Is there any way for an application to submit tags on behalf of a user without having to ask for the users username and password?
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How would you prove that the user had actually submitted the tags? That sounds like a recipe for disaster, unless I'm missing something.
I could see having temporary oauth tokens for submitting to the API instead of raw credentials. Those token would be API only so the app doesn't have full access to your MB account.
Although __please__ don't do it like YouTube. Nobody wants to register applications and have secondary credentials
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there's no way to submit edits to the main text part of the database - it's strongly recommended to do edits via the musicbrainz editor pages because of the tools, validations, and links to the docs available there. Note that for adding new releases, the release editor supports "seeding", which lets you provide some pre-filled values.
Musicbrainz does already have oauth tokens and such for applications - I use that in my isrc submission tool for example (click login in the top right).
but the data you can submit with that is limited to ... isrcs and scanned barcodes, i think?