original? Ideally you would add the 1972 LP to the group as well, and add the French title as an alias
      • romi[m]
        Just found the original on mercari https://jp.mercari.com/item/m98838232123
      • i’ll investigate a bit more and add the aliases on the french releases :)
      • aerozol[m]
        Nice! re. alias I meant adding the french title (Horikiyo: Chansons Populaires D’Un Vagabond) to the release group alias, after changing the actual release group to Japanese
      • Just means that a search for either title will find the release group :)
      • romi[m]
        gotcha, and for the tracks as well :)
      • aerozol[m]
        If you want, but that’s a lot of work! Since you will be leaving the tracklist as-is on the French release I think they will still be findable
      • Are you familiar with how recordings and tracklists work in MB?
      • romi[m]
        what i got: recording have their own entries, tracklists are tied to a single release and links to a list of recordings
      • So I guess that having another set of recordings for the tracklist of the original LP would be a great starter, and leave the tracklist/recordings of the french release as-is?
      • aerozol[m]
        This is where MB/recordings really shine - In this case you want to use the same recordings for both releases (JP + French), but leave the tracklists as they are shown on each release
      • In other words, the database is acknowledging that both releases contain the same music/recordings, but also storing that they are presented differently on different releases
      • Island_ has quit
      • The recording itself can be set to the most “canonical” title and artist credit, in this case almost certainly the JP versions
      • romi[m]
        brilliant, I’ll check that out :^)
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