I've got a hot take nobody asked for..... if you've got a release with titles 100% in English, stylized in lowercase, which would be standardized in all other contexts; ..... but the band is Japanese so they have special exemption from English case standardization ...... that now the release needs an annotation warning users *not* to standardize the capitalization ..... maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might be a tad misguided simply to
allow print stylization be slavishly reproduced no matter the context : )
i think i agree
when i do romaji stuff, lowercased english stays that way
cause of the whole "as on the release" rule
I believe for every release with deliberate, intentional stylization, there's just as many where the artist truly doesn't give a flying frick about their stylization. Just like the rest of the music world globally lol.
there needs to be a more quantitative deciding factor
oh im sure
i suspect that many of the ones that are mixed in original dont really think about that
but i still go with artist intent
even lazy intent
but I feel peril lies in 'well it's printed all lowercase so that's what they wanted' because that applies..... to like a ridiculous amount of material worldwide
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then go with it
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i mean, what's the reason for imposing our particular style tendencies
it's not 100% quantitative but I would daresay you'd find a large swath of the intently heavily stylized items are represented by large music corporations who control that sort of things moreso than the performers themselves
well, in the sort of situation I'm suggesting, common sense would standardize capitalization for literally any other such release
aside from a written manifesto from the artist saying, *"don't you dare capitalize them titles"*
like, i dont agree that it's common sense
no further questions your honor lol
with that settled, the court would like to request pictures of cats with moustaches
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>:-{3 —meow
Σ:-{3 —meow even better
But I take this as the actual legal doctrine of “the exception proves the rule.” On Tori Amos’s _From the Choirgirl Hotel_, most of the tracks have normal title case, but “i i e e e” is written very differently. That is compelling evidence that the intended capitalization for that track (and work) is exactly that. But when an artist has what looks like a *stylistic* choice—ALL CAPS, all lower, raNdOm CAps—I take that a
the question is, do you know better? do you know /enough/ to override it?
the common sense would be that if you don't outright /know/ ..... then .... you just dont know
I assume that titles are normalized according to the prevailing cultural conventions, unless I see clear signs of artist intent to do otherwise. The album designer is not the artist.
that is a glorious cat
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the main thing to realize is that japanese script doesnt have capitals
so there is no convention
but the titles are english
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English titles have conventions
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generally yes
they exist as a concept
but that doesn't mean you can't go to print without them
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what I'm getting from your side is style standardization should never be a thing, and graphic design always has the rule of day
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its more like
....what actually good reason do we have to override someone else's thing?
the good reasons are called style guidlines
except we're just some random website
both in MB and without in the overall copywriting print world
why should us having a website mean that we get to set guidelines that override what was actually done
hang on there
by your logic
we must inherently assume that anything that gets to print is intentional
I'm sorry, but I thought that was YOUR logic
I vehemently disagree
if we are to assume that style guides rule the day
we must, necessarily, extend that to the printing of the covers
the song labelling
and if we assume that, then it /would/ be title case
but I'm also clearly wasting my time here
so if it /isn't/ .... then that has to mean something
so if we insist that style guides rule the day, we must insist that things that veer from that are doing so intentionally
and if we don't, then we don't need to "correct" it
what i'm really getting at though is that i don't feel comfortable deciding that someone from somewhere else must have been wrong, and i must impose what i think is correct, in this regard